Chapter 208: Dare to Get Out of Bed and Kill Them!!


Bullets shot in from the center of Chima’s eyebrows, from the back of his head, and finally into the walls of the corridor.

Chima descended to the ground even more.

The lady’s pistol she was holding in her hand also fell from her hand and fell into the room.

In the room, everyone was stunned.

Not only was he shocked at the speed at which the kidnapper drew his gun in front of him, but he was also shocked that both Senma and Ohgami had guns!

But soon, these people all figured out the key to it!

Ōgami Yoshiyoshi and Chima descended from these two people, these are the people who invited them to this banquet!

The purpose is to let them help find the treasure hidden in this villa.

As for finding the treasure, it is natural to kill them all.

These people in the room, it is not difficult to figure this out.

After all, they are all very famous detectives in the Sakura country, and their reasoning ability is not weak.

These things, everything that happened after being combined into this villa, can easily be deduced.

When they deduced the answer, everyone was rather speechless. Because then they have to thank the kidnapper who kidnapped them.

Guan Zu looked back at Conan, who was standing aside.

“Little devil, go to the storage room on the first floor and find some ropes to come over.” If you don’t want any accidents to your little Lan sister, don’t play tricks. ”

Guan Zu looked at Conan and ordered.

He can actually buy handcuffs from the system store.

However, he already had a narcotics gun and a pistol hidden in his body, and he had just taken out a pair of handcuffs.

Taking three more handcuffs out is a bit deliberate.

In addition, he was not sure whether any of these people would be handcuffed, so he simply did not handcuff.

Tie them up directly with a rope and see how they still get out.

Conan sighed and obediently went to get the rope.

He was just a little kid now, without any hole cards, and Xiaolan was lying on the bed again.

Even Conan didn’t dare to mess around.

When Conan passed the pistol that fell on the ground, he did not dare to pick up the pistol on the ground.

Although, if there is a pistol in hand, it only takes one bullet to kill the kidnapper.

But seeing the kidnapper’s combat effectiveness and the speed with which he drew his gun and opened fire, Conan felt that he was still honestly obedient.

Otherwise, he was afraid that if he had just bent down to pick up the gun, he would have followed in the footsteps of Lady Qianjian.

The body of Lady Qianjian is still lying in the doorway.

The eyes widened, as if she couldn’t believe she would be killed, Conan stepped over the body of the Thousand Descendants and ran out quickly.

“Sir… I don’t think the two of us should need to use rope…”


Haruki Motegi leaned against the wall and sat paralyzed on the ground and said.

Not only was he hit with internal injuries, but he also felt several broken ribs.

He is already a big fortune before he dies, and he still wants to escape? Not at all.

“Whether you need a rope or not is up to me, not you.”

Guan Zu looked down at Motegi Haruki from above.


Haruki Motegi smiled bitterly.

Knowing that this would be the result, he and Kudo… no, they should have escaped with the strange thief Kidd.

If everyone had fled together, the kidnapper would not have found out that they had escaped.

Where would you think of it now?

But now that I think about it, Ōgami Yoshiyoshi will definitely not leave, so the kidnapper will still blow up the wooden bridge.

They still couldn’t escape.

But it’s better to be stuck in the mountains than it is now.

Haruki Motogi didn’t know if he would survive.


Detective White Horse actually regretted it a little.

This time it was really careless and reckless.

The kidnapper had taught him a lesson, but just having a good brain wasn’t enough

In the face of absolute strength, a good brain is useless.

Because the prisoner will not fight with you, but directly crush you with force.

Detective Hakuba had decided that as long as he could go back alive this time, he would definitely learn a good physical art.

Just like Sherlock Holmes, he is good at boxing, Barton, swords and sticks are also very proficient, and his marksmanship is not bad.

As a detective, you really have to know some self-defense techniques.

Although he knew some Western sword techniques, after all, the Western sword was not convenient to carry back with him, so it was best to practice some Bo Strike Techniques.

Of course, the premise is that he can still go back alive.

After Conan left, Xiaolan, who had been lying unconscious on the bed, sat up and watched.

The first shot fired by Ōkami woke her up.

However, at that time, she only opened her eyes and found out the situation in the house, and did not dare to move, but continued to lie motionless on the bed, pretending to be unconscious.

Just keep your eyes open and keep an eye on the situation in the house.

The gangsters twisted Ōkami’s neck and shot and killed Chima, all of whom she watched.

It’s just that she doesn’t dare to move.

Her hands and feet were handcuffed, and her combat effectiveness was greatly limited.

And the strength of the kidnappers, Xiaolan is also in the eyes.

In a head-to-head duel, she is certainly not an opponent.

Therefore, only by taking advantage of his lack of preparation and sneaking up from behind can it be possible to successfully subdue this gangster.

Several people in the room, only Zu was facing Xiao Lan with his back, and the others were facing the bed.

Xiao Lan sneaked up, naturally unable to hide from their eyes.

Of course, no one would remind Guan Zu.

They and Guan Zu are hostile camps, and now that someone is trying to sneak up on the enemy, why should they warn them?

What if it succeeds?

It’s just that all of them have forgotten that people with high strength and perception are also very strong.

Xiao Lan on the bed behind him, the moment he got up, he had already sensed the movement.

However, Guan Zu did not look back.

Instead, he raised his pistol and pointed it at Haruki Motegi and Detective Hakuba, who were sitting paralyzed against the wall on the side.

“Miss Xiaolan, if you land on one foot, I will randomly kill one of them.” You landed on both feet, and I killed them both. ”

Guan Zu directly threatened.

The faces of Haruki Moriki and Detective Hakuba instantly turned white.

They believe that the kidnapper in front of them absolutely does what he says.

What just left them speechless was that it was the lady who tried to sneak up on them, not them, so why kill them??

Just because they didn’t stop it?? It’s also so unfair!

On the other side, Xiao Lan, who had already sat up and was preparing to get out of bed, suddenly had his feet dangling in the air and did not dare to continue moving.

She was there to save people, not to kill people.

Moreover, the gangsters had already discovered her, and she could not succeed in sneaking up on her no matter how hard she tried.

“Yes… I’m sorry! ”

Xiao Lan said a debt and lay back down again. Live…

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