Chapter 218 Available funds break through 100 billion! We are also rich people!!

The next day, the evening annex was on the news, and it became a hot news on the Internet

However, the reason for the hot news is not because of the kidnapping incident in the dusk annex, or because the police helicopter was shot down by the gangsters with RPGs.

It’s because the gold in the dusk annex was discovered by the media!

The whole villa, from the inside to the outside, is strongly pasted with a lot of gold for decoration, and there is some furniture inside, even completely made of gold!

For example, a toilet in the toilet of the master bedroom, except for a layer of paint on the outside, is completely made of pure gold!

A toilet weighs hundreds of kilograms!

When netizens saw the relevant news, they all cried bitterly.

#我的天, how much gold does this villa have to use??

#从视频上看, this is not the gold leaf pasted, so the visual inspection also used up dozens of tons of gold!

#几十吨的黄金? I have never seen more than a kilogram of gold in my life!

#建议楼上的去一趟金店, there must be more than a kilogram of gold in it, but that can only be seen, not yours.

#这么大的一动别墅, pried thin, how much gold did the gangsters snatch??

#谁知道呢, there must be a lot!


#一吨黄金就价值六十多亿, a dozen or twenty tons? Sent it!!

#我现在后悔的要死!! I knew that the dusk annex had not been occupied for a long time! When I was a child, I ventured into a haunted house! At that time, if I smashed a wall, I would not live in this moldy apartment now!


How to say it, some money, destined not to belong to you………

Guan Zu looked at the relevant news on the Internet and was also a little depressed.

A toilet made entirely of pure gold?

How did he not notice?

Hundreds of kilograms of gold were actually wasted by themselves!

He also demolished the master bedroom room, but he was dirty in the bathroom, so he did not dismantle it.

What a shame.

I already knew that the toilet was such a big lump of gold that it had to be dismantled no matter how dirty.

You don’t pick up a dollar that falls into cow dung, and a hundred million that falls into raw dung and doesn’t pick it up?

If you don’t have the tools, you have to do it empty-handed!


Guan Zu sighed in chagrin.

Although he has already taken most of the gold, who will hate his own money?

Now, the dusk annex has been surrounded by the police.

That villa was bought by Sengen and Ōkami Yoshiyoshi together, and that villa belonged to both of them.

And both of them are people who have never been married in their lives.

Without a husband or wife, let alone children, the father’s generation would have died a long time ago

Some of the remaining relatives are relatively distant, and they can inherit, but it will be very troublesome.

In addition, there is a lot of gold in the villa, and Nagano Prefecture directly initiates the confiscation process.

Dig out all the gold first!

When someone comes to apply for inheritance, how much gold will not be decided by them?

This dusk annex is full of oil and water.

Therefore, Guan Zu could not go back and continue to shave wool.

The rest of the gold must have nothing to do with him.

It can only be said that there is no reason.

After dinner, I sat on the couch and watched TV for a while.

Guan Zu looked at the time, the time had passed eight o’clock in the evening, and all the gold had passed the twenty-four-hour holding period!

You can throw the gold to the system store to recycle! Guan Zu immediately entered the system.

Recycle the gold in the storage space!

【Ding! 17 tons of 235 kg 398 grams of recoverable gold were found, is it all recovered? 】

Hearing the amount of gold counted by the system, Guan Zu became excited.

So much gold, the value should be more than 100 billion yen!

One hundred billion yen is enough to upgrade all the skills he has obtained before, as well as the skills he has gained in this action, all of which are upgraded to the master level!

However, there is no need for that.

Except for the skills just acquired this time, the other skills are already enough.

If you all upgrade to the master level, you are a waste of money.

It is equivalent to playing the game, its own damage is enough, you can kill the enemy in a second, but continue to pile damage, the extra damage completely overflowed, did not play any role.

It’s also a one-hit deal.

The only effect, probably is that the value is better.

Instead of wasting money to pursue the spilled damage, keep the money and use it when you need it.

Recycling All!! Guan Zu issued a reclamation order.

【Ding! Recover 17 tons of gold 235 kg 398 g! Congratulations on 105,327,490,000 yen! 】

Hear the system prompt.

Seeing that his available funds instantly changed from 4.5 billion to 105.7 billion, Guan Zu was instantly excited.

It’s even more exciting than a few seconds!

It really exceeded 100 billion yen!!

He is now among the rich!

Of course, it is just an ordinary rich man, and there is no way to compare with those guys on the list of the world’s richest people.

There is no way to compare with the financial resources of a chaebol like the Suzuki Consortium.

But with so much money, Guan Zu could already use it for a long time.

At least for a long time to come, Guan Zu didn’t need to worry about money anymore.

Of course, the premise is that the storage space cannot be upgraded indefinitely.

The storage space is a gold-devouring monster.

Before the space is ten cubic meters, each upgraded cubic meter only needs 100 million yen.

After the space reaches ten cubes, each upgrade of a cube requires a billion yen to increase tenfold!

When you reach a hundred cubes, I am afraid that every time you upgrade a cube, the money consumed will reach 10 billion yen!

It’s horrible!

Fortunately, Guan Zu does not pursue unlimited storage space, just enough.

It doesn’t have to be too big.

Looking at the more than 100 billion available funds, Guan Zu consciousness entered the system and looked at his existing skills.

The previous skills, the worst of which were upgraded to the master level, were completely sufficient.

But this time at the Dusk Annex, a firefight with the police of Nagano Prefecture rewarded with a new skill.

【Programming / Getting Started】

Mastering this skill, you will be able to write some simple programs.

However, the main thing is to copy and paste the code written by others on the Internet, and I can’t write too complicated a program myself.

Before waiting to sell gold, I didn’t care about this skill.

Now all the gold is sold, and the purpose is selling hundreds of billions of old runs!

Now you have to upgrade a wave, at least to the level of proficiency, to become a senior programmer.

I just don’t know, after this [programming] skill level is high, will you let yourself have the ability to hack into other people’s network devices?

The software and hardware of network equipment are inseparable from the program, when the [programming] skill reaches a certain height, it should be able to touch the bypass, right?

Do what you want, Guan Zu took 1.1 billion yen in one breath, and upgraded his skills [programming] from beginner to proficient…

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