Chapter 211 Come and save me!!

Xiao Lan brought breakfast to the people in the back three rooms one by one.

Every time you enter a room, you smell something strange.

The rooms of Detective Hakuba and Haruki Motegi are the smell of commotion, while Conan’s room is the smell of Kaoru’s dizzy hair.

When Conan saw Xiaolan walk in, the whole person was desperate.

His worst fears happened.

The thing that he on his body was seen by Xiao Lan! Death directly!

This also made Conan swear that he absolutely could never let Xiaolan know that he was Kudo Shinichi.

But where did Conan know, Xiaolan already knew that he was Kudo Shinichi.

It just hasn’t shown it all the time.

When entering the room, Xiaolan was also affected by the smell of the room.

However, with the first two examples, she has long been mentally prepared.

And she herself almost didn’t hold back.

In Conan’s grief and despair, Xiaolan helped Conan untie the rope, put down the food, and quickly left.

She still had to go and bring food to her father.

But go to the next room and find that there is no one in the room? Xiao Lan hurriedly pushed the cart to Guan Zu.

“Sir, what about my father?”

Xiao Lan hurriedly inquired.

“Maori Kogoro?” He didn’t come to the villa at all. ”

Guan Zu glanced at the time and explained.

“How come? Dad obviously came here with us! ”

Xiao Lan said hurriedly.

She was worried that her father should not have been killed by the kidnapper in front of her?

“The Maori Kogoro who came here is a strange thief Kidd in disguise, and the strange thief Kidd seems to have escaped. The real Maori Kogoro really didn’t come here. ”

Guan Zu explained.

However, when explaining to Xiaolan, Guan Zu also gave himself a wake-up call.

Maori Kogoro was hidden by the strange thief Kidd, if he was discovered, he would definitely call the police and come here, right?

So even if the strange thief Kidd managed to escape from here, some parties would still come here.

I just don’t know when Maori Kogoro will be discovered.

You still have to speed up the time!

“Daddy is the thief Kidd pretending to be??”

Xiao Lan was dumbfounded.

She knew that the strange thief Kidd was good at disguise, and she had been disguised by the strange thief Kidd

But why did the strange thief Kidd disguise himself as Daddy??

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask those people if Kidd was caught before.”

Guan Zu pointed to the room and said.

“If you want to ask, you’d better hurry up. Because of the meal time, there are only the last two minutes left. ”

Guan Zu pointed to the time on his mobile phone and said.

Xiaolan rushed to Conan’s room and asked Conan about Maori Kogoro.

Ask him if the strange thief Kidd is really disguised as. Father.

Conan in the room had not yet eaten, but had his dirty pants taken off, after all, it was very uncomfortable to wear on his body.

As a result, I saw Xiaolan come in.

So he died again.

However, after hearing Xiaolan’s question, his brain that likes to reason subconsciously began to work.

Previously, he thought that Xiaolan and Maori Xiaogoro were being held separately.

The thief Kidd came here in his capacity to find out who was organizing the banquet in his name.

Listening to Xiao Lan’s question now, I immediately realized that this was not the case.

The strange thief Kidd came disguised as Maori Kogoro.

As for the location where Maori Kogoro was replaced, it is estimated that it was at the previous gas station.

For it was only when there that Uncle Maori was out of their sight.

Then Conan thought of another question.

The strange thief Kidd used to look like Maori Kogoro, but after being caught by the kidnappers, it was his image!

But at that time, the strange thief Kidd’s clothes were all stripped clean, and only a pair of shorts was left on his body.

It is simply not possible to re-transfigure.

So…… That face should be the original appearance of the strange thief Kidd! Can……… Blame the thief Kidd’s face, why does it look the same as his own??

That guy, shouldn’t it be his father’s affair debt left outside???

As soon as Conan thought of this, Guan Zu came to the door of the room.

Raising the anesthesia gun in his hand, one shot brought down Conan.

When he found himself shot by the anesthesia needle again, Conan was desperate.

Xiao Lan prepared breakfast for him, he did not eat a single bite!! Then it fell on the cement floor.

Xiao Lan couldn’t bear to let Conan sleep on the cement floor, and in the process of putting him back on the bed, he gave Conan a look and sighed slightly.

Elementary school students are really still too small.

“Miss Xiaolan, it’s time to go back.” You shouldn’t want me to be rude to you, right? ”

Wang Xuewen said…

“I see.”

Xiao Lan answered and quickly turned to leave.

Back in her previous room, Guan Zu handcuffed her again.

Although the handcuffs are handcuffed, Xiao Lan barely has some ability to move, and it is still no problem to eat and go to the toilet.

After doing this, Guan Zu continued to dig for his gold.

Whether it is the strange thief Kidd, or Maori Kogoro, it is possible to bring the secret party.

All he wanted now was to speed up and take more gold.

Inside the mountains.

The strange thief Kidd and the maid had been walking in the mountains for one night.

It is still in the mountains, and I have not successfully walked out, let alone encountered other living people.

“Mr. Kudo, I’m so tired… I’m so hungry……… Can’t we go out? ”

The maid was on the verge of despair.

“Miss Inoue, don’t give up hope! We’ll definitely be able to get out! ”

Kidd the Thief cheered the maid up.

At the same time, he was also cheering himself up.

The maid lady was tired and hungry, so why shouldn’t he? But they can’t give up, they can only go forward with their heads down.

Otherwise, stay in this forest and rest, then there will only be a dead end.

The strange thief Kidd is desperate, and the Maori Kogoro who is anesthetized and tied up by the strange thief Kidd is equally desperate.

Maori Kogoro and the store manager of the gas station were both put down with anesthetics by the strange thief Kidd and then tied together with ropes.

However, because he was often shot by Conan with anesthesia needles, Māori Kogoro already had a certain resistance to anesthetics.

Before the gas station manager woke up, he woke up first.


Maori Kogoro shouted.

He was really hungry and thirsty now.

The gas station actually has a shop with a lot of food inside.

But he and the store manager were tied to the utility room, and they couldn’t get out at all, so they could only call for help.

However, this place is remote, and there are very few cars coming here.

Even fewer people go to the store to refuel or change tires.

As long as it weren’t for the strange thief Kidd who threw nails on the ground, Maori Kogoro would not have been able to stop at this remote gas station.

Maori Kogoro kept shouting at first, but later it became a shout every once in a while.

From the morning to the evening, I finally heard movement outside! Hurriedly shouted loudly.

“Help!! Come and save me!! ”

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