Chapter 230 The Garden of Death!!

“Put… Put down the bangs? ”

The garden was startled. Put down the bangs now, isn’t that nice?

So many people around!

She had never put down her hair in front of outsiders!

“Put the bangs down?” I’m actually quite curious. ”

Xiao Lai also looked at the garden with great interest.

Having known Yuan Zi for such a long time, she had not seen the Garden put down – the hairband looked like.

Even if I go to the beach to play, I have never seen the garden put down my hair.

“Xiao Ai, the way the garden puts down the hair band, it is really beautiful!”

Xiao Lan’s eyes lit up.

The others hadn’t seen the garden put down her headbands, but she had seen it! Since kindergarten, she has been good friends with the kindergarten!

And the last time I dived on Shenhai Island, the garden actually removed the hairband.

After all, it is not very convenient to wear diving glasses and then wear hair bands.

When I came up from the sea, the bangs in the garden were scattered in front of me, which was really cute!

Unfortunately, after taking off the diving equipment, the garden put on the headband again

Xiao Wai, who did not dive with him, naturally did not see the garden take off the hairband.

“Really? I’m more curious about it now. ”

Xiao Wai looked expectantly at the garden.

See Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, and Guan Zu all looking at themselves.

In particular, Guan Zu’s encouraging eyes made Yuan Zi make up his mind.

“Okay, then I’ll take the headband off and try it.” But don’t laugh at me! ”

The garden looked at everyone with some trepidation.

Of these, the focus is on Guan Zu.

It was nothing to lose face in front of Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai, but if you lost face in front of Guan Zu, it would really be dead!

Guan Zu is her male god!

In addition to the strange thief Kidd, Guan Zu is the most handsome!

And the strange thief Kidd is in the front, and the more important reason is because the strange thief Kidd is too mysterious!

So far, no one has seen the true face of the strange thief Kidd.

But all the fans of Kidd the Strange Thief, including the Garden, feel that the Strange Thief Kidd must be a big handsome guy!

At least a handsome uncle!

“Rest assured, we will never laugh at you!”

Xiao Ai assured the garden.

“Garden, you have to believe me, the way you put down your bangs, it’s really cute~!”

Xiao Lan also said with a look of affirmation.

“Okay, then.”

The garden was persuaded by everyone.

He nodded, then raised his hand and removed the hair that was hooped on his head.

At this moment, Guan Zu and the three of them were all stunned.

It’s just not because the garden with the headband down is amazing.

Rather, it is because the hairband of the garden is worn for too long, and the form of the bangs is fixed and cannot be hung down naturally.

Instead, he cocked her neck like a proud swan, unwilling to bow his head. To put it bluntly, the bangs of the garden are all cocked on the head.

This look, how to say it, anyway, with beautiful, cute and other adjectives are not a little bit.

The most appropriate adjective, perhaps, is funny.

“Poof~~hahaha~~” Xiaolan couldn’t help but laugh out loud.


Little mourning followed.

Guan Zu also smiled uncontrollably, but he raised his hand to block his mouth. After all, it is really not good to laugh at each other in front of a girl.

It doesn’t matter if Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai laugh at her, his opposite sex laughs and the blow to the garden is too great.

“You can’t laugh when you say!!!”

The garden saw the three people laughing and immediately realized that there must be a problem.

Raise your hand and realize what the problem is. His bangs are all cocked!

She’s dead! She’s dead!

And it is in front of the male gods to die!

The garden felt that her whole life had become dark.

“Okay ~ good ~ we are not right, garden, don’t be angry~”

Xiao Lan quickly apologized.

But the smile at the corner of his mouth could not be controlled. After all, this picture is really easy to make people laugh.

“Cough cough! Garden, it was just an accident. Believe me, you who put down your headbands are definitely beautiful! ”

Guan Zu was the first to control his expression.

He is professionally trained and generally does not laugh unless he really can’t help it.

The funny scene just now came too suddenly, so he was not prepared, so he couldn’t help but laugh twice.

Now that it is under control, nature is no problem.

“I… I’ll go to the bathroom! ”

The garden quickly put the headband back on and fled the place.

To be seen by his own male god is such a shameful scene, it is a shame to die!! She did not dare to face Guan Zu again.

At least for a short time, I didn’t see Guan Zu anymore.

Seeing the garden fleeing, Guan Zu was also helpless. Where did he know that this would be the outcome.

After all, he didn’t wear a hair band either.

“Hey, honestly, how do you know the garden will look better with the bangs down?”

Xiao Wei looked at Guan Zu with scrutiny.

This guy, shouldn’t he really look at the garden?

There was a little worry in Xiao Lament’s heart…

“How do you know? Of course, it depends on my eyes that are wise and pearls~! ”

“As far as my eyes are concerned, everything can be wrong, but beautiful women will not be wrong~!”

Guan Zu pointed to his eyes and said proudly.


Xiao Ai rolled his eyes at Guan Zu. What is this proud skill?

Guan Zu wanted to say that this refers to the skill of pride!

Not far away, the VIP elevator door opened, and two staff members came out of the elevator holding a vase and a few towels.

“I can’t imagine that kind of car can still be seen now.”

“What’s the name of the car?”

“Porsche 356A.”

Conan heard the words ‘Porsche 356A’ and immediately looked at the two staff members.

The Porsche 356A is a model that he is simply too familiar with!

A murder occurred at a memorial service held by the director of the sake roll held at the Bato Hotel.

That time of the news, I happened to shoot the scene of the two men in black who attacked him getting into the car and leaving!

And the car they were driving, after enlarging and comparison, found that it was a Porsche 356A!

Since then, Conan has been keeping a lot of eye on this type of car!

But this kind of model is so rare that he has never seen this kind of ancient model on the road.

This time, when I heard the name of the Porsche 356A, I immediately thought of the two men in black who attacked me in the first place!

Gin and vodka!

“Hey! You two! ”

“That elevator is for VIPs! The average employee takes the elevator at the back!! ”

Long Pan Mei Xu scolded the two staff.

Sure enough, the good temper of Changpan Meixu can only be found in the face of people who have a certain identity and status.

The employees in the company could not see her good temper. Of course, this is also normal.

Inside the company, it’s all like this.


“I’m sorry!!”

The two employees quickly apologized. Conan hurried to the two employees.

“Where did that car see it??” What color?? ”

Conan asked anxiously.

“Just parked at the door of the building, the color is black.”

An employee explains.

Although Conan was a small child, he was a guest of their chairman. Naturally, they have to be treated well.

Conan listened, ran to the elevator and pressed the elevator button, opened the elevator door that had just been closed, and ran inside.

Finally! Finally!

Finally let him meet those two guys! In!

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