Chapter 229 Perm is not for you!!

“When I say you, do you just want to pinch me?”

Guan Zu raised his hand, and a brain melon collapsed on Xiao Ai’s forehead.

If it weren’t for the fact that she was outside now, Xiao Ai’s face was wearing a human skin mask, and she couldn’t casually pinch her face, then Guan Zu would definitely take revenge and go back.

“It hurts!”

Xiao Wei Wu shook his head and stared at Guan Zu breathlessly. With such force, her eyes were going to be cut off in pain.

“Still mean to cry out in pain?” Do you know how hard you just worked? ”

Guan Zu raised his hand and cut off Xiao Wai’s face.

Can not be squeezed hard, cut twice or no problem.


Xiao Wai did not dare to look at Guan Zu with a weak heart.

Because it was necessary to confirm whether Guan Zu’s face was wearing a human skin mask, coupled with being discovered by Guan Zu in advance, Xiao Ai was more anxious just now.

Therefore, the force is really large. Naturally, she had some weakness.

At the same time as his heart was weak, Xiao Lai secretly glanced at Guan Zu’s face.

“None of it turned red?”

“The skin is so thick~!”

Xiao Lai secretly complained in his heart.

She did not dare to say it directly, otherwise, she would definitely be punished by Guan Zu

However, after thinking about it, Xiao Liang felt that something was wrong.

Even if the 997 face is thick, normal people are pinched so hard, and the face frequency will turn red, right?

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have no reaction at all. Shouldn’t this guy still wear a human skin mask.

“It’s just that this kind of human skin mask is relatively strong and cannot be removed by ordinary means?”

Xiao Ai did not react because Guan Zu’s face was pinched and suspected Guan Zu again.

After all, her transfiguration technique was taught to her by Guan Zu.

Then Guan Zu’s transfiguration technique is more powerful than hers, which is also very normal, right? If Guan Zu knew Xiao Ai’s thoughts, he would definitely shout that he had been wronged.

He taught Xiao Ai the transfiguration technique, but every work point was retained. Xiao Ai was worse than him now, and only the proficiency of the technique was left.

As long as Xiao Ai’s proficiency came up, then the technology could catch up with Guan Zu and there would be no difference.

The reason why Guan Zu did not blush was entirely because his physique was much stronger than that of ordinary people, plus he had super recovery ability.

It’s just that the skin is pinched red, and it recovers in an instant.

Even if it is a knife wound, it does not take long to recover, let alone just face is pinched red.

Xiao Lan and Yuan Zi both looked at Guan Zu and Xiao Ai.

“The relationship between their brothers and sisters is really good~”

The garden sighed.

Xiao Lan was silent and did not speak.

She had a feeling that between Guan Zu and Xiao Ai, she saw some shadows of herself and the new one?

So, between Xiao Ai and Guan Zu, is it really just a brother-sister relationship?

“All right, Mitsu, I’m going back!”

Not far away, the old painter Ruyue Fengshui said a serious word with a serious expression and turned away.

Listening to his tone, it didn’t seem very happy.

“Then I’ll send you downstairs!”

Long Pan Mixu hurriedly walked over.

“No more!”

Like the moon peak water head does not return to the elevator.

But Long Pan Meixu still quickly chased after it.

Ruzuki-mizu is her teacher, and in Sakura, a country with a very high ranking of seniority, the status of a teacher is very high.

Mitsuru Nagapan must respect her teacher.

At the very least, on the surface, it is necessary to act as if you respect the teacher. Don’t let others feel that she has no respect for the teacher.

“He seems to be very unhappy?”

Maori Kogoro looked at the back of the moon peak water.

“Miss Mitsuki buys Ruyue’s paintings everywhere and then dismisses them at a high price, so he has a little.”

Hidehiko Kazema explains.

“Some people hype their paintings at a high price, and as a painter, they should be more happy, shouldn’t they?”

Guan Zu complained.

Is it true that any painter wants his paintings to be worthless? You should all hope that your works are worth a lot of money and spread to the past, right?

“Who knows,” Hidehiko Kazema shrugged.

The garden standing with Xiaolan is not to take out the photo taken before and look at it ten years later.

She also felt that ten years later, she seemed to have some. Too… Not that it’s ugly.

How to say it, it just feels a little too much for Obasan. Xiao Lan was completely different from her.

Ten years later, Xiaolan is more mature than she is now, but she is more beautiful than she is now. Wherever she was, ten years later she became an Obasan.

“Hey, Xiaolan, do you think I should change my hairstyle?”

Garden looked at the photo inside and said to himself ten years later.

She looked at it and eventually blamed it on her hairstyle.

It must be because of the hairstyle, so that ten years later, I have become like an Obasan.

If you change your hairstyle, the result will definitely be different.

“Garden, you want to change your hairstyle?” So what kind of hairstyle do you want to change? ”

Xiao Lan asked in surprise and curiosity.

It seems that from childhood to adulthood, the hairstyle of the garden has hardly changed.

It has always been short hair like now, and it has always been a hairbox that is applied to the front of the hair.

The garden can indeed change a hairstyle to try it.

“I don’t know how to read.”

Yuan Zi said with a slight headache.

Although she wanted to change her hairstyle, she couldn’t make up her mind what hairstyle to change

Leave a hairstyle like Xiaolan? But she has short hair, and her hair is not long enough.

Tie a double ponytail like a little mourner? She couldn’t tie her hair up.

“Shall I perm my hair?”

Yuan Zi said slightly inquiringly.

“You want to perm your hair in the garden?”

Yuanzi’s words were heard by Guan Zu, and he immediately walked towards Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

You can’t let the garden perm.

The hair color of the garden is very close to the original hair color of Xiao Ai, and they are both short

Plus the height and body are all the same!

The garden will perm a short hair again, and don’t be mistaken for snow by the gin guy again.

It’s not good to be sniped when the time comes.

So you must not let the garden perm!

“I just want to change my hairstyle.”

The garden was a little embarrassed by Guan Zu’s look.

Don’t look at the garden usually grinning, but if you really meet what you like, you will still become a little girl.

“Well, it’s not bad to change your hairstyle.” However, I think that the garden is not suitable for perms. ”

“If you want to change your hairstyle, you just need to remove the hairband and put the bangs down.”

Guan Zu looked at the garden with a smile and said.

When I watched the anime before I crossed, I saw the way the garden took off the hair band and put down the bangs, but Guan Zu was so stunned.

Putting down the bangs is obviously very beautiful, why do you have to bring a hairband to seal the appearance.

No, the body of the garden is actually a birthplace, right?

“Is it really true?”

The garden was not very convinced.

“Of course it’s true, if you don’t believe it, you can put down the bangs and try it now.”

Guan Zu instigated.

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