Chapter 225: The Machine That Predicts the Future?!!

At this time, a young woman wearing a small work suit came out of the building and walked toward several people.

“May I ask, are you Mr. Maori Kogoro?”

“Ah, yes!”

Maori Kogoro saw the beautiful lady and quickly responded.

“Hello, I am the secretary of the chairman of the board, my name is Sawaguchi. At present, the chairman is still receiving customers, please follow me to the exhibition room to visit. ”

Miss Secretary said.

After that, he led the crowd into the lobby of the Twin Towers skyscraper.

And as you walk, you will be introduced to this twin towers skyscraper.

“Building A here, the whole building is an office area.”

“The above thirty-first floor belongs to the long-disk consortium. The exhibition rooms are located on the second and third floors. ”

Guan Zu also looked at this twin towers skyscraper.

From the outside, this twin towers skyscraper is still quite shocking, but that is only for the Sakura country.

Because Sakura Kuni is located in an earthquake zone, it is very demanding when building supertall buildings, and it is rarely approved.

Therefore, there are very few super-high-rise buildings.

If this were in the big country next door, especially in the big city, it wouldn’t feel so shocking.

However, Guan Zu felt that there was nothing to be proud of by building a large number of supertall buildings.

Just building one, then it means having the technology to build super high-rise buildings.

But building super high-rise buildings in pieces doesn’t do much except look good.

The high building means that there are many people inside.

In the event of a fire, earthquake or other disaster, more people will definitely die at that time.

As for the people who work inside, will they be more productive? Will you feel happier?

Not really.

Ordinary beaters are not working in the cubicle, and when it is time to touch the fish, they are not the same as touching the fish.

Guan Zu and his party followed Miss Secretary into the Twin Towers skyscraper, and the inside of the building was even more ‘ordinary’.

It’s no different from other buildings, and the office buildings are similar anyway.

“What kind of company is the Long Disk Group?”

Bumi asked Hikari next to her curiously.

In the Junior Detective Team, besides Conan, Mitsuhiko knows the most.

As for Yuantai, he probably only knew how to eat.

“It’s mainly computer software, but as long as it’s computer-related, long-cap consortiums will do it.”

Mitsuhiko explains.

“Then there are games to be made!?” Now it’s time to play!! ”

Yuan Tai was instantly excited.

When the crowd came to the second floor, they saw a large number of booths. Above each booth, there were some electronic devices.

Some people look at the past and know that it is a game console.

But some devices look at it at a glance and have no idea what they are doing.

“Oh, there are so many interesting things!”

Dr. Kasa looked at everything in front of him in amazement.

He also often makes some games for children to play, and is naturally very interested in this kind of thing.

Guan Zu also looked at the various devices in front of him with great interest.

He’s also a fan of video games, both before and after traversing this world.

He loves to play video games.

So when he was fine, he would often go to the nearby game hall to play games, or play games at home with computers and mobile phones.

After gaining [programming] skills, he will even write his own game plug-ins

However, after playing a few times, I found that after opening the plug-in, the fun of playing the game was greatly reduced, especially when playing the kind of single-player game.

So most of the time, he won’t make his own plug-ins.

Online games that need to be charged with money will not deliberately make plug-ins, after all, he has money and does not care about charging all kinds of 648.

Unless the manufacturer of the game is too ugly, or other gamers open and hang, he will make his own plug-in to sanction each other.

With his programming ability, he has not yet encountered a player who is more powerful than him in making plug-ins.

“Welcome to you!”

A middle-aged man with glasses walked over.

“This is a director and engineer, Mr. Hara.”

Secretary Sawaguchi introduced.

“Haha ~ please advise.”

Hara smiled and greeted everyone.

“What is this?”

“Is it a game console?”

The three little ghosts of the juvenile detective team were surrounding a device next to them that could not see what kind of equipment it was.

Hara Jiaming immediately walked toward several children.

“Would you like to try it?” This computer can predict what it will look like in ten years. ”

Yuan Jiaming looked at the three children with a smile and said.

As you can see, the software engineer seems to be very fond of children.

“Oh yo? What does it look like ten years from now?? This is really powerful!! ”

Dr. Kasa walked to the device in amazement.

Guan Zu and the others all looked at the device.

If you can predict what you will look like ten years from now just by what you look like now, it’s not difficult to do that.

Only by collecting a large amount of data to support it, it is possible to calculate the changes in facial skin and facial muscles after ten years according to the five facial features of people.

However, Guan Zu was not sure whether the machine in front of him also used the same method to achieve this function.

He vaguely remembered that in the original plot, when Conan and Xiao Ai used this device, the equipment immediately went wrong.

If that technology is really used, it is reasonable to say that there is no mistake.

At most, the calculated appearance is not accurate.

But this device is wrong, will it be because the two of them are rejuvenated relationships?

But now, Conan is the only one who is rejuvenated, from a middle school student to a primary school student.

Xiao Ai covered his face with a human skin mask.

I don’t know if this time, Xiao Ai uses this device, will he still make this device wrong?

Bumi and Dr. Kasa were invited to two positions by Hara Yoshiaki.

Maori Kogoro clasped his hands to his chest and looked completely uninterested.

“I just don’t want to see my stinky face of aging ten years from now.”

Maori Kogoro complained.

He was almost forty, and in another ten years he would be almost fifty.

At that time, he may become an old man like Akira Hiroshi.

He didn’t want to see himself like that!

Bumi and Dr. Kasa sit down, and Hara presses the start button.

Two helmets were draped over the heads of both Bumi and Dr. Agasa, and the flash flashed and the photo was taken.

Two seconds later, two photos were printed.

Dr. Kasa has not changed at all, but Bumi in the photo has changed from a primary school student to a high school beauty.

“Bumi changed from a small beauty to a big beauty~”

Xiao Lan smiled and praised.

“After all, when I was a child, I was also a beautiful embryo.”

Guan Zu looked at the photo and said.

“Hey hey…”

Bumi held the photo, and her face turned red with praise.

“I’ll see! Let me see!! ”

Mitsuhiko and Motota, who were still looking at Dr. Asa’s photo just now, rushed to Bumi’s side.

After seeing the photo, both of them immediately blushed.

“So cute~!!”

“More attractive than this sister~!!”

Yuan Tai pointed to the garden and said.

Yuanzi’s face immediately turned black: “Where does the little devil move the charm of adults?” ”

Girls, who would admit that their charm is not as good as others?

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