Chapter 213 Helicopters? Hit it straight down!!

Inside the dusk annex.

Guan Zu has been busy digging for gold, and only when it is time for dinner will he let Xiaolan make a meal.

However, lunch and dinner, only Xiao Lan and his share were made.

Everyone else was asleep and didn’t need to eat at all.

This time it was only the two of them who ate, and Guan Zu, for the sake of safety, let Xiaolan eat first every time, and then exchange food with her.

Even the cutlery was exchanged.

This is also for your own safety, what if the meal is poisonous?

Although he believed that the kind Xiaolan was not the kind person who would poison people, it was better to be cautious in order to prevent accidents.

After a day’s work, the gold inside the first floor was basically taken away by Guan Zu.

Then there is the gold outside the villa.

After dinner, Guan Zu locked Xiaolan into the room, then climbed to the roof and began digging gold from the front of the villa.

Knock off the outer layer of bricks, and the golden gold inside is revealed.

And after starting to work, Guan Zu found that the gold in the outer wall of the villa was much better than the gold in the house!

Guan Zu stood on the roof and smashed the stone brick into a corner.

Then use a crowbar to insert it into the inner layer of gold, pry it hard, and in an instant, a large piece of stone brick will fall off.

This is much faster than tearing down walls indoors.

But just after tearing down a half-wall, I suddenly heard the sound of helicopter propellers coming from the sky in the distance.

Looking up, I saw a helicopter with searchlights in the distant sky, flying towards the villa.

“Really, we can’t come a little later…”

Guan Zu was speechless.

As long as it was a few hours late, at most around twelve o’clock in the evening, Guan Zu estimated that he could tear down all the gold on the outer wall of this villa.

As a result, less than a quarter of the facades have now been demolished.

What a waste!

Guan Zu took out his telescope and looked at the helicopter in the air.

The good news is that this helicopter is only a police helicopter, and there is no heavy fire on the helicopter.

Weapons like cannons, rockets, missiles and the like are not available. However, the criminal police officers sitting in the plane should be equipped with weapons.

Other weapons aside, pistols are certainly available.

Watching the helicopter get closer and closer, I looked at the remaining half of the outer wall that had not been demolished.

Guan Zu felt that it was a pity to leave like this.

A square area is worth more than 120 million yen.

More than three-quarters of the facades are still undemolished, worth tens of billions of dollars.

“emmm……… Knock this price plane down. ”

Guan Zu thought about it and made a decision.

Take out this helicopter and at least buy yourself ten minutes.

In ten minutes, I can dig up hundreds of millions or even billions of gold worth more.

If the police were to throw a little rat trap, perhaps the follow-up support force would be slower.

Then he can take more gold.

As long as the police do not use the air force, they can stay here to dig for gold!


After the decision, Guan Zu purchased a guerrilla artifact RPG from the system mall.

He also took the bazooka, lay on the reverse slope of the roof, and hid behind a decorative stone pillar on the roof to prevent premature detection by helicopters in the sky.

It was night, and the moon in the sky was not very bright.

As long as he is not illuminated by the searchlight of the helicopter, the criminal police on the helicopter will not be able to find him.

The range of the RPG is not very far, and the effective range is only about two or three hundred meters away.

So Guan Zu had to put the helicopter closer and then open fire.

He could actually buy better quality and better performance individual anti-aircraft missiles, such as Stinger and the like.

It’s just that individual anti-aircraft missiles are expensive!

The price of a Stinger anti-aircraft missile is as high as hundreds of thousands of meters of gold, which translates to tens of millions of dollars.

It’s also too expensive.

RPGs are relatively much cheaper.

An RPG only needs more than a thousand meters of gold, which is simply not too cheap.

Although the range is short, and the purpose, unlike anti-aircraft missiles with tracking capabilities.

However, putting the helicopter at a distance of tens or hundreds of meters and then hitting it, there is basically no possibility of crookedness.

At this distance, the helicopter also has little time to react.

So it’s enough to buy the cheapest RPG directly.

The RPG can shoot down even the black eagle of the United States, not to mention Sakura’s police helicopter.

After discovering the Dusk Annex, the helicopter flew directly towards the Dusk Annex

The helicopter was ready to land in the open space in the front yard and then go inside the villa to investigate the situation.

They simply could not imagine that inside the villa, someone was waiting for them with an RPG.

In Sakura, a country with strict gun control, it is generally a hunter with a gun license who owns a shotgun.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to get a gun.

Not to mention getting an RPG.

Therefore, this police helicopter flew towards the dusk annex almost without any scruples.

Guan Zu held up a telescope, and the high-tech telescope automatically calculated the distance to see the helicopter.

Five hundred meters……… Four hundred meters……… Three hundred meters……… Two hundred meters.

When the helicopter entered a hundred meters range, Guan Zu got up and crouched, holding the RPG on his shoulder and aiming at the police helicopter in the air.

At this time, only someone on the helicopter noticed that there seemed to be a figure on the roof of the villa.

“There seems to be a man on the roof at two o’clock, knocking on the searchlight.”


As soon as the searchlight went through, everyone in the helicopter felt a chill in their backs in an instant.

The man was carrying on his shoulders, should it not be a bazooka??

The next moment, a flash of fire flew quickly towards them.

Now everyone on the plane can be sure that the lady is the bazooka!!

The rocket flew very fast and flew to the pilot’s eyes almost instantaneously.

Before the pilot could control the plane to dodge, the rocket crashed into the plane.

Rumble!!! The helicopter instantly turned into a fireball.

Next to the broken wooden bridge, Maori Kogoro and Ichigan Nagano Prefectural Police all looked stupid when they saw this scene.

The helicopter of the Nagano prefectural police…… Bombed???

The gangsters in the villa actually have RPGs??

The helicopter spun and fell from the air, and finally landed in the mountain forest, making a loud bang.

Yamato was the first to react and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie in the police car and reported back the situation here.

And let the headquarters continue to send support and rescue personnel.

With that, he also ran in the direction where the plane had fallen.

Although the possibility is slim, maybe there are cattle returners?

Inside the forest, the strange thief Kidd and the maid were also stunned by this scene, and they heard the sound of the helicopter, so they quickly ran to the open field of view to look for the helicopter.

When they saw that the helicopter was flying towards the villa, the two of them still thought about whether to go back to the villa.

This way you can also be saved.

But what I didn’t expect was that a rocket hit the helicopter and directly knocked the helicopter down from the sky.

Kidd is stupid.

Who is the kidnapper? Change?

Even RPGs!!

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