Hua Siyuan and Yu Bowen, who were at the entrance at this time, heard Liu Shishi's voice the moment they entered the door.

The other party's voice came from the direction of the kitchen.

After Liu Shishi poured oil into the pot, she neatly poured the corn kernels into the pot.

She was trying to make some popcorn so that everyone could have a snack when they came back.

Liu Shishi has been with Qin Yan for most of the day, and she feels that her cooking skills have improved rapidly. She can clearly feel that she is more adept at cooking.

Liu Shishi was seen gently turning the corn in the pot, and showing off to Qin Yan with a little pride.

"I feel like I have completely figured out the temper of this pot now. You see, it doesn’t get angry easily now."

Liu Shishi had just felt a little proud here, and the next second the oil in the"917" pot started to burn. Liu Shishi didn't expect that the pot was so disrespectful. Just as he felt proud, it started to burn. His own face.

He couldn't help but exclaimed!

One thing to say, the scene in front of him really made Qin Yan laugh. Seeing Liu Shishi being slapped in the face so quickly, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Is this okay, you stinky sister!"

""You want a beating!" Liu Shishi, who was sitting by the pot, was also laughing at the moment. She raised her hand and looked at Qin Yan, pretending to hit him. Qin Yan's teasing not only did not make her angry at all, but made her look even happier.

Everyone could see that Liu Shishi was enjoying joking with Qin Yan now.

In the end, Liu Shishi frightened Qin Yan, but she still couldn't bear to let her snow-white palm fall on Qin Yan. If this happened to Bai Lu, she would have punched Qin Yan twice.

The scene of the two people flirting in the kitchen was so sweet in the eyes of the audience.

Countless people sighed that Qin Yan was awesome, and that he could tame such a little woman for Liu Shishi. Before, Liu Shishi was calm and composed, and it was difficult for her to have too much emotional fluctuations about anything....Elegant woman.

Yang Mi secretly sighed at Qin Yan's mouth!!

Usually when Yang Mi was in front of Qin Yan, she would be forced to be a punching bag by Qin Yan every time. She was happy, but she didn't expect that Liu Shishi couldn't escape Qin Yan's clutches. When

Yu Yingdi and the others didn't come back, Qin Yan had teased Liu Shishi a lot.

Although Liu Shishi was hit in the face by the pot just now, her ability to remain calm in the face of danger is indeed good.

At this time, she was not nervous about the fire in the pot at all. While joking with Qin Yan, she covered the pot with her hand.

After a while, the fire went out, and the popcorn in the pot began to crackle.

Looking inside through the transparent lid, Qin Yan knew at a glance that this pot of popcorn was well popped.

At the same time, Qin Yan turned back and happened to see Yu Bowen and Hua Siyuan, who were stunned near the entrance. It can be said that Qin Yan and Liu Shishi's flirting was completely seen by the two people.

They all thought that there was something wrong with them.

What did Qin Yan call Liu Shishi just now?

Stinky sister! ?

Who in the entertainment industry dares to be as rampant as Qin Yan? Don't you want to die!

Qin Yan not only yelled at Liu Shishi, but the key is that she is not angry at all. It seems that Liu Shishi enjoys this kind of playfulness.

Yu Bowen and Liu Shishi have known each other for such a long time. When have you ever seen her be so intimate with a man?

I thought that the date between Liu Shishi and Qin Yan was the most failed, but I didn't expect that the relationship between the two people would heat up to such an extent.

Yu Bowen and Hua Siyuan felt like clowns when they saw this scene!!

The audience sighed at the two people who were a little stunned.

Yu Yingdi: Her attitude towards Qin Yan is something I don't deserve!

Yu Yingdi: I should be under the table, not here!

Hahaha, see how sweet you are (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Don't look at Yu Yingdi, Liu Shishi's smile is not inferior to yours! (Dog head)

Yu Yingdi: Can anyone really make Liu Shishi so happy? I don't believe it! (Laughing and crying)

As expected by netizens, Yu Bowen felt complicated enough when he saw the scene in front of him.

Hua Siyuan felt a little sad. He didn't expect that Qin Yan, a toad, could really make Liu Shishi, a white swan, so happy!!

In his eyes, Liu Shishi's level was too high. Just thinking about her made him feel unattainable. If Liu Shishi was really that easy to pursue, Hua Siyuan would do everything he could to get her.

Hua Siyuan had to admit that he was a little jealous of Qin Yan.

At the same time, Hua Siyuan and Yu Bowen were both stunned when they saw the beautiful figure in the kitchen, because Liu Shishi was so beautiful now.....

A peach pink dress outlines her beautiful figure.

Her collarbone, neck, and pink back are so sexy with her shoulders slightly exposed, and her skin is as white as jade, clean and flawless. Everyone knows that Liu Shishi is usually very conservative.

Even though the suspenders she is wearing now are not revealing, she rarely wears such cool clothes in front of others.

The two were a little surprised that Liu Shishi was a little different today.

After seeing Yu Bowen and Hua Siyuan coming back, Liu Shishi first smiled and nodded to say hello, and then subconsciously put on the oatmeal thin cardigan on the side.

The audience laughed again when they saw this scene, and felt that this scene was murderous.

Yang Chenglin noticed this small detail and said in surprise:"Shi Shi put on her cardigan directly when she saw Bowen and Siyuan coming back. It's clear at a glance who she is close to and who she is distant from!" He Jiong sighed as he watched this scene:"What Shi Shi meant is that it's okay to wear cooler clothes in front of Qin Yan, but you still have to be conservative in front of outsiders."

Du Haitao shouted:"Sweet, oh, it's so sweet!"

In the eyes of Yang Mi and Sister Tianxian, Liu Shishi's move was absolutely fatal to Actor Yu.

It doesn't matter if the smile doesn't belong to me, but whether the clothes are cool or not depends on the person.

Everyone seemed to be able to see that Yu Bowen's heart was bleeding. 0.4 All this happened very quickly, and Bai Lu, Reba, and Song Yuqi who came in later didn't notice this small detail.

It was Bai Lu's voice that broke the embarrassment that permeated the entire villa.

"Hey, I seem to smell the aroma of popcorn!"

Liu Shishi praised:"Wow, your nose is really amazing!"

After Liu Shishi saw that the popcorn in the pot was almost popped, he was going to stir-fry some syrup. Then the popcorn could be wrapped in syrup and eaten together.

When the three girls were changing their shoes, Cheng Yan was the last one to come in.

Look. He looked a little tired, as if his body had been hollowed out, which meant that today's date was not going well.

For Cheng Yan, today's date was not only not going well, it was life-threatening!

His daily hard physical training was nothing like it today. So painful!: Tử Thủy Lam

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