Chapter 217 Conan has a headache!!

On the other hand, after Xiaolan and others were sent back to Tokyo by helicopter, they were sent to the hospital for examination at the first time.

Make sure everyone is not unwell physically.

After all, the people who were kidnapped by the gangsters this time are all people with a certain social status.

Detective Hakuba is the son of Inspector General of Metropolitan Police.

Haruki Motegi is a famous detective.

Yumi Gunda is also a well-known detective, and before becoming a detective, she was even a prosecutor at the Metropolitan Police Department.

Although Xiaolan and Conan are not celebrities, Maori Xiaogoro still has a certain social status and was also a criminal police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Coupled with the fact that Maori Kogoro knows quite a lot of upper-class people, his social status is naturally not low.

After taking notes, Xiaolan and Conan were driven home by the police.

As soon as the two returned home, Maori Kogoro ran to Xiaolan and startled Xiaolan and Conan.

“Woohoo hoo hoo woo hoo woo woo woo woo Xiaolan It’s so good that you’re okay~!!! ”

Maori Kogoro put his hands on Xiaolan’s shoulders and cried.

Before, Maori Kogoro thought that Xiaolan was just going to the banquet with the strange thief Kidd who was pretending to be himself.

I wasn’t so worried at that time.

After all, the strange thief Kidd has no record of hurting people.

But later, when he came to the wooden bridge that had been blown up, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Xiaolan is afraid that she has not encountered other cases??

Then I saw a supporting police helicopter being shot down by an RPG rocket.

At that moment, Maori Kogoro’s heart fell to the bottom in an instant.

This special lady’s face RPG rockets have appeared, and there must be an accident inside the dusk annex!!

The problem now is definitely not to blame the thief Kidd, but that some crazy gangster is good, and Xiaolan is finally rescued.

How could this make Maori Kogoro unhappy? This is exactly how he feels for the rest of his life.

“Okay ~ Daddy, me and Conan didn’t come back safely.”

Xiaolan said comfortingly.

Seeing her father crying like this, Xiaolan was also very moved.

Instead, Conan next to him was a poker face the whole time.

Not to mention, he had not eaten or drunk for more than twenty-four hours, which was bearable.

But pulling on the pants can’t stand it.

And it was also seen by Xiaolan!

The appearance of the light fart drum in the back was also seen by the rescuers, and it was almost dead! While eating at the Metropolitan Police Department, Conan kept reminiscing about their experiences at the Twilight Annex.

Although the waking time is not long, there is also quite a lot of useful information.

For example, the previous Maori Kogoro was a strange thief Kidd pretending, which he did not realize at the first time.

This is very undeserved.

But that doesn’t matter now.

What matters, who are the people who kidnapped them?

First, the kidnappers who kidnapped them this time used anesthesia guns many times.

It gave Conan a familiar feeling.

He was very suspicious that the kidnappers who kidnapped them this time, or the Humve-Guy 9527, just had no conclusive evidence.

This can only be his guess at best.

And there’s one thing that he cares a lot about.

That is, how did the kidnappers transport all the yellow after they got the gold!!

After being rescued, Conan noticed that from upstairs to downstairs, the walls, floors, and ceilings along the way were all pried open.

And every other distance, there was some gold dust on the ground.

After coming out of the villa, the outer wall of the villa was demolished in large quantities.

This means that the walls of the entire dusk annex are actually hidden with gold!

First of all, one thing can be confirmed, that is, the gold, it will definitely not be gold leaf.

Because if it is gold leaf, there will be no gold dust left on the ground, and any one person will even tear the gold leaf apart.

Although gold leaf is also gold, it is too thin to tear open.

The gold dust on the ground is obviously the gold dust left behind by cutting the gold with cutting tools.

You need to use cutting tools to cut gold, then the gold inside the wall must have a certain thickness.

Even if it is only one millimeter thick, such a large area of gold is not enough.

A few tons of weight is certainly there.

How did the kidnappers take the gold away? By manpower? How many times does that have to be carried over and over again?

Handled by car? Nor could it have been that the only wooden bridge leading to the outside world had been blown up.

If there were other ways, the police could not have been trapped outside and could not come in, resulting in the end having to send helicopters to rescue them.

Or, with a flying one?

But if it is a helicopter, the police helicopters in the last sky cannot be discovered.

And before the police support arrived, Xiaolan did not hear the sound of the helicopter.

This is what she said in person when she was questioned.

Because of the need to cook, the kidnappers did not keep Xiaolan unconscious, but simply imprisoned her.

Don’t…… The kidnappers hid the gold in the forest, ready to wait for the storm to pass before going back to get the gold?

Another point is, how many kidnappers are there?

Although they only see one person, it is impossible to have only one person for such a large amount of work.

Humble Bandit 9527 has accomplices.

If it’s that guy, then they can really do it.

One person commits a crime, and then the others are responsible for carrying the gold into the forest and hiding it.

Wait until the limelight is over and go back to get the gold.

Although there were still many doubts, Conan still told the police of his speculations, which was to give them a direction.

Although the forest is very large.

But transporting gold on foot certainly can’t go too far.

And if you use transportation such as mountain bikes, you will definitely leave traces.

If the gangsters really hid the gold in the forest, then it would not be too difficult to find.

Conan is hopeful, this case is also a gangster 9527 thousand.

Because in this way, the new hatred and old hatred are all on one person, and he only needs to find a way to get the gangster 9527 out.

However, Conan himself did not know when he would be able to bring the Humble Bandit 9527 to justice.

He now has two major enemies, one is the Black Order, and the other is the Humble Bandit 9527.

Conan suddenly felt that compared with the Humble Bandit 9527, the Black Organization was better to find.

After the bombing that had occurred in the heavens before, and the news videos related to the murder that had occurred at the memorial service of the director of the sake roll that had been seen on the Internet before.

He was asked to investigate some information about the Black Organization.

The members of the Black Organization basically like to wear black suits, trench coats and so on.

The tall man and the fat man who attacked him were called gin and vodka, but this should be a code name, not a real name.

They were driving a black Porsche 356A.

Knowing this, it is also thanks to the news media at the scene that the two people got out of the car.

Although it was only a sweep, he still noticed it. In contrast, the Humble Bandit 9527 currently has only two useful clues.

One is that the Bandit 9527 is as proficient as the monster Kidd in transfiguration.

The other is that Masami Hirota, a former bank employee, was a companion of the gangster 9527!

But because Humble Bandit 9527 is proficient in transfiguration, this clue has no effect at all, because they can change any identity at any time!

Unless, when he can be arrested on the spot when he commits the crime, Conan will have a headache.

Because it’s so hard!

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