Chapter 228 There is something dirty on your face!!

“I’ve heard your name, isn’t it called Detective Kogoro the Sleepy Worm?”

Faced with a flushed face and a drunken body, Iwamatsu came to Maori Kogoro, raised his hand and extended his index finger to poke at Maori Kogoro’s chest.

“I’m Sleeping Kogoro…”

Maori Kogoro looked wordlessly at the Seittama City Councillor.

That is, this person is in a high position, otherwise, Maori Kogoro will definitely want this guy to look good.

Guan Zu looked at the few people in front of him.

Now that Conan has arrived at the Twin Towers skyscraper, there will definitely be deaths here.

Exactly who will die, Guan Zu actually does not remember very clearly. After all, there were too many people killed by Conank.

But seeing this scene in front of him, Guan Zu knew that this city councilor of West Tama City, Ohki Iwamatsu was most likely going to die.

At least, one of the people who are going to die.

How dare he provoke Maori Kogoro? Isn’t that looking for death?

Although the God of Death is Conan, a schoolboy, Maori Kogoro is a person around the God of Death, and ordinary people can provoke?

Ordinary people are afraid that they cannot bear the ‘karma’ contaminated by him.

“Speaking of which, Mr. Maori, I have something to do with you.”

Architectural designer Hidehiko Kazuma said.


Maori Kogoro looked curious.

“Because, I’m a disciple of Emperor Moriya.”

Hidehiko Kazema looked playfully at Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro and Conan were shocked.

Moriya Emperor, is that not the same architecture professor who stole the explosives from the Toto Gunpowder Depot and then tried to use the explosives to create a large number of explosions?

The bomb that the guy made also injured Conan. Let him lie in the hospital for an afternoon.

The bomb made by Moriya Teiji even almost killed Xiaolan. However, in the end, I don’t know who destroyed all the bombs in the Rice Flower Municipal Building and ‘stolen’, so the explosion did not happen.

Of course, only the police and Maori Kogoro and a few of them know about it. People on the outside world don’t know about it.

It is only known that the police arrested Emperor Moriya with the help of Maori Kogoro.

“But Mr. Maori, don’t worry, I won’t blow up this building like Sengu did.”

Hidehiko Kazema joked.

“Fried…… Blow up……”

Maori Kogoro was shocked.

The last time the Rice Flower Municipal Building was held, it scared Maori Kogoro into not being able to do it.

“Because the height of the building is different, and the relationship between left and right is asymmetrical, right?”

Conan pretended to be a child and said innocently.

“Little friend, you know so much.”

Hidehiko Kazema glanced at Conan unexpectedly.

Xiaolan also looked at Conan.

Obviously, he often inadvertently shows the appearance of an adult, why is he unwilling to confess to himself about the fact that his body has become smaller?

Is it because you hate yourself for not being able to help? Xiao Lan felt a little sad in her heart.

Guan Zu was looking at the architect Hidehiko Kazema.

He didn’t intend to blow up the twin-tower skyscraper, but the others were ready to blow it up.

But the building didn’t collapse.

This should be a blessing in misfortune for the long-cap consortium.

The building that had just been built was blown up, and they were afraid that they were going to die

Not all consortia are as rich as the Suzuki consortium, and the industry has been bombed one after another, but the Suzuki consortium’s money is still too much to use.

“Wow~~so pretty!!”

Not far away, there was a sudden exclamation from several little ghosts of the Young Detective Team.

As everyone looked, they saw Mitsuhiko, Motoyasu, and Bumi, lying on the huge glass curtain wall, looking out at Mt. Fuji in the distance.

I have to say that from this point facing Mt. Fuji, the scenery is indeed beautiful. For Mt. Fuji, this is definitely the best observation deck.

“The scenery here is really beautiful.”

Maori Kogoro also sighed.

However, he did not dare to run to the side of the glass curtain wall like the juvenile detective team to enjoy the distant scenery.

It’s a seventy-five-story building.

Standing next to the huge glass curtain wall, Maori Kogoro would be frightened and his legs would be weak

“You can also see Mt. Fuji here at night.”

Changpan Mitsuru smiled slightly.

“It’s okay at night?”

Xiao Lan, Yuan Zi and Xiao Yi were all full of curiosity.

At night, Mt. Fuji will be pitch black, but there will be lights in the hall.

At night, how do you see Mt. Fuji in the distance?

Long Pan Meixu was a mysterious smile and did not solve the puzzle for everyone.

Xiao Lan and others are afraid that they will not be able to solve this doubt until the official opening of the Twin Towers skyscraper next week.

“Hey hey hey ~~”

“What can you see in the window over there?”

“Hurry up, hurry up~!!”

The three little ghosts of the Young Detective Team ran toward the glass curtain wall on the other side. The glass curtain wall was polished and transparent, and there was hardly any material.

Looking out from the inside, you might even think that there is no glass there at all. Thanks to those three little devils, they dared to run like this.

But if there is a slight fear of heights, it is estimated that it is impossible to run like these three little devils.

“What’s that?”

“It’s like the roof of a dome.”

A few of the little devils looked curiously at the other building outside the window.

Long Pan Mitsu led the crowd to the window as well.

Maori Kogoro walked two meters from the window and did not dare to go any further.

“Building B next door is a commercial building, with shops below and hotels above. There is also an indoor swimming pool on the top floor. ”

“That dome roof can be turned on.”

Nagapan Miyu stood next to Maori Kogoro and looked out the window at another lower building to explain.

She saw that Maori Kogoro was afraid of heights and naturally took care of his feelings.

How to say, Changpan Meixu is also the head of a consortium, which naturally does not look too bad for people’s eyesight.

It is also the feeling of taking care of others.

Of course, this is only for guests of higher status than her, or who are her guests like Maori Kogoro.

The employees in the long-cap consortium cannot enjoy such treatment.

“By the way, Mitsu, can I stay in that hotel on the weekend?”

City Councilor Ohki Iwamatsu suddenly asked.

“But it hasn’t opened yet.”

Long Pan Mei said embarrassed.

“Meaning no, doesn’t it?”

“I see… I will prepare the suite on the sixty-seventh floor for you. ”

Long Pan Mitsu immediately said with interest.

She still had to rely on the Daiki Councilor.

While the attention of the others was on Long Pan Mitsu and the Daiki Councilor, Guan Zu suddenly tilted his head to look at Xiao Wai beside him.

I saw Xiao Ai raising his hand to his face.

“The amount…… There is something dirty on your face. ”

Xiao Wei explained a sentence. Then, continue to put your hand to Guan Zu’s face.

Pinch Guan Zu’s face, and then pull it out. Guan Zu: “??? ”

Little lament this brain is broken it?

Is she checking if she’s wearing a human skin mask? This is your real face!!

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