Chapter 220 Can’t Let Big Brother Down!!

“Big brother, did you read the news the other two days?” Nagano Prefecture actually found a golden villa! And I see that some netizens said that the villa used to belong to the BOSS. ”

“How did the boss sell that villa in the first place?” Isn’t that a lot of money? ”

Vodka said as he drove.

According to expert estimates, the villa cost at least twenty or thirty tons of gold.

That’s worth one or two billion days.

That’s enough money for a long time to organize.

“How would I know about the old yellow calendar from decades ago?”

Gin said lightly with a cigarette in his mouth.

Naturally, he had seen this news.

Don’t worry about the dusk building in Nagano Prefecture, he also went to find out.

More than forty years ago, that really belonged to the BOSS.

But after the boss ‘died’, after many years, the villa was sold to someone else because there was no heir.

In the past few decades, that villa has changed hands many times.

And he estimated that the boss probably didn’t know that the walls of the villa were full of gold.

If he knew, he would definitely let his men at that time go and take the gold from the other field.

Although the organization is very rich, it is hundreds of billions of yennes, which is also a lot of money for the chaebol.

He had already emailed the boss about this.

But the boss told him not to care, then he naturally did not have to intervene in this matter.

In fact, the villa had been heavily guarded by the police and began to demolish the remaining gold.

They can’t interfere if they want to, unless they interfere directly and violently.

However, the boss has let him leave it alone, and he naturally will not be nosy.

Come to think of it, the boss should not lack this money.

“Did you find the whereabouts of that guy?”

Gin shifts the subject.

The boss had ordered him not to worry about the villa, and he didn’t bother to bother with the matter any more.

He only needs to complete the tasks assigned to him by the boss perfectly.

“Not yet…”

Before the vodka could finish speaking, the phone rang.

Jingle Bells ~~Jingle Bells~~


“Hmmm… Well……… I know. ”

After a few words, the vodka hung up.

“Get your hands on your whereabouts, big brother.” It was invaded from the twin towers skyscraper of West Tama City. Sure enough, the ‘original’ guy did it. ”

Vodka said.

“Sure enough, it was the guy.”

Gin had a cigarette in his mouth and looked ahead with cold eyes.

“It seems to be the place closest to heaven.”

Vodka said.

“Hmm. It can be used as a guillotine in the closest place to heaven. ”

Gin said with a slightly murderous look.

He was never soft on a guy who betrayed the organization.

All those who betray the organization will be killed by his ———.

So far, though, there have been two surprises.

That’s the Miyano sisters!

Although Akimi Miyano was shot, the person was rescued and his death was not confirmed.

Her sister, Shirley, was also rescued after the rebellion.

The one who rescued the two of them was the gangster 9527, who had recently become famous in the underground world.

That guy likes to do big cases, especially big cases that make money.

Rob banks, hijack cruise ships, rob jewelry stores and more.

Even after Akimi Miyano was arrested by the police, he used a bomb to blow up the shrine of Shizuki to threaten the police, so that the police released Akimi Miyano.

That time, the police released the photo of Akimi Miyano too late, if they could publish it earlier, they might be able to kill the guy and Shirley through Akimi Miyano.

Unfortunately, by the time they found out that Akimi Miyano had been arrested by the police, it was too late.

“Did you find any clues to 9527?”

Gin asked.

In addition to the traitor, the person he wants to kill most now is the gangster 9527.

Because the guy not only fought against the Order, but also protected the two traitors of the Order, which Gin could not forgive.

If the two traitors are not removed, it will make him look very incompetent.

“Didn’t hear the guy’s clues at all. It was as if the guy had never sold anything in the underworld. ”

Vodka said with a look of embarrassment.

The clue of this gangster 9527 is also the most headache he has investigated so far.

Investigating other targets has never been as untraceable as it is today.

That guy, though famous in the underworld, had never seen that guy.

It was as if he had never appeared in the underworld.

“That guy’s organization probably also has a regular shipping channel.”

Gin wine willow one lily foundation, not the end of the Dingkou King.

Just like their organization, they also have their own formal enterprises.

And these formal enterprises not only provide a lot of money for the organization, but also help deal with some illegal things.

For example, huge sums of money, and the company of a certain president, and so on.

As long as it is passed through those regular companies, many non-compliant things become compliant in an instant.

It is estimated that the organization behind the gangster 9527 also has such a company.

The most likely of these are luxury jewelry stores.

Robbery comes to jewelry, gold, can be changed through the jewelry store to change the appearance, so as to become a normal jewelry to sell.

“Big brother, that guy once showed up at the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Suzuki Foundation and robbed hundreds of high-class people who were present at the time.”

“This time the opening of the Twin Towers skyscraper in West Tama City, there will also be a large number of high-class people, do you think that guy will also appear here?” Rob these people for a wave? ”

Vodka speculated.

Vodka really can’t do anything about it.

The eldest brother gave him the task of investigating the clues of the gangster 9527, but he did not investigate any clues.

Without mentioning a single constructive opinion, Vodka is worried that the big brother has an opinion of himself.

Don’t feel that your ability is not enough, and replace yourself.

Then he was going to cry.

He had vowed to follow his eldest brother for the rest of his life.


Gin fell silent.

“Big Brother?”

The vodka was quiet for a while, but finally it broke the silence in the car.

He couldn’t stand the atmosphere.

“This possibility is not ruled out. This time kill the original “at the same time, make two more preparations.” ”

Gin spoke.

“Got it! Eldest brother!! ”

Vodka excitedly responded.

His own opinion was adopted by the big brother, indicating that he is still useful!! Sure enough, no one will ever take their place next to Big Brother! Child!

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