Chapter 226: Why don’t you all grow old?!!

“Motoya! Let’s play too!! ”

“Let’s go!!”

Mitsuhiko and Motoya also ran to their seats and sat down together.

Hara Jiaming helped manipulate the machine, and in a few moments, the photos of Mitsuhiko and Motoya ten years later were printed.

Except for a little maturity, the face shape of the two has hardly changed.

Mitsuhiko was still a freckle on his face, and Motoya was still the inverted triangle of his head, even ten years later, he was still as fat as he is now.

Seeing the photos of the two of them, Guan Zu seriously suspected that this machine was based on the user’s current facial features and face shape to carry out maturation and aging calculations.

Then synthesize the photos ten years later.

However, from Dr. Kasa’s photo, it seems that this is not the case.

Because Agabo’s appearance after ten years has not changed at all from now.

Although he is more than fifty years old, his facial features are basically not very changeable, but after ten years, he is in his sixties, and he should always get older.

As a result, the photos do not show any further aging.

It’s fascinating.

“Xiaolan ~ let’s go play too~!”

Mitsuhiko and Motota got off the machine, and Yuenko immediately pulled Xiaolan to sit on the machine’s seat.

That is, this machine only has two seats, otherwise she would also pull Xiao Ai along.

Soon, the photos of Xiaolan and Yuanzi ten years later were also printed

The photo of the garden is how to say it, it is a typical cherry blossom traditional wife

However, she is not very similar to her mother, Tomoko Suzuki, but somewhat similar to Hattori’s mother, Shizuka Hattori.

Of course, Guan Zu did not know Hattori Shizuka, Heiji Hattori’s mother, so he did not feel this way.

I just think that the garden ten years later has a very big and caressing temperament.

This is completely different from her current temperament.

Maybe……… Mature after marriage?

“I’ve seen this kind of old woman~!”

Yuan Tai saw the picture of the garden and laughed again.

Who made the garden laugh at the picture of him and Mitsuhiko before.

However, Xiaolan’s photo has changed a lot from her now.

“It’s beautiful.”

Xiao Wei looked at Xiao Lan’s photo and said.

“Looks exactly like the Yingli of his youth!”

Maori Kogoro said in surprise.

He really has the most say in this.

“It’s a shame to be with Shinichi.”

Dr. Kasa joked.


When Xiao Lan heard this, her face immediately turned red.

“The thought of being with you is Shinichi makes people feel angry!”

The garden also came over and quipped.

“What are you talking about!” Garden!! ”

Xiao Lan’s cheeks were flushed by the garden’s teasing.

“Shinichi Kudo…?”

Little Mourning glanced at Conan, who was stealing pleasure from the side.

This pair of green plum bamboo horses, I’m afraid there is no way to be together.

Xiaolan is now seventeen years old, and the original high school detective Kudo Shinichi has become a primary school student who is only about seven years old.

The two were ten years apart.

If the man is ten years older than the woman, maybe he can wait for the other person to grow up.

But now it is a woman who is ten years older than a man, which is afraid that she can’t wait for the other party for ten years.

At this time, Conan heard Dr. Kasa and Yuan Zi saying that Xiaolan was with him or something, and he was happy in his heart.

I couldn’t help but smirk.

This made Bu Mei on the side sad.

Conan actually likes Little Sister Lan, who is so many years older than him!!

“Eh~Little Lament, it’s your turn next~!” You and your cousin go to the picture together~! ”

The garden excitedly pushed Xiao Wai toward the seat of the machine

In fact, she wanted to see what Guan Zu looked like ten years later.

Is a handsome guy still a handsome guy?

“Eh?? Garden, I don’t want to play with this~! ”

Xiao Wei quickly refused.

But the garden involuntarily pushed her to the side of the seat and pressed her to the seat.

“Mr. Guan, come with you!”

Yuan Zi looked at Guan Zu and invited.


Guan Zu smiled and walked to another seat and sat down.

He was actually very curious about what he would look like in ten years.

Similarly, I was also curious about whether this machine could predict what he and Xiao Ai would look like ten years later.

He is a crosser, and Xiao Lai wears a human skin mask on his face.

If this machine can still predict the appearance of the two of them, it means that this machine is simply reusing the algorithm to age the facial features and skin to achieve the purpose of predicting the appearance.

But if the machine also shows ‘something went wrong’ as the original plot did.

Then Guan Zu was very curious, the specific principle of this machine.

Shouldn’t it also be a product of Ke Xue?

Guan Zu and Xiao Ai sat in two seats, and their helmets came down to cover their heads.

A white flash flashed.

Two photos were printed out successively.

“How’s it going? Has anything changed after ten years with Little Sorrow? ”

Guan Zu stood up and asked curiously.

The photo was successfully printed out and the machine did not malfunction… This shows that this machine is really just an ordinary machine.

Like in the original plot, when Xiao Ai and Conan used the machine, the machine made a mistake and could not print the photos of the two people, which should be purely a coincidence.

“Strange, how come none of you have changed at all?”

The garden said strangely.

“That said, nothing has changed.”

Xiao Lan was also curious that in addition to Dr. Asa, the photos of other people had obvious changes.

Why didn’t the photos of Xiao Ai and Guan Zu change a bit?

“Shouldn’t this machine be broken?”

Maori Kogoro guessed.

“Probably not?”

Yuan Jiaming also scratched his head in doubt.

The machine was designed by him, although there are some people who have not changed at all ten years later and now.

But not so much.

And the two people in front of you look very young, the girls should be less than twenty, and the men should be in their early twenties.

At this age, the next ten years should not be unchanged at all.

Xiao Ai also looked at Guan Zu doubtfully.

Her facial features are unchanged, which is not surprising, after all, she wears a mask on her face, which may be detected by the machine, so the facial features have not changed.

But Guan Zu is now his original appearance.

Or is he transfiguring even this most primitive look?

“What do you see?”

Guan Zu looked at Xiao Lai strangely.

How strange is the look in the eyes of the little mourner?


Xiao Wei shook his head.

However, in his heart, he made a decision, today he must find an opportunity to pinch Guan Zu’s face.

Look at his current face, is it also transfigured! As for now, too many people are inconvenient.

“Conan! Let’s play too~! ”

Bumera held Conan and said.

She also wanted to know what Conan would look like ten years from now.

“Yes! Yes! Just to see, this machine is really broken~! ”

Mitsuhiko and Motoya immediately pushed Conan toward the seat of the machine.

“Eh?? Wait a minute…”

Conan panicked.

Where does he dare to play this!

Ten years later, he will not become Ding Teng Shinichi!

But where his strength is the opponent of Mitsuhiko and Motota, even Motota alone can push him away.

Among his peers, Yuan Tai was a Hercules.

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