Chapter 215 This vendetta I wrote down!!

Guan Zu rushed out of the woods, came to the edge of the cliff in the Rift Valley, jumped and jumped off the cliff.

The place chosen by Guan Zu was actually quite a distance away from the wooden bridge that had been blown up.

However, many police officers follow the Rift Valley looking for a way to get to the opposite side of the Rift Valley.

So at the moment he jumped, someone still noticed.

“Read, I just wanted to see a figure jump under the suspense!”

The police officer said.

“Someone jumped off a cliff?”

Another police officer shined a flashlight down the cliff.

The quality of the police glare flashlight is still very good, and it can shine to the bottom of the suspension bank hundreds of meters deep.

But there were no bodies underneath.

“You’re dazzled, aren’t you?” Is there a shadow anywhere? ”

“Strange, I obviously saw it.”

“You must be blind, otherwise that person wouldn’t be able to fly?”

“Maybe I’m really dazzled.”

Unbeknownst to the two men, they immediately ruled out the correct answer.

Someone did jump off a cliff, and it did!

After Guan Zu jumped off the cliff, he immediately opened his hands and feet and controlled his body to slide forward

The speed of the flying squirrel suit is very fast, and the top speed can reach a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour.

Guan Zu opened his hands and feet and quickly shuttled through the rift valley, which was only more than twenty meters wide.

Unless it is directly above the Rift Valley, there is no one in the Rift Valley flying in the wind.

Flying in such a narrow place, Guan Zu felt a little difficult.

Fortunately, the length of the rift valley was not very long, and in a few moments, Guan Zu flew out of the rift valley and flew over the forest.

The moon was very dark tonight, and Guan Zu’s flying squirrel suit was black, so it was not easy to find him whether he looked down from above or stood on the ground and looked up at the sky.

The helicopter in the sky quickly approached the dusk annex, completely undetected, and a figure flew past below them.

Because I know that the gangsters have RPGs in their hands.

Therefore, these helicopters taken by the SAT did not dare to rush too close to the dusk annex.

Instead, keep a distance of more than 300 meters from the Dusk Annex, and first observe the situation inside the Dusk Annex from a distance.

The effective attack range of the RPG is three hundred meters, and the distance between the dusk annex is more than three hundred meters, and once the RPG rocket is found, the pilot has enough time to control the helicopter to dodge.

All helicopters hovered in the air.

Police helicopters use onboard cameras to conduct reconnaissance of the Quattery.

The sniper above the helicopter also passes through the meow quasi-scope, looking for possible gangsters.

They had no idea that the gangster they were looking for had already fled the dusk annex.

“No suspicious target was found on Unit One!”

“Machine Two found no suspicious target!”

Five police helicopters reported the results one by one.

“Plane Five is approaching and landing, and the others are taking cover!”

They want to arrest, eliminate the gangsters, and rescue the hostages inside.

Flying a helicopter in the sky all the time is not possible, and eventually you have to land to let the commandos enter Beno and arrest the gangsters.

Helicopter Five slowly approached Bei Quan, while the other four remained at a safe distance.

The sniper on the helicopter is always on the lookout for other movements.

Once a suspicious target is found and the other party is determined to be a threat to the helicopter, the opponent can be directly hit.

After all, the gangsters inside Don’t hold RPG bazookas.

If one is not careful, there may be another helicopter shot down by gangsters.

It is true that there are hostages in Don’t Yan, but at this time, there will be basically only possible gangsters.

The No. 5 helicopter slowly approached Betsuru and was not attacked.

In the end, he successfully landed in the front yard of the other tidy.

SAT commando on the helicopter and jump off the helicopter quickly! Arrive at the gate of Beno in the form of a battle formation.

Use the door hammer to smash the door open.

After throwing a detonating flash bomb into the house, he rushed into the other room.

Inside the whole thing, except for Conan, the little kid, everyone else was awake

After all, Guan Zu had been ‘demolishing the house’ with a jingle, and when the effect of the anesthetic was almost over, they were all woken up.

Conan’s body was small, the same amount of anesthetic, and the longest action on him was lasted.

Koran, Detective Hakuba, Haruki Motegi and Yumi Gunda heard the helicopter approaching.

As you guessed, rescuers arrived! That gave them all a sigh of relief.

But then, the face of the white horse detective turned iron shield again.

The arrival of the rescuers means that his current appearance will be seen by others!

The son of his cousin Metropolitan Police Superintendent of White Horse, he actually wet his pants! What a shame!!

But he couldn’t help but be saved.

And his pet eagle was injured, and from yesterday to today, he had not eaten or drunk water, and he did not know what was going on now.

You have to be sent to the healer quickly.

Because of all this, the White Horse Detective hated Guan Zu.

And swore in his heart that he must arrest Guan Zu and put him in prison! Of course, he didn’t know Guan Zu’s true identity.

But he knew that with the ‘face’ of the kidnappers who kidnapped them, he could cooperate with the portrait staff of the Metropolitan Police Department to paint the portraits of the gangsters.

And Detective White Horse felt that if the guy stayed in this shelter for so long, he would definitely leave some clues.

Such as hair, such as fingerprints and so on.

Soon, Xiaolan, Detective Hakuba, Haruki Mogegi, Yumi Gunda, and Conan were all rescued by the SAT of the Special Strike Force.

Except for Xiaolan and Yumi Gunda, the other women’s appearance was quite miserable.

Detective Hakuba and Haruki Motegi’s pants were wet, after all, they had been tied up for more than twenty-four hours, and they were normal people who couldn’t help it.

The worst thing is Conan.

When he was rescued, he didn’t even wear a pair of pants.

The pants thrown on the ground are smelly.

After all, when he was shot by Guan Zu with an anesthesia gun, he had just taken off his pants

I still want to wipe my body clean and put my trousers back on.

As a result, before he could wipe his body clean, he was stunned by Guan Zu with an anesthesia gun.

After being carried to the bed by Xiaolan, he was roasted by Guan Zu with money.

It can be said to be tragic.

However, he was still just a child after all, so the most humiliating thing was the two adults, Detective Hakuba and Haruki Mogegi.

Xiao Lan and the others were directly picked up by the police helicopter.

Detective Hakuba’s pet eagle is also sent back to Tokyo for medical treatment.

When Kogoro Maori followed Yamato Darsuke out of the forest and returned to the collapsed wooden bridge, a temporary suspension bridge had been erected on the wooden bridge.

Maori Kogoro hurried to the dusk annex, and then he was dumbfounded.

“What?? Xiaolan they have left in a helicopter!? And? ”

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