Chapter 242 Vodka, Take Off!!

Guan Zu stood on the edge of the rooftop of Building A of the Twin Towers skyscraper, looking out at another building directly in front of the building.

That building is nearly half the size of the twin towers skyscraper.

So standing on the roof of Building A, you can completely see the roof of that building.

Because it was too dark, Guan Zu could only faintly see that on the roof of the building, there was a figure.

It doesn’t matter if the naked eye is not clear, Guan Zu has high technology. Guan Zu took out a high-tech sniper rifle from the storage space.

The optical sight of the sniper rifle, in addition to the traditional double mirror function, also has the function of night vision.

Even at night, you can clearly see the target you are aiming at.

Guan Zu held the sniper rifle on the edge of the roof, and the sight was pointed at the figure on the roof of the opposite building.

Adjust the magnification of the sight to magnify the target on the roof of the opposite building.


Guan Zu suddenly found that the person on the roof of the building opposite, he actually did not know!!

However, the man did have a sniper rifle in his hand.

Although he did not enter the ‘shooting’ state, his eyes were indeed looking at the side of the twin towers skyscraper.

Gin and vodka are both seen by Guan Zu. And I’ve seen it more than once.

For these two people, Guan Zu could not not know, nor could he admit mistakes. So, who is this man?

It should also be someone in the Black Organization, right?

Looking at this unknown person in the scope, Guan Zu became entangled. His target is gin, but now he has become a guy he doesn’t know, how can this be done?

Shoot now?

Then he can definitely beat this unknown guy to death, but he will definitely hit the grass and startle the snake.

When the gin does not appear, his trip will be in vain.

His goal is to kill Gin, not to kill an unknown member of the organization.

Guan Zu moved the muzzle of his gun and began to look elsewhere for suspicious people.

In the original play, on the roof of that building, the garden was treated as Xiaolan, and the person who almost killed the garden with a sniper rifle was obviously gin.

How come now a person has changed?

Is it because it has its own joining, so it has a butterfly effect?

Guan Zu’s gaze swept across the roof, confirming that there was no one else on the rooftop

Then I checked the other floors below the building, and still found no suspicious people.

“No, it won’t… Isn’t gin ready to show up this time?? ”

Guan Zu people are numb.

This plot becomes, a little exaggerated.

Guan Zu was not reconciled and continued to inspect the other shorter buildings around him. No, no, or no.

Wherever he could snipe into the VIP sightseeing elevator, Guan Zu checked it all.

Still no other suspicious people were found. Find now, Guan Zu has given up.

It seems that Gin is really not going to show up this time.

Although I don’t know why, Guan Zu also has no problem with gin. If the people don’t come, can’t he still go and tie up the guy?

If only I knew where that guy was and just went and killed him?

Never mind……… When the building explodes, if the gin guy hasn’t shown up yet, kill the unlucky guy on the other side.

Guan Zu looked at the people on the roof of the building opposite.

This is coming, can’t it be a trip in vain?

Can’t kill Gin, kill other snipers in a black-clad organization, and barely can.

As for Belmode, Guan Zu was unwilling to kill. There are other uses for keeping Belmode.


Guan Zu’s afterglow suddenly saw that there seemed to be a figure moving under the building.

Look down.

Guan Zu saw that several figures were running from the parking lot of the Twin Towers skyscraper toward the entrance of Building A.

Although it was not clear who the other party was, judging from the size of several people, Guan Zu probably guessed their identities.

It was Officer Megumi and his group of men.

Because of the relationship that Long Pan Mitsu did not allow, Officer Megumi and his men could only wait in the parking lot outside.

Now those people ran in, and it was almost certain that there was another life case.

According to Guan Zu’s memory, the person who was killed this time should be Changpan Meixu

After all, it was because of her relationship that she built this twin-tower skyscraper that caused her painting teacher to be at home and could not see the complete Mt. Fuji.

For the person who is engaged in art, to destroy the most sacred art in his heart is definitely to kill people.

For example, a little yellow hair, in order to let people understand their art, so they constantly create explosions to kill people.

Another example is a certain mustache, because he was not admitted to the ideal art school, so he began an unusually large war.

Like the moon peak water, only killing a few people is already considered to be convergent.

Watch as Officer Megumi and the others disappear from their field of vision and enter Building A of the Twin Towers Skyscraper.

Guan Zu looked again at the hapless egg in the building opposite.” Gin does not appear, can no longer let this, the ‘unlucky egg’ to run.

Guan Zu set up the sniper rifle on the edge of the roof and aimed the muzzle at the head of the ‘unlucky egg’.

Guan Zu believed that as long as he pulled the trigger, the unlucky egg on the roof of the building opposite would explode directly.

But not now, just wait.

When the bomb in this building explodes and the gin does not appear, kill the unlucky egg in the building opposite.

In the banquet hall on the 75th floor, while displaying a huge painting of Mt. Fuji like the peak of the moon, Mitsuki died on the stage.

At the same time as the curtain was raised, the guests at the scene also found her body.

Maori Kogoro hurriedly contacted the police officer who was staying under the building and asked them to catch up.

After the arrival of Officer Megumi and the others, Ying immediately launched an investigation into the scene. And soon locked several suspects 280 criminals.

One is Miss Sawaguchi, the secretary of Mitsuo Nagapan, one is the architect Hidehiko Kazuma, and the other is the painter Ruzuki-mizuki.

As early as last week, when Congressman Ohki was killed, there were still five suspects, and now there are only three suspects left.

The two suspects, Mitsuo Nagapan and Jiaming Hara were also killed.

Officer Mu and others questioned the three suspects at the scene for half a day, but they could not lock the final murderer. And the other side.

A gunship is parked on the tarmac. There were four people sitting on top of the helicopter.

Vodka sat in the driver’s seat and Gin sat in the co-pilot.

The two snipers in the group, Cohen and Chianti, are sitting in the back seat of the helicopter with guns.

Vodka looked at the time on his watch.

“Big brother, the time is almost up, and the Belmode woman hasn’t sent a message yet. 9527 That guy probably didn’t go. Do we still want to fly? ”

Vodka looked at Gin and said weakly.

He said that 9527 could appear at the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper and rob the guests inside.

It didn’t show up now, which made him feel as if he had done something wrong. Gin didn’t take care of the vodka, but took out his cell phone and called Belmode.

But the phone rang for half a day and no one answered. Gin also hung up the phone very decisively.

“Vodka, take off.”

Gin said coldly…

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