Chapter 231 I won’t do this question!!

Guan Zu was far away from the elevator, so he didn’t hear the conversation between the two employees who came out of the elevator.

It was just to hear the long plate Mitsuru scolding the two employees. Then he saw Conan running toward the two employees.

Say something to the two employees, and then rush to the elevator for VIP use.

“Wait a minute! Conan! Where are you going!! ”

Xiao Lan shouted hurriedly. Even if Shinichi becomes Conan, he is still the same as before, always likes to run away suddenly!

By this time, Conan had run into the elevator. Xiao Lan’s call was not heeded at all.

Inside Conan’s head, there was only one thought now. That’s to hurry downstairs!

This time, be sure to catch the clues of those two guys! Can’t let them escape!!

Conan frantically pressed the close button.

After the elevator door is closed, it is lying on the glass on the outside side of the elevator and looking down.

But because of the height and angle, in the elevator, he couldn’t see the door of the building at all.


Xiao Lan saw that Conan’s head did not return to leave, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable. She knew that Conan was the new one, so she felt uncomfortable.

Shinichi is like this every time, whenever something happens, he will leave everything else behind.

Xiao Lan suddenly preferred not to know that Conan was the new one. That way, you won’t feel sad.

“Boy, why did you go?”

Xiao Wei looked at the closed elevator door and was very curious in her heart.

“Who knows.”

Guan Zu shrugged. He could have guessed it most likely.

Conan has this phenomenon, and there are generally only two situations.

The first is that there is a murder, he will ignore anything for the first time, and then run to the scene of the murder.

Then the second is the discovery of intelligence from the Black Organization. Now, obviously, this is not the first case.

If the murder really happened, the two staff members could not have come out of the elevator so slowly.

It must be the first time to run to the chairman of the Long Pan Group, Long Pan Meixu, to tell her that a case has occurred.

If one possibility is ruled out, only another possibility remains. Conan hears about the Black Organization!

He wanted to go downstairs in such a hurry, presumably because he wanted to go after the people of the Black Organization, right?

Gin and vodka, sure enough, came here. But Guan Zu was not in a hurry.

According to the plot, on the day of the opening of this twin towers skyscraper, gin and vodka will definitely come.

When the time comes, he will give the pair of gin and vodka a little surprise.

When the elevator was halfway down, Conan saw a black car parked on the side of the road in front of the building.

But the car had already begun to move.

When the elevator descended to the first floor, Conan came out of the elevator and ran out of the hall without seeing the black Porsche.

Mitsuhiko suddenly came to the front of Guan Zu’s three men.

“That… Little Miss Lan, in fact, I have something I want to discuss with you… Can we meet tomorrow? ”

Mitsuhiko looked at Xiaolan and whispered.

“Yes, yes.”

Xiao Lan bent down to look at Hikari and nodded.

“I’ll tell you again when the time and place are late.”

Mitsuhiko whispered, then ran away.

Then, not a moment, Bumi also came to Guan Zu and the three of them.

“Sister Xiaolan, I have something I want to discuss with you privately.”

Bumi whispered.


Xiaolan was very unexpected. What’s wrong with that today?

First, Mitsuhiko had something to say to her privately.

Now it was Bumi who had something to discuss privately with her.

“Can’t you?”

Bu Mei suddenly showed a small expression of grievance.

“No, no, of course.”

Xiao Lan said hurriedly.

“That’s great, the specific time and place, I’ll talk to Sister Xiaolan later.”

Bumi finished happily, and then ran away.

“I said Xiao Lan, you are really liked by children.”

Guan Zu smiled and quipped.

“That is to say, those two children seem to have something to say to Xiaolan.” The people who can confide in their hearts are definitely people they trust very much! ”

Xiao Ai nodded in agreement.

After saying that, Xiao Lai also followed up with a teasing sentence: “The same girls, those two children will not find me to confide in me.” ”

“Well, maybe I’m familiar with those kids.”

Xiao Lan is not good for Li Nanya.

She herself didn’t know why Mitsuhiko and Bumi were looking for themselves.

At noon, Miyu Nagapan invites Maori Kogoro and the others to go to the restaurant outside for lunch.

The Twin Towers skyscraper has not yet opened, and the restaurant inside has naturally not yet opened.

Everyone can only go out to eat.

In the afternoon, there was nothing else to do, and Guan Zu and his party walked around the city of Nishitama and returned to the town of Rice Blossom.

Halfway through, both Mitsuhiko and Bumi found Xiaolan alone. Tell Xiaolan when and where they agreed to meet.


Xiaolan then meets with Mitsuhiko and Bumi respectively. Burger shop.

“Sister Xiaolan, I have liked Bumi since kindergarten, but Bumei seems to like Conan eh…”

“Sister Xiaolan, please teach me what to do so that you and your new brother can be like you and your new brother, who are both young plum bamboo horses and lovers?”

“Eh?? Wait a minute! I’m not in a relationship with Shinichi……”

Xiao Lan directly panicked.

Why would Mitsuhiko ask her such a question? Neither will she!

“Actually, I’ve recently fallen in love with Little Sister Mourning…”

Mitsuhiko continued to confide in Xiaolan.


Xiao Lan was confused.

Are today’s children so wild?? Xiao Lai is almost ten years older than Mitsuhiko!!

“I also know that Little Sister Wai is much older than me, but I don’t know why, I just like Little Sister Wai!” Like Bumi! ”

“But I know very well that it is impossible for me and my little sister to be together. Before I grow up, Little Sister Grief will definitely meet someone she likes. ”

“So, Sister Xiaolan, please teach me how to do it, so that Bumei and Bumei are both green plum bamboo horses and 4.0 couples?”

Mitsuhiko looked at Xiao Lan with sincerity.

The little Lan people were numb. How does this make her teach?

The relationship between her and Shinichi has never been determined. The two of them, at best, can only be regarded as green plum bamboo horses.

There was no way, Xiao Lan could only use the excuse that Guang Yan was still too young, so that he would only regard the other party as a good friend for the time being.

As for couples or something, they should only consider it when they grow up. Separated from Mitsuhiko, Xiaolan goes to a dessert shop and goes on a date with Bumi.

“Little Miss Lan, I like Conan so much, but Conan has someone he likes.”

Bumi said sadly.


Xiaolan felt that she was already old.

Are today’s children so precocious?? Mitsuhiko is like this, and so is Bumi! Emotional problems, she will not do ah!

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