Chapter 222 There is a girlfriend like Xiaolan worth it!!

A day later.

“Hey, it’s almost time, it’s time to go.”

Xiao Wei looked at Guan Zu and said.

Today, they are going to go to the city of West Tama to visit the Twin Towers skyscraper of the Changpan Consortium today.

Of course, today is just an early visit.

The real opening ceremony won’t begin until the next week.

“Here it comes.”

Guan Zu walked out of the room.

Today, he deliberately put on a high-end suit tailored to his figure.

You know, on weekdays, Guan Zu never wears a suit

After all, he is not an office worker, so naturally how comfortable and how to wear, no one can control him.

Therefore, on weekdays, I wear more casual clothes.

Today on the ship a slim high-end suit, this temperament came out at once.


Ash Yuan was dumbfounded.

Because she found that it seemed to be the first time to see Guan Zu wearing a suit.

He usually dressed like an unemployed vagabond, and never wore a uniform or anything like that anyway.

Most of the time at home, I wear shorts and t-shirts and slippers.

There is absolutely no restraint.

I didn’t expect 11 to dress so formally today! It’s just… It just shocked her.

Seeing Xiao Ai’s reaction, Guan Zu smiled slightly, walked over to Xiao Ai’s side, put an arm around her shoulder, and watched her walk towards the door together.

“Let’s go~~”

He wore this today in order to contact the garden and contact his feelings, and at the same time he was angry and sad.

It’s a daily joke to be angry.


Xiao Ai knocked off Guan Zu’s hand that was wrapped around her shoulder.

“Don’t be so frivolous!”

Xiao Wei glanced at Guan Zu, and after saying that, he sped up his pace and took the lead in walking towards the door.

It seemed as if he was afraid that Guan Zu would continue to catch up with her and put his arms around her.

“Oh well”

Guan Zu didn’t care either, so he followed Xiao Ai to the door from the key box on the shoe cabinet and took out the key to Miyano Akimi’s car.

Today is not to go out on a date with Xiao Ai, but also Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Maori Xiaogoro.

His sports car had only two seats, and it was not appropriate to drive one.

Or it is more appropriate to open Akimi Miyano’s car.

Sekizu drove Akimi Miyano’s car and carried Xiao Lai to the Maori Detective Office.

The garden had arrived early and was chatting with Xiaolan.

Seeing that Guan Zu really came, Yuan Zi almost jumped up happily.

But she tried her best to restrain herself and keep herself ladylike.

I was afraid that my big grinning personality would scare Guan Zu, a big handsome man, away.

She had asked Xiao Wei many times before she made the first time to ask the ancestral cattle out!

“Father, let me introduce you to you, this is Xiao Ai’s brother, Mr. Guan Zu. Don’t look at him young, he’s an explorer! ”

Xiaolan introduced Guan Zu to Maori Xiaogoro.

Guan Zu had actually met Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Maori Kogoro many times.

But that’s all in some other capacity.

It was the first time he had seen Maori Kogoro in his original capacity.

“Oh? Explorer?? ”

Maori Kogoro looked surprised.

There are not many people who are engaged in the profession of explorer, but they are still so young!

“Mr. Maori, your name is thunderous to me, even when I was exploring treasure hunting in other places, I had heard the name of the famous detective Sleeping Kogoro.”

Guan Zu flattered.

After watching the anime, Guan Zu knew that as long as this Maori Kogoro was flattered, it was easy to find the north triumphantly.

“Hahaha ~ ~ my Maori Kogoro name has been so loud ~ ~ ~? Hahahahaha~~”

Maori Kogoro laughed.

He was really overwhelmed.


Xiao Lan felt so humiliated.

“Mr. Guan Zu, I haven’t seen you for a long time+” Suzuki Yuenko excitedly greeted Guan Zu.

Since that time when Xiao Lan went to Xiao Lan’s house as a guest, I had seen Guan Zu once.

Since then, I have never seen Guan Zu again.

But even if they had only met once, Yuan Zi couldn’t forget Guan Zu’s handsome face.

“Classmate Suzuki, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Guan Zu responded with a smile.


The garden felt that she was about to pass out with happiness.

So handsome~!

“Xiaolan, when are we going to leave for West Tama City?”

Little mourning diverged from the topic.

She couldn’t take it anymore.

The way the garden was now, they were eager to melt into Guan Zu’s body.

What a fancy thing!

“Dad, how many days are we leaving?”

Xiaolan looked at Maori Xiaogoro.

It was Maori Kogoro who was invited, and when to leave was naturally decided by Maori Kogoro.

“Let’s go now, and when we get there, the time will be almost up.”

Maori Kogoro glanced at the time and said.

Arrive at about eleven o’clock, then chat with the university students, walk around the Twin Towers skyscraper, and visit the tour.

Then at noon, I had a dinner with my college students.

Just right!

“Then let’s go.”

Little lament said.


A group of people went downstairs.

Guan Zu pressed the car key, and the car parked on the side of the road was unlocked.

“Oh?’ Kwan ‘Boy, are you driving?’ That’s great, so we don’t have to take a taxi. ”

Maori Kogoro said happily.

Save a taxi fare~!


Xiao Lan glanced wordlessly at Maori Kogoro.

Daddy is so ashamed!

“Mr. Maori, my driving skills are not very good, I don’t know if I can drive by you?”

Guan Zu looked at Maori Kogoro and said.

If no one else can drive, then he’ll have to drive.

But since there is a Maori Xiaogoro driver, Guan Zu is too lazy to continue to be a driver for everyone.

How boring it is to drive.

Moreover, Akimi Miyano’s car could not soar.

And even if he can soar, there are so many people in the car, he can’t get the car.

“Of course not! I’m an old driver!! ”

Maori Kogoro patted his chest and said.

Obviously, he didn’t refuse to drive for everyone.

“Then you’ll be in trouble, Mr. Maori.”

Guan Zu gave him the car keys.

After throwing the car keys to Maori Xiaogoro, Guan Zu was about to open the door of the co-pilot’s car, but Xiaolan took the lead and sat in.

The garden on the side looked gratefully at Xiaolan.

This was something the two of them had discussed before.

If the driver is Guan Zu, then the co-pilot will be left to the garden to sit.

And if the driver is not Guan Zu, then Xiaolan will snatch the co-pilot seat at the first time.

In this way, the garden can be done by Guan Zu’s side.

Seeing that Xiaolan was acting according to the plan, the garden was very moved.

It’s worth it to have such a good girlfriend in this life!!

Eventually, Maori Kogoro drove and the elementary school sat in the passenger seat.

Guan Zu, Xiao Ai, and Yuan Zi sat in the back seat.

However, Guan Zu was not next to the garden, because there was still a little mourning sitting between the two of them.

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