Chapter 224 Is this the boyfriend of Sister Grey Plain?!!

Maori Kogoro looked through the rearview mirror at the jewel in Xiao Ai’s hand, and the car was deflected.

But Guan Zu was shocked.

Fortunately, it was a timely reminder to let Maori Kogoro’s attention return to the matter of driving.

Unexpectedly, the crowd finally arrived safely in the city of West Tama.

Entering the city of Setata, you can see the towering twin towers of skyscrapers in the distance.

Cherry blossoms actually have restrictions on super tall buildings, and it is not allowed to build super tall buildings at will.

After all, there are often earthquakes here.

In particular, small earthquakes of all kinds can always be encountered so many times a year.

The supertall building is too dangerous, in case of a major earthquake, the people inside the supertall building cannot escape at all.

Even in the event of a small earthquake, the taller the building, the more likely it is to collapse.

Therefore, in the cherry blossom country, it is generally not allowed to build supertall buildings.

I don’t know how this passed the layers of audits to build this super tall building.

Guan Zu thought about it, as if he had made an offline transaction with a city councilor, so he passed the construction bill?

The specific details, Guan Zu can’t think of too much.

But this matter had nothing to do with him, and after thinking about it a little, he didn’t bother to continue thinking about it.

He did have the idea to do something on the day of the opening ceremony of the twin towers skyscraper.

For example, all the guests who came here for the opening ceremony that day were kidnapped!

Just like the 60th anniversary celebration of the Suzuki Foundation is attended by the top ten people with heads and faces in Tokyo.

The people who attended the opening ceremony of the twin towers skyscraper must also be high-class people.

After all, this long-cap group is also a large consortium.

However, unlike the Suzuki Consortium, which is involved in any industry, the Long Disk Group is more focused on the electronics field, such as computers, televisions, game consoles, video games and so on

In this field, the Long Disk Group can be said to be an industry reversal.

When the time came to attend the opening ceremony, except for a few people who wanted to have a reputation like Maori Kogoro but did not have much money, most of them were definitely partners of the Long Disk Group.

Say, I am also a person at the level of president and vice president.

It would not be surprising that people from other consortiums came to participate.

However, Guan Zu thought that on the day of the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper, Gin and Vodka were afraid that they were going to do things here.

Guan Zu gave up the idea of robbing the opening ceremony.

Gin and vodka are the two guys who are going to blow up the building.

Although it was not a collapse, the middle floor of the building was blown up and burned, and then the first floor of the banquet was also installed with a large number of bombs.

He kidnapped all the guests at the opening ceremony, fearing that everyone would not want to leave alive.

He himself could have escaped when the explosion occurred, but what about the others?

He didn’t care about those strangers, but Xiao Ai, Xiao Lan and others would definitely come on the day of the opening ceremony.

Even if he had dismantled the gin bomb they had installed on the top floor in advance.

And bombs from other places.

He couldn’t check the whole building a day in advance.

It will exhaust people.

And not necessarily enough time.

Even if he had dismantled all the bombs and the bombs hadn’t exploded at the scheduled time, the Blackshirts would have checked them.

Finding that the bomb did not explode would surely set other plans in mind.

If he finds out that he is robbing all the guests, he will definitely find a way to kill him in the end, after all, he and Gin have a vendetta against them.

If it is only ‘middle door to sniper’, he is not afraid, but if there are any heavy weapons, such as heavy machine guns, bazookas and the like, it will be bad at that time.

With the strength of the Black Organization, it is not difficult to get those things.

So on the day of the opening ceremony, he certainly couldn’t show up in the open to rob the rich guests.

Just assassinate gin and vodka in the shadows.

Māori Kogoro drove to the parking lot of the Twin Towers skyscraper and walked to the main entrance of the skyscraper.

“Eh? Isn’t that Conan and Dr. Asa? How could they be here?? ”

In the distance, Xiaolan saw Conan and the others standing in the square in front of the Twin Towers skyscraper.

Guan Zu and the others continued to walk towards the gate of the Twin Towers skyscraper.

“Little devil! Why are you here?” ”

Maori Kogoro said loudly.

Didn’t they go camping?

“Little Sister Lan?” Uncle Maori? ”

When Conan saw the crowd, he was surprised and then ran towards them.

“We went home from camping and stopped by to look around the building. Uncle, how did you end up here? ”

Conan asked curiously.

“Cough cough! Well, the owner of this building, Long Pan Misu, is my college sister! Before the opening next week, I will be specially entertained to visit ~! ”

Maori Kogoro said triumphantly.

“Oh? How come I haven’t heard your uncle say that? ”

Conan’s face was full of curiosity.

With Uncle Maori’s character, shouldn’t this kind of thing have been said at home for a long time?

“Daddy, he didn’t even talk to me!” It was because I thought it was strange that he confessed under duress. ”

Xiaolan looked at Maori Kogoro with contempt and explained.

“Confession?? Where do I have!! ”

Seeing that the bottom was demolished, Maori Kogoro was also a little embarrassed.

“Sister Ash Yuan! Long time gone! My name is Mitsuhiko and I haven’t seen me for a long time! ”

Mitsuhiko happily came to Xiao Ai.

“Sister Ash Plains~~”

Bumi also said hello to Xiao Wai.

Before on the Divine Sea Island were Oh, Xiao Ai and these little ghosts had met.

“Of course I remember you, your name is Bumi, your name is Yuantai, right?”

Xiao Ai looked at Mitsuhiko, Bumi and Mototaru in turn.

“That… This big brother……… Is it the boyfriend of Sister Ash Yuan? ”

Hikari asked hesitantly.

When he was on the Shenhai Island before, he especially liked this big sister who was much older than himself.

Beautiful and smart.

Of course, this kind of liking, he did not dare to say it.

It’s like he likes Bumei, and he doesn’t dare to say it.

But now seeing a super handsome man standing next to Ash Yuan’s sister made Mitsuhiko’s heart particularly sad.

Such a handsome boy must be the boyfriend of Sister Gray Yuan, right?

Although Mitsuhiko knew very well that the age difference between himself and the member sister was too great for them to be impossible, he knew that Sister Ashita had a boyfriend.

It still made him particularly sad.

“You’re right, little devil! I am indeed the boyfriend of your sister Gray Plains~~! ”

Guan Zu put his arm around Xiao Ai’s willow waist, bent down and looked down at the three little ghosts in front of him and teased.

“Don’t make a fuss!”

Xiao Wai slapped the hand that was wrapped around his waist.

“This guy’s name is Guan Zu, and he’s my cousin.”

Xiao Wei explained.

Of course, she didn’t explain it to Mitsuhiko, but to others.

She didn’t want Xiaolan, the two of them misunderstood…

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