Chapter 206 Don’t Say Don’t Give You a Chance!!

“Why are there only a few of you?” Did the thief Kidd escape? ”

Guan Zu looked at the several people in front of him.

The three men who came in after this, he knew only one.

That’s the White Horse Detective, and he guessed it.

As for who the other two men were, Guan Zu really didn’t know.

After all, he is not a member of the detective world, and he does not know many talents in the detective world.

The White Horse Detective had one hand in his pocket and the other hanging to his side, not taking his pet eagle with him.

As for the middle-aged man dressed in British style, he was holding a stick in his hand

The funniest thing was the fat detective, holding a pillow in front of him with both hands, as if the pillow were his shield.

Guan Zu’s words made everyone stunned.

Kidd the Thief!?? Who is the blame thief Kidd!?

Hard not to do……… The stripped high school detective Kudo Shinichi is actually a strange thief Kidd pretending to be!??

Detective Hakuba pondered slightly, that guy is not a high school detective Kudo Shinichi, should not be his classmate Kuroha Kudo, right??

Black Feather Quick Fight is the Strange Thief Kidd!?

Yes, unlocking is so powerful, it is the skill of a thief!

High school detective Kudo Shinichi, how can he have such a strong ability to open locks? No, it shouldn’t.

Motegi Haruki and Ōkami Yoshiyoshi were also surprised.

Unexpectedly, the person whose clothes were stripped off before was not Kudo Shinichi, but the strange thief Kidd.

Now that I think about it, only the blame thief Kidd is reasonable.

Kidd is proficient in transfiguration, unlocking, magic, etc., and has a large number of practical props on his body.

In other words, they are gangsters, and after knowing the identity of the strange thief Kidd, in order to prevent the strange thief Kidd from escaping, they will even use more severe means to imprison the strange thief Kidd

Not only did he hold him alone, but he was even tied up with a rope and tied directly into a rice dumpling, but Conan was not surprised at all.

Because he knew very well that that person could not be Kudo Shinichi, after all, he was Kudo Shinichi.

And there are only three people he knows who will be transfigured.

A strange thief Kidd, a gangster 9527, and a mother of his own.

The invitation to invite them to the banquet is written in riddles ‘Strange Thief Kidd’, so the people who appear here are naturally the most likely to be the Strange Thief Kidd

As for the two people hiding outside the door, they had never seen the strange thief Kidd before, so they couldn’t talk about being surprised or surprised.

Just unexpectedly, the strange thief Kidd actually came.

Detective Hakuba was surprised and forgot about the strange thief Kidd.

Now is not the time to study the identity of the strange thief Kidd, they must hurry to solve the kidnapper in front of them.

The white horse detective had one hand in his pocket, and inside the sleeve of the other hand, a steel bar was hidden.

It was something he had picked up from inside one of the rooms.

He was not good at fighting, but when he was studying abroad, he had learned Western swords, and only steel bars were suitable for weapons.

“Stop, if you hurt me, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, you will be caught by the police.”

The White Horse Detective casts his own life in an attempt to persuade the gangsters in front of him to stop.

If it can be successful, it is naturally the best.

This also eliminates the need for casualties.

“Threaten me? Oh well…”

“I know you, the son of Metropolitan Police Officer Hakuba of the YoVision Hall, the son of a high-ranking official.”

“As long as I kill all of you, no one will know that I killed you.”

Guan Zu looked at the white horse detective with disdain.

The status of the white horse detective is indeed high, but so what, is it not two eyes and a mountain?

A bullet will die the same.

“Kidd the Thief has escaped, do you think that when we die, no one will know who did it?”

Detective White Horse did not panic.

“Oh huh… Where do you think the explosion just now was exploded? ”

Guan Zu looked at the several people in front of him funny.

“It’s that wooden bridge!”

Conan had a serious expression.

Judging from the time, the strange thief Kidd should not have had time to cross the wooden bridge.

Therefore, although the strange thief Kidd left the villa, he was still trapped on this mountain, isolated from the outside world by a canyon.

“This mountain is so big, do you think you can find him?”

The white horse detective still had a calm face.

As long as anyone is alive, sooner or later the kidnapper’s crimes will be known to Fang.

“Oh huh…”

Guan Zu sneered.

Detective White Horse had no idea how many means he had.

Finding someone in the forest is not too simple. A drone with thermal imaging can do it.

Even if you don’t use a drone…

“Young Master White Horse, do you think we, the outlaws, will be afraid of being arrested by the police?”

Guan Zu said mockingly.

Outlaws, how many of them are afraid? The big deal is to hurt each other…

Hearing Guan Zu’s words, everyone’s expression became a little solemn.

Detective White Horse understood that the kidnappers in front of him did not ask how they could release them.

So I was ready to remove the steel bar from my sleeve.

Haruki Motegi also tightened the stick in his hand.

Obscura took out a pistol from his arms under the cover of a pillow, ready to shoot at the gangsters in front of him at any time.

He wanted to kill everyone else by the hands of the gangsters.

In this way, all the gold in this villa belongs to him.

But only if he kept himself safe.

If he died, then no matter how much gold there was in this villa, it had nothing to do with him.

Outside the door, Yumi Gunda was also ready to rush into the room at any time.

As soon as the melee inside began, she rushed in.

Chima, on the other hand, was ready to shoot at any time.

When Yumi rushed into the room, she stood up and shot the gangsters, killing the gangsters first, and beating the others to death one by one.

Conan could only stand by reluctantly.

Having lost his props, he was just an ordinary elementary school student.

Any adult comes, he can’t win.

Guan Zu looked at the few people in front of him: “Don’t say I don’t give you a chance.” ”

Guan Zu inserted the anesthesia gun in his hand into the back of his waist.

“Come, the three of you beat me one, won’t you dare to go up?”

Guan Zu waved at the three men.

He was itching his hands for a moment and wanted to be a stingy man.

As for whether there will be an accident? Guan Zu said it was impossible.

Don’t say that these three people are also holding cold weapons such as wooden sticks, that is, they are all holding pistols, and he is not afraid.

The distance was so close, that is, four or five meters, that these people were all holding pistols, and they were not as fast as him.

“Looked down upon!”

Motegi Haruki twisted his neck and rushed towards Guan Zu with a wooden stick in his hand.

The other party was holding a narcotic gun, and he still had some concerns.

But bare-handed, he was afraid of a fart.

He wanted this gangster to see how strong he really was!

The mafia can’t kill him, let alone just a kidnapper of the cherry blossom country!

The white horse detective also instantly pulled out the steel bar hidden in the sleeve, quickly stepped forward, and stabbed the steel bar in his hand to the kidnapper in front of him.

Only Daikami Yoshiyoshi still stood far away with his pillow in his arms.

He was waiting for the right time to shoot!

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