Chapter 205: The Sneak Attack Fails and Can Only Face to Face!!

Strange thief Kidd is wrapped in a sheet, wearing a pair of slippers, holding a flashlight in his hand, and carefully rushes down the hill.

The flashlight, the slippers, the sheets, all he had stolen from the room on the first floor of the villa.

Otherwise, he would have been able to wear a pair of shorts, go barefoot, and go down the mountain in the dark.

At the side of the strange thief Kidd, the maid followed him down the mountain.

They were met on the trail behind the villa.

When I first met her, the maid thought that the gangsters had caught up with her, and she was shocked.

Fortunately, she could clearly see the appearance of the strange thief Kidd.

Like everyone else, she recognizes the strange thief Kidd as a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi.

“Mr. Kudo, you obviously didn’t reply, so why did you come to the banquet again?” ~”

The maid asked curiously.

The invitation was sent out for several days, but Kudo Shinichi never replied, and she thought Kudo Shinichi would not come.

Neither of her prepared his dinner.

“Haha……… I actually want to surprise you……”

Kidd said with a embarrassed smile.

He could not say that he was not Kudo Shinichi at all, but that he was the thief Kidd.

And it came disguised as Maori Kogoro.

The two men walked together, hurrying down the hill, and there was a chat on the road.

Suddenly, both of them heard a buzzing sound coming from overhead.

The strange thief Kidd looked up and saw a shining thing, quickly passing over their heads and flying forward.


Kidd immediately realized what he was going to do.

Because he recognized that it was a drone that had just flown over their heads! These kidnapped people did not carry drones.

So who would this drone be? You can figure it out with your fingers! It was the kidnapper who pulled out all his clothes!

And through the moonlight, he saw, underneath the drone, something that seemed to be tied up!

Why did the kidnappers control the drone down the hill? And there’s something strapped to the drone!

Kidd the Strange Thief only thought of one possibility!

That is, the drone is strapped to the bomb!

The kidnappers found out they had escaped, so they blew up the wooden bridge above the canyon to stop them from leaving!

Aware of this, where does the strange thief Kidd dare to delay any longer?

“Run!! It’s too late!! ”

The strange thief Kidd reminded the maid of a word, and then raised his feet and ran down the mountain.

But where does he run that the drone flies fast?

What’s more, the strange thief Kidd’s feet are still wearing a pair of slippers, which is even more unfast.

Sure enough, after running for a while, there was a loud explosion in front of me.


Hearing the noise, the strange thief Kidd stopped.

The bridge had been blown up and there was no use running anymore.

“Huh~huh~~Mr. Kudo…… What’s going on here? ”

The maid gasped and chased after her.

“It should be that the wooden bridge in front of it was blown up…”

Kidd said helplessly.

“Huh? So what do we do next? ”

The maid was suddenly overwhelmed.

If the bridge blows up, then they can’t go down the mountain!

“Miss Inoue, do you know any other way down the mountain?”

Kidd looked at the maid.

“I… I’m just a maid recruited on the spot, and I’m not familiar with this generation at all…”

The maid’s expression was desperate.

Kidd was also helpless.

The maid did not know the other way down the hill, so they now had only two ways to go.

First, continue down the hill and try your luck, maybe the wooden bridge has not been completely blown up.

The second is to look for other ways down the mountain.

“Anyway, it’s almost here, go to the front and see…”

Kidd said helplessly.

Inside the villa.

Detective Hakuba, Haruki Motegi, Conan, Ōgami Yoshiyoshi, and Yumi Gunda have come to the door of the room where Xiaolan is being held.

Chima had also already taken the gun and came to the corner of the corridor.

This sudden explosion startled everyone except Ōkami Yoshiyoshi.

Even the Thousand Descendants who participated in the formulation of the original plan were frightened by this explosion.

After two seconds, after confirming the direction of the explosion, she realized that Ōkami Yusuyoshi had detonated the wooden bridge above the Rift Valley!

Ohgami was sure as she thought, and after knowing what the treasure was, she wouldn’t let anyone go.

It also strengthened her determination to kill Ōkami Yoshiyoshi.

The treasure inside this villa is hers!!

Except for these two people, everyone else was scared to death by the explosion.

They had come to sneak attack, and this sudden explosion would definitely alarm the gangsters.

Conan rushed out first.

He had a watch-type anesthesia gun, and as long as he shot the kidnapper the first time, they succeeded!

While still on the road, Conan had already opened the scope of the watch-type anesthesia gun.

The moment he jumped out, he quickly locked Guan Zu and aimed the watch-type anesthesia gun at Guan Zu, and then pressed the launch button.


However, no anesthesia needle was delivered.

“Surprised, surprised?”

Guan Zu looked at Conan with a smile.

In fact, when those people outside came to the door, his keen perception was already felt.

Conan jumped out, and he saw it the first time.

If it was someone else, he was perfectly capable of hitting the other person with an anesthetic gun before the other person used the weapon.

But it was Conan who jumped out, so there was no need.

Just like knowing the ability of the strange thief Kidd, he targeted the strange thief Kidd and deliberately pulled out all the clothes on his body.

He also knew about Conan’s various props.

The anesthesia needle inside the watch-type anesthesia gun had already been fired by him.

The football inside the football belt has also been bounced out by him in advance.

Even Conan’s foot-strengthening shoes were destroyed by him in advance, making the shoes unusable.

So Conan was just an ordinary schoolboy now, and even if he stood in front of him, there was no threat at all.

Conan saw that there was no anesthesia needle shooting out, and his face suddenly changed.

Then he hurriedly pressed the button on the football belt in an attempt to attack the kidnapper in front of him with a football.

As a result, the football belt did not react at all.

Conan suddenly realized something terrible.

The man in front of you……… Too familiar with yourself! I actually know all the hole cards on him!

It’s over!

He was already gone, and then he had to rely on others to turn the tables over.

Guan Zu unhurriedly pulled out the anesthesia gun.

“Friends outside the door, don’t stand outside the door, come in.”

Guan Zu said with a relaxed face.

Just these few stinky fish and rotten shrimp are really not his opponents.

That is, Kyogoku really came and could play with him for a few rounds.

Outside the door.

Detective Hakuba and the others looked at each other and realized that the sneak attack was useless and could only be dueled head-on.

The white horse detective made several gestures to several people, and finally everyone outside the door agreed.

One by one, the three men stepped out from behind the door and entered the room, standing side by side in a row of gunshots Yumi and Chima Yusei who had just arrived, still hiding outside the door.

The three men are in charge of the head-to-head duel, and Yumi Gunda outside the door is responsible for the sneak attack.

As for the Thousand Heavens Descendant, it is just a mascot, and no one thinks that at this time, she can help with anything…

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