Chapter 241 Shocked Belmode!!

Guan Zu raised his toes and kicked the fat woman in front of him on the stomach. The feeling…… Not quite right.

The inside of the stomach is not like fat, but like cotton! Too soft!

Guan Zu can be sure that this fat woman in front of him has absolutely no problem! This woman is not fat at all.

But, disguised as a fat woman! Not even one saw the flaw!

Even Guan Zu didn’t find any flaws in her.

Even the arms and calves exposed on the outside of the clothes, how to see, are the dimensions that a fat person should have.

And with such a superb disguise technique, Guan Zu could only think of three people. One is Kudo Yukiko, but Yukiko is not good at imitating sounds. She was only able to change her voice a little bit, so that people couldn’t hear her own voice.

But to disguise herself as someone, her voice will not work. In addition to Yukiko, the other two are the strange thieves Kidd and Belmode. Both of them possessed superb transfiguration skills, and both were proficient in sound imitation skills.

Be able to imitate other people’s voices at will.

So, who will this fat woman in front of you be?

“Hey, I said you’re not unconscious at all.”

Guan Zu pulled out the silencer and mounted it on the pistol.

The fat woman lay motionless on the ground.

Guan Zu pointed the muzzle of his gun at the fat woman’s leg in front of him.

“I’ll count three, and if you continue to pretend, I’ll ruin one of your legs.” You don’t have to worry, with the silencer installed, even if I shoot here, the people downstairs at the banquet will not be able to hear the sound. ”

Guan Zu pointed a gun at the fat woman in front of him and said

After saying that, I didn’t dare whether this fat woman was really in a coma or a fake coma, and directly began to count down.

If Guan Zu counted three times, the fat woman in front of him was still lying on the ground pretending to be unconscious.

He would have really been able to shoot.

Whether it is the strange thief Kidd or Belmode, Guan Zu will not spare his men

Even if he and Belmode had a story, it didn’t prevent him from shooting at her.

He had given the opportunity, and she didn’t take it, and she couldn’t blame him.

Guan Zu’s three had not yet shouted out, and the fat woman lying on the ground suddenly opened her eyes.

“Don’t shoot!!”

Belmode shouted hurriedly. She didn’t dare bet that the man in front of her wouldn’t shoot. He’s a gangster 9527!

How could he not dare to shoot?

When I robbed a bank before, I don’t know how many SATs were killed.

When the Jingzhu Shrine was bombed, quite a few people were also killed.

This kind of person is essentially the same as the people in their organization. Killing people is as normal as eating and drinking.

“Oh huh… Sure enough, there was no coma. Did you take the initiative to remove the disguise? Or will I help you get rid of it? ”

Guan Zu looked at the fat woman in front of him playfully and said.

He had a guess that the fat woman in front of him was most likely disguised by Belmode.

Because the strange thief Kidd had no reason to come here.

Today is the opening ceremony of the Long-Cap Consortium’s Twin Towers skyscraper, not some jewelry exhibition, what is the strange thief Kidd doing here?

Stealing cement pillars?

Belmode, however, is not surprising here.

After all, as a member of the same organization, gin and vodka are on the move, it is normal for her to come and join in the fun.

She did not appear in the original plot, but it does not mean that she cannot come.

So, if this fat woman wasn’t obedient, he wouldn’t mind taking matters into his own hands to see if she was really Belmode.

“I’ll just do it myself.”

Belmode said hurriedly. She had a gun hidden in her.

If 9527 is discovered, she is most likely unlucky.

For safety, this man is likely to actually kill her.

And if she came by herself, she might be able to take advantage of his lack of attention and take out the gun to kill him.

Belmode sat up and raised her hand to tear off the human skin mask on her face, revealing her famous female star’s face.

Belmode is Chris Winyard, a very famous female star in Hollywood.

As the watchdog of the United States, Sakura is also a famous female star in the United States who is also very respected by the United States, and she is naturally very famous in the Sakura country, and there are quite a few people who know her.

Belmode thought that her star identity would be recognized by the person in front of her.

But the next moment, she heard a name that surprised her.

“Oh huh… Belmode, it’s really you. ”

Guan Zu looked playfully at Belmode in front of him.

Sure enough, he guessed it correctly.

Belmode, on the other hand, was not lightly surprised.

Belmode is the code name she uses in the organization! Except for the people inside the organization, outsiders don’t know this code name! Moreover, even in the organization, only a few core members know her true face.

The peripheral members, at best, only know that there is a thousand-faced witch in the organization named Belmode, but they have never seen her true appearance at all.

I absolutely don’t know that the Thousand Faced Witch in the organization will actually be a well-known actress of Good Maiwu!

But the 9527 in front of him knew her! That made Belmode how could not be shocked.

If she didn’t know that 9527 was definitely not a person in the organization, she would even wonder if this person had been in the organization!

Not someone in the organization, but knows who they are and what they are. How much does this guy really know about the organization!?

“What the hell are you?”

Belmode looked at Guan Zu warily. Seeing the shocked look in Belmode’s eyes, Guan Zu thought it was very interesting. When she kidnapped Belmode at Didan High School, she did not show such a shocked look.

It can be seen from this that the exposure of his identity has dealt a blow to Belmode

If at other times, Guan Zu would definitely not mind having a good time with Belmode.

But now, he still has the right thing to do.

So, don’t waste time with Beyy-Mord. Guan Zu took out the anesthesia gun again.

“You’ll know who I am.”

Guan Zu raised the anesthesia gun in his hand, aimed it at the back of Belmode’s hand, and pulled the trigger.


An anesthesia needle was inserted into the back of Belmode’s hand.

The rest of Belmode’s body was covered with thick fake skin, but the fake skin on his hands was not very thick.

After all, the palm of the hand itself is not prone to fat accumulation in females.

So the anesthesia needle can easily pierce Belmode’s real skin.

Seeing a needle stuck in the back of his hand, Belmode finally realized what it was like to be shot by this anesthesia needle this time.

Dizzy, want to sleep, and very fast.

In just two or three seconds, he fell back to the ground.

Confirming that Belmode was really faint, Guan Zu walked toward the edge of the rooftop.

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