Chapter 210 I Don’t Want to Live Anymore!!

Conan’s shouts, Guan Zu did not hear.

Of course, even if he hears it, he will act as if he didn’t hear it.

Conan wants to go to the toilet or something, what does it have to do with him?

Can’t help it, directly pull the pants on the top of it, anyway, when I was young, I didn’t do it before.

Just as the memories are remembered in the same year.

Don’t delay him digging for gold anyway.

Conan shouted in the room for half a day, but he didn’t see anyone coming, and his face was getting bluer.

This kidnapper is also so disgusting!! Not humane at all!! In his heart, Conan scolded the kidnappers countless times.

But it didn’t work.

Half an hour later, Conan’s face was black.

Because he couldn’t take it anymore.

At this moment, Conan’s brain was directly blank, and he couldn’t think of anything in his head

A moment later, Conan’s consciousness returned.

[It’s over…… It’s all over…]

[If only Xiao Lan saw this…… Yes!! Kill me!! 】

Conan felt that his face had been lost in the rest of his life.

The only thing that makes him happy is that his current identity is ‘Conan’, not Kudo Shinichi.

Conan also swore in his heart that he would never let Xiaolan know in this life that he was Kudo Shinichi!!

This black history, let ‘Conan’ carry it! Except for Conan, everyone else was uncomfortable.

Detective Hakuba, Haruki Motegi, and Yumi Gunda are also facing the problem of wanting to go to the toilet.

Conan’s shouts, as they were in the next room, were all heard. So we know that the kidnapper had no intention of taking care of them at all.

They didn’t waste any effort shouting.

No one knows how long the kidnappers will hold them or whether they will be fed after dawn.

Or save physical strength is good.

As for going to the toilet or something, let it be.

Everyone who survived is the same, and after going out, no one will mention this matter.

Guan Zu jingled for one night, knocking from the second floor to the first floor.

After dawn, he was still destroying the villa.


Guan Zu’s stomach screamed.

Looking at the time, it was already more than eight o’clock in the morning.

“I’m going to make breakfast… It’s a waste of time. ”

“Or buy a little convenient food from the system store and eat it?” It seems to be too wronged……”

Guan Zu rubbed his stomach that had begun to call.

“By the way, just let Xiaolan cook.”

Guan Zu had a flash of inspiration. Let Xiaolan cook for him, and it will not delay his time digging for gold.

As long as Xiao Lan finished the meal, he just went to eat it.

As for whether Xiaolan will poison the meal? Guan Zu was not worried.

Xiao Lan is such a kind person, let her go to poison and kill people, she absolutely can’t do it.

More importantly, Xiao Lan didn’t have any poison.

Do what you want.

Guan Zu put down his iron pickaxe and went to the room where Xiaolan was being held.

“Miss Xiaolan, are you hungry?”

Guan Zu opened the handcuffs that had handcuffed Xiao Dang’s hands and feet.

“Sir… Do I need to cook? ”

Xiaolan is not stupid at all.


Guan Zu praised.

“It’s no problem to cook, just… I hope you allow me to do one for everyone as well. Some food. ”

Xiaolan pleaded.

From noon yesterday to now, Xiaolan has always been in a state of not eating or drinking.

She was already hungry.

So she was sure that Daddy, Conan, and everyone else must be hungry too.

The kidnappers told her to cook, and she was definitely not hungry.

But she hopes that others can eat a little too.

“emmm……… Yes. ”

Guan Zu thought about it and agreed to Xiao Lan’s request

If you make food for others, then it will ensure the safety of food.

“Thank you very much!”

Xiao Lan quickly thanked him.

“If you want to thank me, let’s make the food as delicious as possible.”

Guan Zu said.


Xiaolan went to the kitchen to cook.

In order to guard Xiaolan and prevent her from untying the others, Guan Zu took the pickaxe to dig for gold outside the kitchen.

Anyway, all the gold is to be mined, and it doesn’t matter if you dig this side first.

After nearly an hour, Xiaolan finally made everyone’s breakfast.

Breakfast was divided into ten portions.

“I don’t know how many people there are, so I made ten breakfasts.”

Xiao Lan looked at Guan Zu and said.

“There are only six people, and the rest will be put here.”

Guan Zu said.


Xiao Lan nodded obediently.

Then put six breakfasts in a cart and send them to the others.

Guan Zu naturally accompanied him.

This villa has a very old style small elevator. The two walked into the elevator together and pushed the cart to the second floor.

Guan Ancestor took Xiaolan to the room where Yumi Gun Tian was being held.

Guan Zu came to the bed and untied the rope of Yumi’s hands.

“It’s time to eat, beautiful lady.”

Guan Zu said.

Xiaolan lifted a bedside table that had fallen to the ground, then took a breakfast from the cart and placed it on the bedside table.

“That… I want to go to the toilet first! ”

Yumi Gunda said with her feet between her legs.

In fact, she was on the verge of reaching her limit.

If no one has ever come, then she can only release herself completely.

Fortunately, someone came in the morning!

Guan Zu raised an eyebrow.

He didn’t expect that this beautiful detective actually put up with it. One night? That’s great, too.

“Miss Xiaolan, go with her.”

Guan Zu looked at Xiao Lan.

“The only wooden bridge that left here has collapsed, don’t think about escaping!” If you escape, the rest will be executed! ”

Guan Zu threatened.

“We won’t run away!”

Xiao Lan hurriedly assured.

Dad and Conan are still here.

Xiaolan left with Yumi Gunda, and Guan Zu picked up the breakfast that was placed on the bedside table and ate it.

He firmly believed that Xiaolan would not prepare poisonous food for a stranger.

Guan Zu ate quickly, and he ate an early history.

Not a big amount for a breakfast, but it was enough.

Guan Zu put another breakfast on the previous bedside table.

Wind journey, machine live word Tian De Na Xi back to the picking.

“Hurry up and eat, you only have ten minutes to eat.”

Guan Zu looked at Yumi and said.

After saying that, he looked at Xiao Lan again: “Continue to bring breakfast to the others.” ”

Xiaolan pushed the cart out the door.

“The next three rooms are all there, and I’m only here waiting for ten minutes. Ten minutes later, I’d shoot everyone unconscious with an anesthesia needle. ”

Guan Zu stood in the corridor, holding his mobile phone in his hand and began to time.

He didn’t bother to run room by room.

And most importantly, he could already smell the stench wafting from the front.

Of the next three people in the room, there were definitely people who pulled their pants on.

Xiao Lan listened and hurriedly pushed the cart to the next room.

She didn’t want everyone to go hungry.

In particular, I didn’t want Dad and Conan to go hungry.

Guan Zu took his mobile phone and looked out the window at the forest.

I don’t know where the strange thief Kidd is now. If he escapes, I’m afraid he’ll be coming soon, right? 】

[You have to hurry up even more!] Billion].

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