Chapter 234 Someone Died Again!!

Guan Zu and others assisted Officer Mu and others in investigating the case at the Metropolitan Police Department, but nothing was investigated.

After all, Guan Zu and others were not very familiar with the few people they had seen in the Twin Towers skyscraper before.

Just know their names and occupations. They don’t know much more than the police investigate.

Therefore, Guan Zu and others did not stay in the Metropolitan Police Department for too long, and after a brief inquiry and investigation, they left the Metropolitan Police Department.

The next day, Sekizu continued to the Twin Towers skyscraper in West Tama City.

With each step, he would sneak into the power and power generation rooms of the Twin Towers skyscraper, as well as the sightseeing hall on the top floor of Building A.

I wanted to see if they had installed the bomb in advance.

If the bomb is installed a few days in advance, then he can directly dismantle the bomb.

When the time comes to ambush the gin on the roof of the twin towers skyscraper, there is no need to worry about the building below being blown up.

But unfortunately, every time Guan Zu mixed into the power room of the Twin Towers skyscraper, the sightseeing hall on the top floor, etc., he did not find a bomb.

Guan Zu was a little helpless, he probably only remembered that the gang of people in the Black Organization seemed to have planted bombs at night.

Is it hard to believe that the guy with the 177 wine really has to wait until the last night before acting?


The three little ghosts of the Junior Detective Team gather together at the Rice Flower subway station.

They were going to hide from Conan and go to the suspects themselves to investigate the case. However, the careful thinking of a few of them naturally could not hide Conan. Directly caught by Conan.

In the end, he could only go to the homes of the suspects with Conan to investigate the murder of Ogi Iwamatsu.

Today they are going to investigate two people, the architect Hidehiko Kazuma, and the painter Ruzukimine Mizuki, who is famous for painting Mt. Fuji.

The home addresses of these two people, they have all investigated clearly. Just take the tram and go straight over.

Then wait until tomorrow and go to Hara Jiaming’s house.

Previously, when he was in the Twin Towers skyscraper, Hara invited them to his house to play in order to provide him with some game ideas.

After all, children are originally one of the Zhuang forces who play games.

But unfortunately, the three little ghosts of the Junior Detective Team and Conan and others have been busy all day today.

He did visit Hidehiko Kazema and Tsukizuki Shui, but did not investigate any useful clues.


The four of them went to Hara Jiaming’s home together to visit the software engineer Hara Jiaming. However, when they arrived at the other party’s home, they found that Yuan Jiaming had been killed at home.

And next to Hara Jiaming’s body, there is also a small wine glass that is broken in half from the middle.

Soon, Officer Megumi arrived at the scene of the murder with someone. Hara was lying on the ground and shot in the chest.

He held a silver dinner knife in his hand.

Also beside him, there was a small broken wine glass scattered.

“The preliminary inference of the time of death should be yesterday afternoon to late afternoon.”

The coroner said after examining the body.

“Why is Mr. Yuan holding a kitchen knife in his hand?”

Officer Takagi was puzzled.

Don’t you want to use this silver dinner knife to fight against the gangsters?

“I think Mr. Hara was supposed to be preparing to eat chocolate cake, but this time the murderer came in.” So in a hurry, use the silver knife to cut the cake to confront the murderer. ”

Officer Shiratori said, pointing to the cake on the table.

“Then how to explain this little wine glass?” Before Mr. Ohki was killed, there was a small wine glass at the scene, and we did not tell this Mr. Hara. ”

Officer Takagi frowned and said.

When Senator Ohki dies, he uses a small wine glass as a pre-death message to guide the identity of the murderer.

When Mr. Yuan was killed, he also used a small wine glass as a four-thousand-letter message to guide the identity of the murderer.

Isn’t that a coincidence?

“One thing is now certain, that is, the murderer and the murderer of Congressman Ohki are the same person.”

“However, this broken wine glass should not be a message left by the deceased before his death, but something left by the murderer suspiciously.”

Officer Shiratori looked at Officer Takagi and said.

This explains why the same broken wine glasses were found around the two deceased.

Only the murderer can do that.

In the evening, Officer Megumi and Officer Shiratori come to the Maori Detective Office to find Maori Kogoro.

The matter of the death of Hara Jiaming, as well as the results of their investigation, will be roughly related to Maori Kogoro.

After the autopsy, the time of Hara Jiaming’s death has been determined, between five and six o’clock in the evening last night.

And at five to six o’clock last night, Conan and the three little ghosts of the Young Detective Team happened to be guests in the home of the painter Ruyue Fengshui.

Therefore, the suspicion of Ruyuefeng Water was washed away.

Hidehiko Kazema, Miyu Nagapan, and Secretary Sawaguchi had no clear alibi between five and six o’clock last night.

Therefore, Officer Mu and others judged that the murderer should be among these three people. If Guan Zu were here at this time, he would definitely be very speechless to Officer Mu and others.

At this moment, they have ruled out the real murderer.

“Is that so…”

Maori Kogoro has some headaches.

The long plate Mitsuru is still one of the suspects.

However, for the analysis of Officer Megumi and others, Maori Kogoro also felt that there was no problem.

This is what makes him most helpless.

Shouldn’t the murderer of Senator Ohki and Yoshiaki Hara really be his own beautiful sister?

“We analyzed that the murderer may continue to commit crimes in the future, so we would like to persuade Miss Changpan to postpone Saturday’s banquet.” But she couldn’t listen to this suggestion at all. ”

Officer Mu said helplessly.

“In addition, Miss Long Pan also asked me to give this to you Maori brother.”

Officer Megumi took an envelope from his arms.

This was the main reason why he came to find Maori Kogoro this time. Help Miss Long Pan deliver something to Maori Kogoro!

Maori Kogoro opened the envelope.

“This… Isn’t it an invitation to the banquet? ”

Maori Kogoro had some surprises

“Eh? Me and Conan and everybody’s names are on it? ”

Xiaolan was even more unexpected.

The names of all the people who had been to the Twin Towers skyscraper before were all written on the invitation!

Even Yuanzi, Xiao Ai, Guan Zu, and even Dr. Agasa and a few children of the Young Detective Team were on the invitation.

“Hey… Let’s hope nothing goes wrong when the time comes. ”

Officer Megumi sighed.

The killers have already killed two people, and it is very likely that they will continue to commit the crime.

However, Miss Long Pan stubbornly refuses to postpone the banquet, which gives Officer Mu Twilight a headache.

If there is another murder at that time, what can be done?

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