Chapter 209 I’m going to go to the toilet!!

Not long after, Conan returned with a large roll of rope.

Guan Zu drove everyone except Xiaolan out.

This time he learned his lesson and held everyone in solitary confinement.

Motegi Haruki and Hakuba Detective both tied their hands and feet firmly to the four pillars of the solid wood bed with ropes.

They couldn’t move at all.

The same goes for Conan.

Make sure their mouths don’t reach the rope that binds their hands and feet.

As for Yumi Gunda, it is complicated to tie up.

Sekizu used the tortoise shell he learned from Shinjuku’s little sister on Yumi Gunda.

The rope thick of her little thumb bound her whole body tightly, and without the help of outsiders, she could never open her eyes.

If there were more important things to do, he said that he would let Yumi Gunda see his superpowers.

When Guan Zu tied the others with a rope, Xiao Lan, who was lying on the bed, was about to cry.

Because the situation was too tense before, she didn’t feel anything.

But now, as soon as the kidnappers left, she felt like her bladder was about to explode

When she first arrived at the villa, she rushed to open the door alone, just to borrow a toilet from the owner of the villa.

As a result, as soon as the door of the villa opened, she was shot with an anesthesia gun.

Now it’s been another half night.

Although when sleeping, people’s metabolism rate is relatively slow.

But Xiaolan still felt that his bladder was about to explode.

But she didn’t dare to get out of bed without permission.

Because she wasn’t sure whether what my kidnappers had said earlier was to keep her out of bed for a while, or if she couldn’t get out of bed all the time.

What if she got out of bed, after her feet were on the ground, and the kidnappers killed the two men?

Although she didn’t know those two people.

But she is naturally kind, but she does not want to let two living lives disappear because of herself.

So she could only endure.

Endure until the kidnapper returns, and then ask the kidnapper to go to the bathroom as well.

It’s just that this feeling of patience is really too uncomfortable.

Guan Zu tied up all the others and this time returned to the room where Xiao Lan was being held.

He had to go and dispose of the two bodies there.

Although it is not very hot now, the temperature is also twenty-seven or eight degrees.

He still needs at least a day of sleepless work to pry away all the gold in the whole villa.

These two bodies have been kept here, afraid that they will stink.

Moreover, Xiaolan is timid, afraid of ghosts and afraid of dead people.

When there were many people, it was fine, when she was alone, she looked at a corpse in the room, and there was a corpse lying in the doorway, and it was estimated that she would be scared to sleep all night without looking at the house.

As soon as Guan Zu entered the door, Xiao Lan, who was lying on the bed, sat up with a rub.

“Sir… I want to go to the toilet…”

Xiao Lan said with a flushed face.

Part of this blush is shy, but more of it is shy.

“Going to the toilet? Of course not. ”

Guan Zu was stunned and immediately nodded in agreement.

He had forgotten that these people whom he had arrested were also going to eat and drink Lazarus.

Eating and drinking can be endured for the time being, but Lasa really can’t bear it. The stomach is only so big, I have been enduring, I am afraid that it will eventually break.

Guan Zu came to Xiao Lan’s side and directly picked up her princess.

There is no toilet in this room, and you have to go outside to go to the toilet.

Being picked up by Guan Zu, Xiao Lan did not dare to nibble or struggle.

All she wanted to do now was to hurry to the bathroom to release the pressure in her stomach, and she was afraid that if she relaxed a little, she would lose control.

After a while, Guan Zu carried Xiaolan to the bathroom, put her down, and then opened the handcuffs on her hands.

“All right, go on your own.” Don’t delay too long. ”

After saying that, Guan Zu walked out of the bathroom and closed the door.

The sound of water flowing continued for a long time, and it seemed that Xiao Lan was really about to hold her limit.

After a while, Xiao Lan came out with a red face.

Guan Zu glanced at it, and the handcuffs had been handcuffed by herself.

“Very good value for money”

Guan Zu praised.

Xiao Lan smiled awkwardly.

If it weren’t for the fact that Dad and Conan were still in the hands of this kidnapper……

If it weren’t for the fact that she still had a pair of handcuffs on her feet……… If only it weren’t for the fact that I couldn’t beat it…

She had to try it anyway, to attack the kidnapper.

But the way she is now, one foot can not step out of half a foot, the mobility is greatly limited, or obedient, do not anger this kidnapper.

For now, at least, the kidnappers don’t seem to have any intention of killing them all.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t be left behind, just like Lady Chima and another chubby gentleman, just kill them.

But the kidnapper did not kill them, indicating that he had no intention of killing them.

Guan Zu carried Xiaolan back to his previous room.

Then he grabbed one of Ōkami’s feet and dragged him out of the room.

When he reached the door, he grabbed one of the feet of Senma and dragged the two corpses away.

Ohgami was fine, but his neck was broken, but there was no blood.

Although his face was dragged on the ground, the floor was smooth, and it did not grind his face to blood.

The Thousand Descendants side is old and miserable.

The head was shot by a bullet, a lot of blood flowed out, and even some tofu-like things were mixed in.

This dragged her on the ground, and there was a band of blood on the ground.

The construction time of this villa is 70 or 80 years old, and it may even be built hundreds of years ago.

This architectural style looks like a haunted house.

Now with the blood on the ground, it feels like a haunted house.

Of course, Guan Zu is not afraid.

The living are not afraid, are they afraid of haunted houses?

And although Conan’s world is learned, it has not been haunted, even if there is a suspected haunted incident, it is also man-made.

Then there is no need to be afraid of haunted houses.

Guan Zu dragged the two corpses from upstairs to downstairs.

When he came down the stairs, Ōkami’s body was also blurred by the flesh and blood of the bump.

Then the blood on the ground changed from one to two.

Guan Zu dragged the two corpses to the backyard and threw them in the corner of the backyard at random.

It is not buried, it is just left in the open.

He didn’t have time to dig a pit for these two men.

After doing this, Guan Zu returned to the second floor and continued his gold digging work.

There are only a few rooms left on the second floor, and after finishing the second floor, you can change to the first floor.

Finally, if all the facades are removed, the gold of this villa will be almost the same.

The clanging sound continued to sound, and the others were guilty.

Before they were unconscious, they couldn’t hear the sound of Guan Zu’s demolition of the house.

It’s uncomfortable now, the noise is so constant that they can’t even sleep.

Everyone had not eaten at night, had not drunk water, and now they were suffering from the noise all the time.

It was worse than being in a coma before. Soon, more uncomfortable came.

Conan wants to go to the bathroom too!! And it’s big!

“Is there anybody!! I’m going to go to the bathroom!!! ”

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