Chapter 214 must ensure the safety of the hostages!!

Knocking down the helicopter in the air, Guan Zu immediately retracted the RPG launcher back into storage space, and then sped up the action to properly collect more gold before more support arrived.

The other side.

Yamato Darsuke, who was halfway up the mountainside bridge, saw the helicopter in the sky being shot down and rushed to report the situation back to headquarters.

He then ordered one of his men to guard the broken bridge, and the others followed him to the site of the helicopter crash for warmth.

Although the chances are slim, even if the probability is low, you can’t just give it up.

After all, the people on the plane are all their colleagues.

Maori Kogoro glanced at the broken bridge, and then at Yamato Darsuke and the others, who were getting farther and farther away.

The last bite of his teeth also chased after Yamato.

He was indeed worried about Xiao Lan’s safety, but the wooden bridge was broken, and he could not cross it for a short time.

Instead of waiting here, it is better to follow and see, maybe you can save two people out.

Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters.

When they received news from Yamato Darsuke that the helicopter supporting the helicopter had been shot down by the RPG, the people in the headquarters could not believe it.

This is the cherry blossom country! Not a war-torn Central Asia!

Nor is it a country full of weapons!

Someone actually shot down the police helicopter with RPG??

I can’t believe it, but after all, this news is reported by the police officers of the headquarters, and they naturally want to verify it.

Then I found that the helicopter that went to support really couldn’t be contacted! The helicopter’s signal is also completely gone!

The police officers in the helicopter are also untouchable!

This made the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters realize the seriousness of the problem.

Depending on the situation, the police helicopter that was sent out to support was probably really shot down.

The Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters immediately issued an order to send more police forces to support.

The ground force, composed of officers from the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters, surrounded the site of the incident to prevent prisoners from escaping.

The Air Force requested support from the Metropolitan Police Department for the SAT Special Emergency Force.

To deal with terrorists, the SAT Special Strike Force is professional.

Ordinary criminal police, only small pistols, can not deal with terrorists with powerful firepower.

After receiving a request for support from the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters, the Metropolitan Police Department quickly reported the incident to the Ministry of Police.

The Minister of Security immediately issued an order ordering the SAT to go to Nagano Prefecture for support.

At the same time, the matter was reported to the Metropolitan Police Superintendent of White Horse.

“The Dusk Annex in Nagano Prefecture was hijacked by terrorists?”

Inspector General of the White Horse Metropolitan Police frowned.

The Dusk Annex in Nagano Prefecture, wasn’t that the place where his son was invited to the banquet?

“While arresting terrorists, we must ensure the safety of hostages!” There must be no hostage casualties! Do you understand? ”

The Inspector General of White Horse issued an order.

“Director Hakuba…?”

The Minister of Security was slightly puzzled.

The job of the special emergency strike force SAT is to counter terrorism and rescue hostages.

But in the confrontation with terrorists, there will inevitably be some casualties, and the requirements of the White Horse Metropolitan Police Director today are slightly more stringent, right?

“The little detective is also in the dusk annex.”

Inspector General of White Horse said.


The Minister of Security was shocked.

I see!

“The subordinates understand! The safety of the hostages will be guaranteed!! ”

Immediately after receiving the order, the Minister of Security issued an order to the team members who had set out for Nagano Prefecture, focusing on ensuring the safety of the hostages.

The gangsters can not kill, but the hostages must not be in trouble.

After all, the son of Metropolitan Police Inspector Hakuba is there!

If Detective White Horse had three long and two short, he, the head of the security department, would not be able to sit for long.

At that time, the Inspector General of the White Horse Police will definitely find some excuse to get rid of him.

For the sake of his position, the White Horse Detective must not have an accident.


Yamato Ōsuke and Maori Kogoro and others walked around the mountains with flashlights for half an hour, and finally came to the vicinity of the crashed helicopter.

The helicopter was burning with a raging fire.

Fortunately, there was a lot of rain last night, which made the trees and land in the mountains very wet.

Otherwise, the crashed helicopter may cause a wildfire.

Yamato dared to help the group circle around the helicopter, and there was no trace of the survivors escaping.

He shouted loudly to the survivors, but still no one paid any attention to them.

Obviously, none of the people in the helicopter escaped.


Yamato dared to smash a punch into the tree.

He had been a criminal police officer for so many years, and it was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

Use RPG to knock down the police helicopter, and the gangsters in the dusk annex are definitely not ordinary gangsters!

He must catch the gangsters inside the Dusk Annex and bring them to justice!

Avenge your dead colleagues!

Suddenly, the crowd heard the sound of the helicopter’s propeller again.

And this time, the sound is not something that a helicopter can make.

“Officer Yamato, it seems that the support of the Metropolitan Police Department has arrived, so let’s go back to the wooden bridge first.”

Maori Kogoro said.

He was also very angry about the fact that no one on this police helicopter had survived.

But in contrast, he was more worried about Xiao Lan’s safety.

The gangsters in the dusk annex even use RPGs, how dangerous should it be for Xiao Lan to be kidnapped?

It was impossible to get over before, but now that the support has arrived, it may be possible to pass through the wooden bridge that was blown up.

Maori Kogoro They heard the sound of the helicopter, and Guan Zu naturally heard it too.

The movement of the helicopter is too big to be hidden.

He had been delaying for nearly an hour, picking up most of the gold from the wall.

The gold in the front and right walls was all stripped away by him.

The gold in the wall behind the villa is now being demolished.

Seeing the five helicopters flying towards this side in the distance, Guan Zu knew that it was time to leave.

This time the police must have come prepared, and they could not continue to delay Your Excellency.

“It’s almost time to go.”

Guan Zu glanced at the helicopter in the distance, slightly loosened the rope in his hand, and quickly slid down the rope to the ground.

Quickly ran a few steps, over the walls of the villa, into the woods. Guan Zu ran fast in the woods and soon came to the vicinity of the rift valley.

Guan Zu bought a flying squirrel suit from the system store and quickly changed it for himself.

The motorcycle he rode when he came earlier had long since reclaimed the system space.

The wooden bridge back had been blown up, and it was impossible for him to leave on his motorcycle.

Moreover, Guan Zu also guessed that opposite the wooden bridge that was blown up, I was afraid that a lot of criminal police had been assembled.

He now had only two paths to take. One is to walk out of the forest.

The other is, fly out!

The pace of walking is too slow, and there is a possibility of being blocked by the police.

So Guan Zu chose the latter.

He’s going to fly out!

One day the flying squirrel suit included a glider suit and a parachute, and Guan Zu quickly rushed out of the forest after changing into it.

Jump down from the cliffs of the Rift Valley…

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