Chapter 221 I’m Single too!!

Little Lament came back from outside.

“Guan, Xiaolan invited me and the garden the day after tomorrow, go with her to the city of West Tama to visit the Twin Towers skyscraper of the Changpan Foundation, do you want to go together?”

Xiao Lan changed her shoes and looked at Guan Zu, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

“What do you girls do when you guys hang out and invite me to do?” Wouldn’t you want me to be your driver? ”

Guan Zuhu looked suspiciously at Xiao Ai.

Xiao Wei rolled his eyes, and the scene of the day came to mind.

Xiaolan: Garden, Xiao Ai, the day after tomorrow, do you want to go to West Tama City to visit the Twin Towers skyscraper?

Garden: Twin Towers Skyscraper? Was it developed by the Long Disk Group? That doesn’t seem to be open yet, right?

Xiaolan: It won’t open until next week, but the chairman of the Changpan Group is my father’s college student, so I invite him to visit in advance the day after tomorrow.

Then go to the opening ceremony next week.

Xiao Ai: The other party invited your father to go, and we didn’t go with it, right?

Xiaolan: I don’t care!

Yuanzi: I heard that the chairman of the Changpan Group seems to be alone with his sister-in-law, Xiaolan, are you worried about your father?

Xiaolan: Ahem! Who let Daddy hide this matter from me! If I hadn’t pressed the question, I wouldn’t have known about it!

Yuanzi: Since you are helping Xiaolan to see Uncle Maori, then of course we have to go!

Xiao Lament: Then I will go too.

Yuanzi: By the way, there are already three more of us anyway, and it doesn’t matter if there is one more person, right?

Xiao Lament: Who else are you going to invite?

Garden: Of course it’s your cousin!! Xiao Ai ~ You go back and ask your cousin this time to see if your cousin has time to go together

Xiao Wei:………

Yuanzi: Xiao Ai ~ You see Xiaolan has a boyfriend of Qingmei Zhuma, and people also want to fall in love

Xiao Wei: I’m single too.

Garden: Please, please

Yuanzi: I said Xiao Ai, you have not introduced your cousin to me, should you want to keep it for yourself?

Xiao Wei:………

In the end, in the face of the garden’s entanglement, Xiao Ai could only agree to the garden’s request in the end

And in order to eliminate the misunderstanding of the garden, she also had to let Guan Zu go with them to visit the Twin Towers skyscraper.

“It was the garden guy who asked me to invite you along.” You just say you can’t go. ”

Xiao Ai carried the bag and looked at Guan Zu and said.

“Suzuki Garden?”

Guan Zu thought about it for a moment and then made a decision: “Don’t go.” ”


Xiao Lai was dumbfounded, how could he not go? Didn’t this guy always want to get in touch with the garden?

Now that he was invited to hang out with him, why didn’t he go??

“Suzuki Enko has always been one of my goals, and I am too familiar with her, and it will be difficult to start in the future.”

Guan Zu explained casually.

Xiao Wai’s forehead suddenly jumped up a green tendon.

“Hey! The garden is a good friend of mine!! ”

Xiao Lai looked at Guan Zudu with dissatisfaction for such a long time, and he hadn’t even dismissed his plan to kidnap Yuanzi?

Last time, they had already messed up the 60th anniversary celebration of the Suzuki Consortium and stole their family’s heirloom, the Dark Star.

Can’t Guan Zu let go of his friends?

“Okay, okay, don’t kidnap your good friend.” But that Suzuki Yuenko classmate seems to have a good feeling for me, right? I go out with you, you are not jealous~? ”

Guan Zu said sarcastically.

“Eat you big-headed ghost!” Love doesn’t go! ”

The little mournful carried the bag, turned and walked toward the underground laboratory.

Before he was teased by the garden outside, now he is back and he is being teased by Guan Zu.

The key has also been tricked, which is very angry.

Watching the little mournful and whimper run to the underground laboratory, Guan Zu felt very funny

For Xiao Ai’s arrogant and delicate character, playing with Xiao Ai every day has become Guan Zu’s pleasure.

But this twin towers skyscraper, he still has to go!

For this twin towers skyscraper, Guan Zu is still quite impressed.

Because there is the appearance of black tissue.

The twin towers skyscraper should be a theatrical version of the content.

Xiao Lan and they went to the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers Skyscraper, and inside the Twin Towers Skyscraper there was a traitor of the Black Organization.

In order to clear the traitors, Gin installed a large number of bombs in the Twin Towers skyscraper

When Xiaolan and Yuanzi fled the building by elevator, Yuanzi was almost shot by Gin because of her hairstyle like Xiao Ai’s.

And in order to kill Xiao Ai, Gin also blew up the connecting bridge in the middle of the Twin Towers skyscraper, and also installed bombs and fuel on the tarmac of the roof to prevent helicopters from approaching.

Then a bomb is planted on the top floor, so that those who can’t escape will eventually be killed.

In the end, if it wasn’t for Conan, Xiao Wai and the gang of the Young Detective Team might really die.

However, in the original play, Xiao Ai will be found by the gin wine, completely because Xiao Ai often calls the house that her sister secretly rents, just to listen to her sister’s voice.

Then it was heard by gin.

But now she won’t do that.

After all, her sister Akimi Miyano was by her side.

So this time, the Black Organization certainly didn’t know that Little Wai would go to that twin towers skyscraper.

However, gin and vodka will most likely go to the scene and destroy the twin towers skyscraper.

After all, their traitors are employees of the Long Disk Group.

In the form and style of the Black Organization, they not only want to kill the traitor, but also destroy a trail related to the traitor.

to ensure that the organization’s intelligence will not leak out.

Then, he can go to the guard and see if he can find an opportunity to give them the gin.

If the real wine of gin is dried up, I don’t know what the winery will become.

At dinnertime.

“Little mourning, the day after tomorrow I will go with you.”

Guan Zu suddenly spoke.


Akimi Miyano looked at the two curiously, is there any little secret between his sister and Guan Zu?

“Got it, I’ll call you the day after tomorrow.”

Xiao Wei took the bowl and took the rice from the bowl into his mouth.

She actually still didn’t want Guan Zu to go with her.

After all, Yuan Zi was fascinated by Guan Zu’s handsome appearance, which was something that she and Xiao Lan both knew.

She really had some worries, Guan Zu and Yuan Zi became lovers.

If that’s the case, how could she… Bah! What should the sister do?

Don’t think she doesn’t know, there must be something between her sister and Guan Zu, just hiding it from her.

She’s not a fool and can’t see anything.

As for the boyfriend that my sister talked about before, she has not been in touch for a long time, and she has broken up at all.

Guan Zu will most likely become his brother-in-law in the future.

If she was really with the garden, she… What about my sister?

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