Chapter 212 Maori Kogoro also has a brain!!

Maori Kogoro woke up in the morning and shouted for help until the evening.

The throats were hoarse.

The gas station manager who was tied to him also woke up around noon.

Then he followed Maori Kogoro in shouting for help.

By evening, both men’s voices were hoarse.

It was almost dark when a car pulled into a gas station.

The gas station is self-service and can be refueled with cash, credit card, debit card, and no need for employees to refuel the owner.

This is also to save labor costs.

So the whole gas station is only one store manager.

After refueling, the owner walked into the convenience store at the gas station, ready to buy some food and drink cigarettes.

However, when I entered the store, I found that there was no one in the store.

However, the owner of the car did not feel strange, maybe this is an unmanned convenience store, or the staff of the store went to the toilet.

I walked around the convenience store and picked out what I wanted to buy.

As a result, I just threw two bottles of water into the shopping basket, and suddenly heard someone shouting for help!

It startled him.

With the courage to walk in the direction where the sound came from, I came to the door of the storage room of the convenience store.

The cry for help came from inside the storage room.

“That… Does the person inside need help? ”

The owner did not have the key to open the door, but he did not dare to break through the door directly.

In case it is a misunderstanding, casually destroy the door inside the convenience store, if the store manager calls the police, he will have to compensate.

“Need help! Hurry in and save us!!! ”

Maori Kogoro shouted.

“We were kidnapped, the kidnappers tied us up here and left us alone, please help us!!”

The gas station manager also rushed to call for help.

After waiting for a long time, someone finally found out!

“But this door is locked, and I don’t have a key.”

The owner outside the door explained “Oops! What more key do you want at this time, knock on the door! Knock the door open!! ”

Maori Kogoro said loudly in a hoarse voice.

Locked up in this storage room, he was now hungry and thirsty.

If he didn’t eat anything more, he was afraid that he was going to die.

“I’m the store manager! Please knock the door open, I will never let you compensate!! Please!! ”

The gas station manager also said loudly.

The key to the storage room was on him, and he couldn’t get anyone outside to get the key to open the door.

You can only let the other party break through the door.

Compared to life, what is a door?

Soon, the owner slammed the door open and rescued the inside of the storage room, Maori Kogoro and the store manager, who were tied together.

The first thing they did when they were rescued was to change their pants!

After being locked up all day, their bladders simply couldn’t withstand the intense pressure

Fortunately, there are many overalls in the gas station, and Maori Kogoro has also changed into a pair of overalls pants.

Then the store manager rushed to the police, and Maori Xiaogoro also quickly took out his mobile phone and contacted Xiaolan.

I found that I couldn’t contact Xiaolan’s phone at all.

Unable to contact Xiaolan, he called Conan’s phone again, and found that he could not be contacted.

At this point, Maori Kogoro was in a hurry.

The guy who kidnapped himself, it’s hard to succeed, give Xiaolan them to……… At the thought of this, Maori Kogoro was going crazy.

Suddenly, Maori Kogoro saw that there were surveillance cameras in the convenience store, and quickly asked the store manager to call up the surveillance.

Calling out the surveillance, all three were shocked.

Because inside the surveillance, the staff who thought they were wearing the clerk’s clothes had put Maori Kogoro down with medicine and threw it into the storage room.

Then, after a while, Maori Kogoro came out of the storage room!

The store manager and the owner of the car who saved the people all looked at Maori Kogoro in an instant, what was going on!??

Maori Kogoro was the first to react.

“Kidd the Thief!!”

No wonder he was kidnapped, but Xiaolan did not call the police.

This is because the strange thief Kidd disguised himself and replaced his identity!

For Xiao Lan, he was not kidnapped, but was around.

Naturally, the alarm will not be called.

Guessing this relationship, Maori Kogoro was also slightly relieved.

Blame the thief Kidd for his identity, so that means that Xiaolan and Conan were not kidnapped.

Instead, he followed Kidd, a strange thief disguised as himself, and continued to go to the appointment.

Phone could not be reached, most likely because the villa located in the mountains did not have a cell phone signal.

This made Maori Kogoro breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiaolan is fine.

In fact, Maori Kogoro still has a brain.

It’s just that he doesn’t use it much in normal times, and only when the people around him are in danger, his ninety percent new head will work.

Soon, the prefectural police of Nagano Prefecture arrived.

Leading the team was a criminal police officer with an X-shaped knife scar on his left eye.

“I’m Nagano Prefectural Police Daiwa Daresuke, who can tell you what happened?”

Yamato dared to show his police ID.

Maori Kogoro explained the story of the matter in general.

“Mr. Officer, our kidnapper is the strange thief Kidd, and he must still be in the dusk annex!”

“Let’s hurry over and get that guy up!!”

Maori Kogoro said excitedly.

Dare to kidnap him Maori Kogoro, harm his thirty or nearly forty people, and wet his pants.

This vendetta, his famous detective Maori Kogoro will definitely not be so easy to calculate

He must personally arrest the thief Kidd!!

Yamato Dare also watched the surveillance video content inside the convenience store. As for Maori Kogoro’s reasoning, he agrees. The person who created this kidnapping is the blame thief Kidd.

The target is Maori Kogoro.

The manager of the gas station is nothing more than a hapless egg who has been affected.

If it is a normal kidnapping case, the kidnapper cannot tie up people and then lock them up.

Moreover, I did not take any property at all, which is obviously not a normal kidnapping case.

“Okay, we’ll go to the Twilight Annex now.”

Yamato dared to help decide to come down.

Dusk annex, in this neighborhood is still quite famous, after all, there are not many villas so big.

Yamato Ōsuke leads a few of his men and takes them with Maori Kogoro to the Twilight Annex.

Police cars went along the winding road, and when they saw the dusk annex at the top of the hill, it was already dark.

And when they came to the wooden bridge, Yamato dared to rush a brake to stop because the wooden bridge broke!

“Officer Yamato! There must be a case in the annex, we must hurry to the villa!! My daughter is there!! ”

Maori Kogoro said anxiously.

The wooden bridge was apparently blown up by explosives.

This means that inside the dusk annex, there must have been a major case! There may even be homicides!

You must hurry inside and rescue Xiao Lan.

Yamato Darsuke picked up the on-board walkie-talkie, called Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters, and asked for helicopter support…

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