Chapter 223 Take the gold coin as a greeting gift!!

This time to visit the Twin Towers skyscraper in the city of West Tama is only about the five ancestors.

Conan didn’t go along.

Because Conan’s guy, the three little ghosts who followed Dr. Kasa and the boy detective team these days, drove out camping together.

I am not at home these days, so naturally I will not go with Xiaolan and them to West Tama City.

Maori Kogoro sat in the front to drive, Guan Zu and Xiao Ai, and the two girls of the garden sat in the back seat.

Although there was a small mourning between him and the garden, he still couldn’t stop the enthusiasm of the garden.

I was chatting with Guan Zu all the way.

But it was mainly about Guan Zu, because Yuan Zi was very curious about Guan Zu’s identity as an adventurer.

Of course, Xiaolan and Maori Xiaogoro are also very curious.

After all, the profession of adventurer is so rare.

The last time I saw an adventurer, a treasure hunter, was on the island of the gods.

It’s just that those treasure hunters are really bad, completely different from the adventurers they think of.

Now that there is a real adventurer at hand, they naturally have to satisfy their curiosity.

The only thing that is not curious is probably Xiao Wai.

Because Xiao Ai knew that Guan Zu was not an adventurer at all, but a gangster who specialized in some illegal activities such as kidnapping and robbery!

The Metropolitan Police Department had his wanted number, and she remembered it very clearly, it was 9527!

Calculating that Guan Zu really had a job of finding treasure, it was only a part-time job, and he was definitely not a real adventurer!

However, Guan Zu changed the plot of the treasure-hunting movies such as Treasure Hunter, National Treasure, Mummy, and Tomb Raider to himself and told these people about it.

Everyone was attracted by Guan Zu’s treasure hunting life.

Even Xiao Wai is the same!

Is the life of an explorer so thrilling?

Xiao Ai even doubted that Guan Zu was really an explorer before??

“Mr. Guan, you’ve been to so many places to explore, so you must have found a lot of treasures, right?”

Maori Kogoro’s name for Sekizu has changed.

The boy who used to be called ‘Guan’ has now become Mr. Guan!

I was only a little surprised to hear that Guan Zu was an adventurer before, because the profession of adventurer is too rare.

And now, Guan Zu has been to so many places and experienced so many dangers.

This is clearly an experienced explorer!

Although young, it is also respectable!

“I have indeed found a lot of treasures.”

“My sports car, the house I live in now, and the helicopter that arrived only a few days ago, but they were all bought by the treasure Zang found.”

Guan Zu smiled and said.

“Explorers make so much money!??”

Maori Kogoro was shocked.

It’s a house, it’s a sports car, and there’s a helicopter! Is this something that the average person can afford to play??

He hasn’t bought a car yet!

It’s not that you can’t afford it, and you don’t want to buy it.

It takes money to buy a car, and it takes a lot of money to keep a car.

Not only do you have to pay insurance, but you also need money to drive out and refuel.

Therefore, Maori Kogoro generally goes out, and if it is close, he will take a taxi directly, and if he is far away, he will directly rent a car.

It’s better than buying a car anyway.

And this Guan Zu, who is not a few years older than Xiaolan, actually relied on adventure to find treasure, bought a car and a house, and even bought a helicopter!

That’s an exaggeration, too!

He said he had some heartbeat!!

I thought about whether to simply stop being a detective and follow Guan Zu to become an adventurer.

“The last time you came to the house as a guest, you didn’t send any gifts to you, which is really a bit rude. This is a meet and greet gift, give it to everyone. ”

Guan Zu took out three gold coins from his arms.

This is the gold coin previously found from the treasure of the female pirate Ann Bonnie.

Most of the gold coins were sold directly to the system store by Guan Zu, and he only left a small amount of gold coins as a collection.

Guan Zu handed three gold coins to Yuanzi, Xiaolan and Maori Xiaogoro a gold coin of more than 30 grams, worth about 200,000 old runs.

It is basically equivalent to the salary of most of the newly graduated college students for half a month.

“I’ll definitely collect it!”

The garden obviously liked the gold coin, not that the value of the gold coin itself was high.

In fact, there are more babies in the garden that she has played with as a toy, and the babies worth hundreds of millions of dollars are like that for her.

But this gold coin is different! This is sent by Guan Zu!

“It’s too expensive, I can’t ask for it!”

Xiao Lan pushed back.

A gold coin, the value of gold alone is worth a lot of money.

Not to mention, this gold coin looks flat or antique.

That’s even more valuable.

“Classmate Xiaolan, don’t push back.” It’s just a gold coin~. ”

Guan Zu said with a smile.

“That’s it! Xiao Lan, this is Mr. Guan’s good intentions! How can we resign!! ”

Maori Kogoro drove with one hand, took the gold coin with the other, and then put it in his mouth and gently took a bite.


Xiao Lan saw her father’s action of biting the gold coin, and felt that her face was all lost by her father.

Will Mr. Guan Zu still give them fake gold coins?

The calculation is really fake, and it can’t be bitten when you look at other people’s faces! What a faux pas!

“Hahaha ~ ~ that Mr. Guan, you don’t mind.” I just haven’t seen gold coins, so I’m a little curious ~ hahaha…”

Maori Kogoro also realized that his actions were a bit rude, so he smiled awkwardly.

“It doesn’t matter, when we first found the treasure, Mr. Maori and I reacted similarly.”

Guan Zu smiled and said.

He didn’t mind what Maori Kogoro had just done.

Who gets a gold coin and doesn’t want to take a bite?

Guan Zu said, and suddenly felt that his arm was trapped.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xiao Mo staring at himself.

“What about mine?”

Little Sorrow was reaching out to him.

“Huh? We know each other so well, do we still want to give a meet and greet? ”

Guan Zu was amused by the little mourning.

He actually deliberately missed Xiao Lament to see how she reacted.

Unexpectedly, she really cared about this gold coin?

“That’s why you missed me?”

Xiao Ai still put his hand in front of Guan Zu.

“Okay ~ all right ~ but the gold coins are gone~ just send you this ~!”

Guan Zu took out a ruby the size of a pigeon’s egg from his arms and placed it in the palm of Xiao Ai’s hand.

The rubies are as bright red as blood, and they are crystal clear, and not even the slightest impurities can be seen.

This ruby is also the treasure of the pirate Anbony.

At that time, Guan Zu selected a lot of precious gems and did not sell them to the system store.

Isn’t that the time for this?

“Very nice!!!”

Xiao Lan and Yuan Zi were both attracted by the ruby in Xiao Ai’s hand.

Girls, there is no pregnancy that does not like gemstones.

Even Maori Kogoro was attracted and was looking through the rearview mirror at the ruby in Xiao Ai’s hand.

“Mr. Maori!! See the way!! ”

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