Chapter 235 The Gift of Gin Preparation!!

When she was at school, Xiaolan invited everyone to go to Nishitama City to attend the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers Skyscraper on Saturday, and told Yuen Zi and Xiao Ai.

“Go to the opening ceremony, I know, I’ll tell my grandfather.”

The little mourner nodded.

Yuan Zi heard Xiao Lan say that Changpan Mixu invited them and Guan Zu to attend the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers Skyscraper.

I secretly cheered myself up.

Last time, I went to the Twin Towers skyscraper with everyone and humiliated Guan Zu in front of him.

It made her dare not face Guan Zu for several days.

Even when she went to the Metropolitan Police Department on weekends, she didn’t dare to talk to Guan Zu.

After all, when I was in the Twin Towers skyscraper before, it was really humiliating. But after a few days, the garden finally adjusted her mentality.

Last time, it was just an accident!

This time, she must surprise Guan Zu!

To let Guan Zu know the charm of her Miss Suzuki Garden!

In the evening, Xiao Ai invited everyone to attend the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers Skyscraper and told Guan Zu about the invitation of Long Pan Mixu.

“Eh? This weekend? But I don’t have time. ”

Guan Zu declined the invitation.

On the day of the opening of the Twin Towers skyscraper, he was going to fight against the gin in the door.

How is it possible to use his real identity to go with everyone to the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers Skyscraper?

When the time came he disappeared, but the Humble Bandit 9527 appeared.

No one would associate him with 9527, but wouldn’t Conan yet?

Going to the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper with everyone, there was a risk of revealing his identity, so he didn’t go.

“What’s the matter with you over the weekend?”

Xiao Mo was a little curious.

She really did not expect that Guan Zu actually refused his invitation.

“You’ll know by the weekend.”

Guan Zu sold a Guanzi. When I heard it, I suddenly had a bad feeling.

“When I say you, don’t you want to kidnap all the guests at the opening ceremony?”

Xiao Wei looked at Guan Zu wordlessly.

No wonder she thinks so.

It is really Guan Zu has a previous crime!

Previously, when the Suzuki Foundation held the 60th anniversary celebration, Guan Zu had kidnapped all the guests at the celebration and then robbed them.

The people who can participate in the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Suzuki Foundation are rich people with relatively high status.

Just let them hand over all the valuable things on their bodies. You can get a lot of money!

The same is true this time.

The people who can be invited by the long-disk consortium to attend the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper are basically rich people in high society.

It’s not a celebrity, it’s the president of various companies.

Ordinary migrant workers are not qualified to attend such banquets at all.

Just by robbing all the people at the banquet, Guan Zu could get a lot of money.

So I don’t blame Xiao Ai for thinking like this.

“Rest assured, I will not rob this time.”

Guan Zu assured Xiao Ai.

He had just received hundreds of billions of dollars of funds before, and he was not short of money for the time being.

In addition, this time I had to fight with the gin door, so I didn’t have time to kidnap the guests at the opening ceremony.

Money can be grabbed at any time, but gin is not always available. In the face of Guan Zu’s assurance, Xiao Ai was not very reassured.

However, she also knew that since Guan Zu had already said so, no matter how she asked, the final result would still be this result.

So to continue to ask is also a vain question. The other side.

In a bar in Tokyo.

“Vodka, how are things going?”

Gin looked expressionlessly at the singer on the stage and asked faintly.

“Big brother, everything has been arranged. By the night before the opening of the Twin Towers skyscraper, our men would be inside that building, filled with bombs. ”

“As long as that guy is there, there’s absolutely no escape!” Hey hey hey hey ~~”

Vodka smiled.

“This time, accidents are absolutely not allowed.”

Gin squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the singer on the stage.

Consecutive losses suffered at the hands of that 9527, this time, said that everything would be returned.

Thinking of this, Gin picked up his mobile phone and called several people separately. This time, as long as the guy shows up in the Twin Towers skyscraper, don’t even think about leaving!

There are also Shirley and Akimi Miyano, the two traitors.

As long as they appear this time, then the twin towers skyscraper will be their grave!

Saturday at 2 a.m.

A van is parked downstairs in the twin towers skyscraper.

Several men dressed in black with backpacks quickly got off the commercial vehicle and ran into the skyscraper of the Twin Towers…

The backpack on each of their backs was bulging, and May Day was not telling anyone that the backpack was full of things.

But these figures are still moving quickly and with great skill. It shows that these people are all specially trained.

Once the men entered the Twin Towers skyscraper, they quickly separated and headed to different floors.

Install bombs on different floors.

The power room, the power generation room, the server room, the sightseeing hall on the top floor, and the roof terrace on the roof are all installed with a large amount of explosives.

These people move quickly.

Ten minutes later, everyone was evacuated from the building and quickly got into the van parked at the door.

The van started immediately and left at speed.

At this time, Guan Zu was sleeping comfortably at home.

If you let him know, the men of the Black Organization waited until two o’clock in the morning this evening to plant bombs inside the twin towers skyscraper.

Will definitely spit on these people, are they all night owls, do not need to sleep? However, I will also admire gin and other people, and I can really hold my breath.

Jiaming Yuan was killed last weekend, and then the bomb was not installed until the night before the opening of the Twin Towers skyscraper.

This concentration, as a black astringent meeting, is indeed difficult.

But that’s the way it is.

If the bomb is installed too early, the chances of being found will also increase.

The closer the bomb is installed to the opening ceremony, the less chance of being detected

However, by doing so, it means that at the opening ceremony, there are indeed people who are wanted to be killed by the black-clad organization.

What Guan Zu couldn’t imagine was that what the black-clad organization wanted to kill was not Xiao Ai, but his old enemy who had made gin wine suffer several times.

Even Gin has no clue that Guan Zu will come to the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper, but only a guess.

It was because of a guess that such a good preparation was made.

Not only did a large number of bombs be installed inside the Twin Towers skyscraper, but even a number of core members came to help.

Once Guan Zu appears, it will not only be Gin and Vodka who will have to face it.

Rather, it is a large number of core members of the Black Organization.

While Guan Zu is ready to surprise Gin, Gin also prepares a big surprise for Guan Zu…

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