Weiwei didn't expect that Liu Shishi would suddenly take a fancy to the skewers in her hand. She thought that Liu Shishi must have eaten a lot of big skewers with Qin Yan just now.

And she had already bitten half of the skewers in her hand.

But since Liu Shishi had spoken, Weiwei still put the skewers in front of Liu Shishi.

"I have eaten half of this skewer. If you want to eat it, I will give it to you to try."

When handing the skewer to Liu Shishi, Weiwei was still reluctant to part with it. The whole skewer was really delicious. The meat was particularly fragrant. It was not greasy to eat with side dishes and fruits.

The whole skewer did not have a particularly strong taste, only the original meat fragrance.

The more she chewed, the more satisfied she felt.

Liu Shishi also saw Weiwei's reluctance. Needless to say, they really thought Qin Yan's skewers were delicious. At this time, Liu Shishi used clean gloves to take off a small piece of meat and a little pineapple.

The rest was given to Weiwei to eat, and she would not take it all.

Qin Yan was standing aside and did not stop her. He knew that nothing he said could stop Liu Shishi from eating this piece of meat.

Since she messed up, let her go!

In Qin Yan's view, Liu Shishi would most likely break down when the answer was revealed.

It didn't matter to Qin Yan whether she broke down or not. He didn't care that he had a bad impression in other people's minds, and he had no intention of flirting with Liu Shishi.

Liu Shishi ate the meat and pineapple in one bite. The sweet taste mixed with the meat The whole feeling is similar to eating sweet and sour squirrel fish.

But Liu Shishi feels that this taste is different from that of squirrel fish. In short, it is sweet and sour, with a moderate taste. The meat is very fragrant in the mouth and not greasy at all.

Liu Shishi is particularly savorful.

At the same time, the problem that has troubled Liu Shishi for most of the day was finally solved.

She is not stupid. Of course, she knows that she has been fooled by Qin Yan all day. If she hadn't mustered up the courage to try it for the last time, she would have been fooled by Qin Yan.

The audience was curious about what happened to Liu Shishi today?

She kept saying that Qin Yan's barbecue was not delicious, but she kept trying it. It felt that her behavior was very strange.

If it were another girl at this moment, she would definitely lose her temper with Qin Yan, and expose the details of Qin Yan's tricks on her in front of the camera.

Humph, a man with a lower head!!

Unexpectedly, after Liu Shishi looked at Qin Yan meaningfully, she exclaimed:"I have never tried a combination of pineapple and lamb before, so I was a little uncomfortable with it the first few times."

"Now I'm finally used to it, and I find that Qin Yan's craftsmanship is so good, I can't even get enough of it!"

After listening to Liu Shishi's explanation, the audience and cameramen realized that this was what happened.

Only Yang Mi lamented that Liu Shishi really had emotional intelligence.

A smart woman would not make a man lose face in front of so many people.

Liu Shishi The poem didn't expose Qin Yan, just to save Qin Yan's face.

Although Qin Yan didn't need Liu Shishi to do this at all, this detail seemed trivial, but if it were someone else who was being teased by Qin Yan, it would be even more embarrassing. They were almost made to doubt their life. Who could resist getting angry?

Seeing that it was already 1:30 in the afternoon, neither Liu Shishi nor Qin Yan had lunch. Finally, Liu Shishi thought about it and said

"Should we go to the restaurant for lunch or cook at the villa?"

"If I go back to the villa, I can cook for you, but you need to help me. The date between the two of them was not over yet. Qin Yan thought that no matter what he chose, he would not be able to escape having lunch with Liu Shishi.

Finally, Qin Yan made the decision:"Let's go back to the villa. This place is closer to the villa.""

Qin Yan also wanted to return to the villa quickly, which would be equivalent to acknowledging that the date between the two of them was over.

"OK, listen to you!"Looking at Liu Shishi's soft voice, she really sounded like a virtuous wife.

Many viewers felt that the two people were just like a young couple when they were discussing a meal.

After bidding farewell to Liu Genghong and his wife, Qin Yan and Liu Shishi returned to the villa. They started cooking. The two of them didn't talk much, and they didn't show any awkwardness.

Liu Shishi washed the vegetables, Qin Yan cut the vegetables, and Qin Yan was on the side to direct the matter. Shi Shi was exposed. When cooking, she asked Qin Yan for advice on how to cook delicious food.

For Qin Yan, it was just a matter of words. Liu Shishi was doing the cooking anyway. Shi Shi found that she had benefited a lot from Qin Yan's guidance, and she felt that her cooking skills had improved significantly.

Flower and fish fillet soup.

Four dishes and one soup, very rich! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Liu Shishi wouldn’t have dared to make so much for lunch if Qin Yan hadn’t been eating with her. She had to maintain her figure at all times.

But now, she could only sigh that it was rare for her to fall down!

After Qin Yan's guidance, Liu Shishi was surprised that the food she cooked today was several times better than usual.

I learned how good Qin Yan's cooking skills are.

During lunch, the two of them didn't talk much. They only talked about cooking, which

Liu Shishi loved to do in life. Food, today she lamented that she finally found an excellent cooking teacher. After eating and drinking, Qin Yan was going to Liu Genghong's gym and wanted to take a rest.

I invited him and said that there was no one in the gym today.

I hope Qin Yan can come to their place after a good meal, so he can swim as much as he wants. Qin Yan’s time will be wasted if no one uses it.

, they all had to drain water and clean up. Anyway, the couple told Qin Yan that they were excited and just went to their place to relieve their fatigue.

Seeing Qin Yan getting ready to go out, Liu Shishi asked curiously:"Are you going to go to the gym?

Qin Yan nodded,"Well, I'm ready to go out!""

"I want to go out with you too! Liu Shishi said without thinking.

Qin Yan was a little surprised:"I see you are quite tired. Why don't you take a rest?""

"It doesn't matter, our date today is not over yet!"

Liu Shishi's words made Yang Chenglin and others exclaim:"Wow, so clingy, so cute!"

He Jiong, Liu Tianxian, Yang Mi, Du Haitao and others were all shocked by Liu Shishi. This is the big star Liu Shishi.

No one has ever seen her so clingy.

The audience was surprised in the barrage.

Damn, Liu Shishi successfully flirted with me!

Please give me a bunch of such clingy girlfriends!

I'm already jealous, how can Qin Yan be so worthy!

Such a beautiful and clingy girlfriend, I can't find it in my dreams! I can only say that

Qin Yan is really awesome, and he can make Liu Shishi such a little woman!.

: Tử Thủy Lam

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