Although Qin Yan had said hello to Liu Shishi when he was grabbing his ankles for guidance.

Although she was mentally prepared, Liu Shishi found that her heartbeat was still racing. It was the first time in her life that she was so close to a boy.

Qin Yan personally feels that his behavior is normal. After all, it is normal for girls to come to the gym and ask male coaches to press their legs and guide their movements. Physical contact is so normal.

Compared with those people, Qin Yanzhen is already a gentleman.

Qin Yan thought that Liu Shishi had hired a male coach and had long been accustomed to this kind of thing. Little did he know that Liu Shishi had been exposed to traditional education since he was a child.

I have never had such physical contact with a boy in my whole life.

Her entire family's values are very traditional.

Otherwise she wouldn't be so conservative in her clothes.

Maybe to other girls, wearing a short skirt or shorts is normal.

But this style is not allowed in Liu Shishi's family.

Thanks to her family, Liu Shishi was taught the three obediences, four virtues, music, chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child. She was born with the temperament of an Oriental woman who is knowledgeable and sensible.

Many directors will immediately think of Liu Shishi when they have a role like an oriental beauty or a lady.

As for Yang Mi and Sister Tianxian, their styles are completely different.

Sister Tianxian's style is cold and otherworldly. Yang Mi's style is that of a powerful empress, unattainable.

Although Liu Shishi felt nervous when facing Qin Yan's intimacy, she still restrained herself from showing it in the end.

She personally likes that Qin Yan is so close to her.

Qin Yan soon corrected Liu Shishi's treading water posture, then dragged her belly and let her swim in the air for a few times. After making sure that Liu Shishi had corrected it, he allowed Liu Shishi to act on her own.

"In the early stage, you don’t need to be fast or efficient, just swim slowly, and stand up and take a break when you are tired. You will integrate your posture into your instinct and muscle memory, and you will naturally be fast."

It was around 4 pm when Yu Bowen's luxury car arrived at the parking lot. He and Reba got out of the car. Looking at the villa so close, Reba sighed that she was finally back.

She didn't feel happy at all on today's"date". It was so boring.

Yu Bowen felt disappointed when he looked at Reba. He felt that there was no point in dating Reba.

This girl is so stupid. She didn't want the expensive bags he gave her, and she didn't want to buy necklaces, clothes, shoes, and expensive perfumes....Reba refused all of them. Yu

Bowen thought that if he wanted to change to another girl, the things he gave would be enough to make her completely submissive.

But Reba didn't want this or that. When faced with such a stubborn person, Yu Bowen was just annoyed. He brought her to his company to show his strength.

As a result, Reba was not too surprised, as if she was not surprised at all that Yu Bowen had these things.

It can only be said that when he met someone like Reba who was not materialistic, Yu Bowen had no idea how to date her.

Looking at the time, the two of them had returned to the villa before it was dark.

Arriving at the villa meant that their date was over. If you didn't know, you would think that he, Yu Bowen, was incompetent and ended the date so early.

This morning, Yu Bowen still thought that Reba, a small-time celebrity, was easy to deal with. As long as he showed his strength a little, she would easily kneel down and lick his ass.

Maybe late at night, she would still stick to him and didn't want to separate.

But he didn't expect the two to come back so early.

Think about it, if they were the first to come back among everyone, Yu Bowen would feel embarrassed.

Yu Bowen just thought of these things when he noticed Hua Siyuan's car coming.

On the way back, Hua Siyuan's face was not very good. He felt that his date with Bai Lu ended so early. If others came back very late, it would be very embarrassing!

Anyway, his date with Bai Lu today was not very smooth.

The two walked around the amusement park bored, and Hua Siyuan couldn't arouse Bai Lu's interest in any topic. I want to buy some small gifts for Bai Lu to please her.

Bai Lu actually decided to bring one for Song Yuqi, Reba, and Liu Shishi in the villa. The most important thing is that Qin Yan must also be a small gift.

There are four male guests in the villa!

Bai Lu couldn't think of the other male guests, and only thought about bringing one for Qin Yan. It is clear at a glance who among the male guests holds the most important position in Bai Lu's heart.

Isn't it said that Hua Hudie's personality is naturally resistant to the sentimental Xiaoyu?

Hua Siyuan was speechless. Why can't he overcome it? ? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When Hua Siyuan set out for the date this morning, he also vowed that the two of them must date until late at night. Not only did he kill Bai Lu, he also had to do some intimate actions with her to take advantage of her.

As a result, the two of them didn't talk to each other for a whole day, and the distance between them when walking on the road was almost more than one meter.

When he arrived at the parking lot, he saw Yu Bowen and Reba seemed to have returned a little earlier than him. Hua Siyuan was secretly happy, at least he was not the only one who was embarrassed.

When Hua Siyuan packed up and got out of the car, he saw Cheng Yan's car coming from a distance.

Great! They all came back at this time!!

Hua Siyuan and Yu Bowen were in a much better mood in an instant.

It seems that today's date is not going well.

A date that doesn't last until dinner is not considered a pass, and a date that doesn't last until after ten o'clock is not considered an excellent result.

If your date lasts until the next day, then congratulations, you have passed the exam!!

Yu Bowen arrived at the door of the villa first, and he became happier after opening the door and going in. Because he saw Qin Yan and Liu Shishi's shoes were neatly placed in the entrance.

What does this mean? He is not the most unsuccessful one.

Qin Yan is the most unsuccessful one!

Who knows how unsuccessful he is, he actually returned to the villa with Liu Shishi so early.

"How can a little brat possibly handle a woman like Liu Shishi!"Yu Bowen has been chasing after Liu Shishi for so many years, and he knows very well how high her standards are.

However, in Yu Bowen's opinion, the greater the challenge, the greater the sense of accomplishment when he finally wins and bows down in front of the spoils.

As the wolf king, what he wants is to conquer!

Yu Bowen changed his shoes and Hua Siyuan just walked in. Seeing that Qin Yan and Liu Shishi's shoes were already there, he couldn't help but smile.

Some viewers were puzzled as to why Hua Siyuan and Yu the actor could laugh so happily when they saw Qin Yan's shoes.

As a regular customer of the dating show, Yang Chenglin explained it to everyone directly

"You must know that men always have a strange desire to win and lose."

"I don't know when, when male and female guests go out on a date, the longer the date with the female guest, the more it shows that the male guest is capable."

"I don't know when this became a tacit agreement."

"Anyway, they saw Qin Yan's shoes in the villa, which meant that Qin Yan and Liu Shishi had returned long ago. They probably thought that Qin Yan was the most incompetent, and the date was so over."

After hearing Yang Chenglin's explanation, Yang Mi nodded. This was indeed the first time she heard of this.

At the same time, Yang Mi smiled secretly, saying that her husband was incompetent?

After they went in, were they sure they would not be scared by the state of Liu Shishi and Qin Yan? Four.: Tử Thủy Lam

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