Chapter 236 Spot Stampede and Defuse the Bomb!!

Saturday, daytime.

Guan Zu took a step ahead and went alone to the twin towers skyscraper in West Tama City to prepare.

He had been to the Twin Towers skyscraper several times before. But each time, no bombs laid out by the Black Organization were found. This made Guan Zu very unhappy.

Gin changed plans and isn’t ready to blow up the twin towers skyscraper? Guan Zu felt impossible.

This is not the style of gin.

These days, Guan Zuyou recalls that the main reason why Gin blew up the Twin Towers skyscraper was to erase the traces of traitors who betrayed the organization, as well as the traces of invading the organization’s computers.

In this way, it is 100% guaranteed that the organization’s intelligence will not be leaked. And sniping Xiao Ai or something, it was just an accident at all.

It was an unexpected investigation that Shirley of the betrayal organization would come to the opening ceremony of the twin towers skyscraper, so the sightseeing hall on the top floor was also bombed.

Even if Gin doesn’t know that Xiao Ai will come to this twin towers skyscraper, he will still plant a bomb on the surface of this building.

Blow up the computer room inside the building.

But the previous few times, Guan Zu had not found any bombs. This is not normal.

Therefore, Guan Zu would come here one step ahead of the opening ceremony banquet in the evening.

The building was inspected one last time.

Although the building has not been blown down in memory, who knows if something will change now.

Or do a final check to get rid of the deadly danger.

After arriving at the Twin Towers skyscraper, Guan Zu disguised himself as the captain of the security team and began to tour the entire building.

The first is the power room and power generation room located underground.


Guan Zu turned around, and he really found the bomb!

The charge of the bomb was not large enough to blow up the building, but it was enough to blow up the power equipment and power generation equipment.

“If you just blow up the server, why blow up the power room?”

Guan Zu was a little puzzled.

He came to the power room to check, purely because in his memory, the twin towers skyscraper of the original play had lost power, so there must be something wrong with the power room.

That’s what I came over here to check.

But in fact, there should be no bombs planted here.

The little lament of the original drama is because her sister is dead, so she always can’t help but call the apartment that her sister secretly rents, just to listen to her sister’s few phone messages.

Then it was discovered by the Black Order.

This blew up the power room, planted bombs in the sightseeing hall on the top floor, and even blew up the bridge between the two AB buildings.

But now, Akimi Miyano is not dead, and she even lives with Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai did not call the apartment that Miyano Mingmi had secretly rented before, and naturally he would not be discovered by the Black Organization.

If you just blow up the servers of the Long Disk Group, there is no need to blow up the power room.

And think about it.

If it were just me blowing up the servers, there would have been no need for the Black Organization to drag the clock to the opening ceremony.

They could have blown up the long-run consortium’s servers after killing the former director.

Until now, the bomb was installed inside the twin towers skyscraper.

This means…… Among the people who attended the feast, there was also their goal!

But apart from Xiao Ai, there are other people, is it gin that they have to wait until today to do it?

Others, even if not today, can be killed, right?

Just like the former director, he had been killed by gin as early as last weekend.


Gin they do not know, the whereabouts of the target!

And only know that the target will appear at the opening ceremony of this twin towers skyscraper today, so it can only be done today.

But except for the little mourning……… Is there such a person? Guan Zu thought about it for half a day, but he didn’t come up with a reason.

He didn’t think at all that Gin’s target wasn’t Xiao Wai, but him!

It was not even imagined, just a guess, that Gin was inside the Twin Towers skyscraper and had planted a large number of bombs.

In order to wait for Guan Zu to appear. Can’t think of it, Guan Zu simply didn’t want to.

The amount of this bomb can only blow up the power generation equipment, and will not cause any damage to the building, Guan Zu did not bother to care.

The twin towers are not their own anyway. Leaving the power room, Guan Zu continued to patrol upwards.

Then, in the server room on the forty-sixth floor, a large number of bombs and incendiary bombs were found.

Again, these bombs won’t cause much damage to the building as a whole, but they can blow up all the servers.

And it caused a fire indoors.

Similarly, these bombs, Guan Zu did not care about him. Anyway, the computer room of this long-disk consortium had nothing to do with him. As for the clues about the black organization in the server? Not at all!

When he came here these days, he had already used his own program to search the entire internal network of the long-cap consortium.

Want to find intelligence clues for the Black Organization. But unfortunately, nothing was found.

The former director is also a very powerful programmer, and the computer he has used will naturally not leave any traces of his own disadvantage.

He may have used the company’s network to hack into the networks of the Black Organization.

But after the end, all traces will be cleaned up

As a member of the Black Organization, it is natural to know what will happen if the organization finds out.

That would naturally be very careful.

I just didn’t expect it, and finally it was discovered by the organization. As a result, the last one died at a young age.

There was no value, it was not his own thing, and there was no threat to himself, Guan Zu was naturally too lazy to care.

After all, he is not a good person. Guan Zu continued to patrol upwards.

Sure enough, in the sightseeing hall on the top floor, a large number of bombs were found. Under the table, inside the wine cabinet, there were a lot of bombs everywhere.

Once the bomb here explodes, absolutely no one in this sightseeing hall will survive.

He could ignore the bomb downstairs, but Guan Zu couldn’t ignore the bomb here.

He would ambush the gin on the top floor, but the little mourners would be here to attend the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper.

Don’t let them be in danger!

Guan Zu took away all the bombs in the entire sightseeing hall.

“Mr. Sato, are you…?”

A staff member, looking questioningly at Guan Zu, who had just emerged from under the table.

“I’m checking security in every corner. Last week, Congressman Ogi and the former director were killed in succession, and I was worried that the murderer would still commit the crime. ”

“Today is the opening ceremony of the building, and there can be no more cases.”

Guan Zu said seriously.

“Mr. Sato, with you so seriously protecting everyone, today’s opening ceremony will definitely end smoothly!”

The man touted it.

“I hope so.”

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