Chapter 243 A headshot and the head explodes!!

The building directly opposite the Twin Towers skyscraper, because of the height, is not visible in the banquet hall on the seventy-fifth floor.

So Belmode’s task was to blend himself into the banquet hall of the opening ceremony to confirm whether the bandit 9527 had appeared.

If there is a show, then notify them as soon as possible.

They took off in helicopters, ready to kill the Humvee 9527 at any time.

Of course, they will not use the weapons mounted on this helicopter gunship unless necessary.

Airborne weapons, even if they are only airborne heavy machine guns, are very large. Once the fire is fired, it will not be long before the Self-Defense Forces will rush over.

But if bombs and sniper rifles can’t be fixed, then they will have to use the weapons on the gunship.

But we must fight quickly and make a quick decision.

Otherwise it would be hard for them to escape.

Belmode has been unheard, supposedly to mean that Humble 9527 did not go to the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper.

But gin has a feeling, the gangster 9527 went to the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper!

Belmode did not send a message, probably not because he did not notice the situation and did not want to send a message, but because he could not send a message.

The difficulty of the Humble Bandit 9527, gin is personally learned. If it wasn’t difficult, he didn’t need to call so many people to support. Even helicopter gunships were dispatched.

Even if the guy had escaped in his bulletproof sports car, the helicopter gunship’s airborne heavy machine gun would have let the guy know that the bulletproof car was nothing in front of the heavy machine gun.

Out of trust in his instincts, Gin called Belmode. And sure enough, as he had suspected, Belmode couldn’t answer the call! Only then did he order the vodka to take off.

Gin’s gut sensed that the guy must be inside the Twin Towers skyscraper right now!

On the roof of Building A of the Twin Towers skyscraper, Guan Zu is also looking at the time on his watch.

“The bomb is going to explode soon…”

There are only the last two minutes left.

The muzzle of the sniper rifle in his hand had already been aimed at the hapless egg on the roof of the building opposite.

If the gin does not come, then this person will die instead of the gin, then he is naturally an unlucky egg.

Crispy crisp ~ ~ crispy crisp ~ ~ ~ Guan Zu suddenly heard a slight vibration of the mobile phone.

The slam turned around and came from the direction of the unconscious Belmode. Someone’s coming? Or did Belmode’s phone ring?

Guan Zu put the sniper rifle into the storage space and took out the pistol that had been installed with the silencer in his hand.

Lift your feet and walk in the direction of Belmode. Crispy Han ~~Crispy Crispy ~~

The sound of the phone vibrating sounded twice, and then it was cut off.

Guanzu came to Belmode and first opened the door of the safety staircase to make sure that no one had come.

Only then did Belmode get her phone out of Belmode’s body.

There was indeed a missed call on the phone, but there was no comment. Just show a string of numbers.

Guan Zu frowned.

Who called Belmode? Harassing phone calls?

Or did you make the wrong call?

Or was it someone else from the Black Organization?

The phone lock screen, Guan Zu tried all ten fingers of Belmode, and could not unlock the lock screen of the mobile phone.

Then Guan Zu tore off all the fake skin on Belmode’s hands, and then tried again.

I still can’t unlock my phone’s lock screen.

It seems that Belmode only set the password unlock, not the fingerprint unlock.

Guan Zu can brute-force the lock screen of this phone, but it will take time. The bomb inside the building was about to explode, and he didn’t have time to unlock a phone.

“No note, it should just be a wrong phone call…”

Guan Zu directly threw down Belmode’s mobile phone and turned and walked toward the edge of the roof.

The bomb inside the building was about to explode.

Once the bomb exploded, it was the death of the hapless man on the roof of the building opposite.

Guan Zu took two steps. Boom!!! A series of explosions sounded.

Guan Zu, who was standing on the top floor of the roof, could even feel the vibration of this building

“The time of the hunt begins!”

Guan Zu looked at the corner of his mouth and walked quickly toward the edge of the roof.

The other side.

Gin they were riding in a helicopter that had taken off.

Seeing that the set explosion time had arrived, Gin called Calvados, who was monitoring the building opposite the Twin Towers skyscraper.

Soon, the phone was connected.

“Calvados, how is it over there?”

Gin asked.

“The bomb has just exploded, the power of the entire building A has been completely paralyzed, and only the sightseeing elevator for VIP guests can still operate.”

Calvados said.

Everything went very smoothly as planned.

“Very good, keep an eye on that elevator, and once you find the two traitors Shirley and Miyano Akimi, shoot them directly.”

Gin commanded.



With a crisp sound, Calvados’s head exploded straight away. This is Guan Zu a few hundred meters away, bursting this guy’s head with a sniper rifle. Gin on the other side of the phone frowned.

How does this go halfway through the talk?

And, what is the meaning of the voice just now?


Gin shouted. But there was still no response.

Gin immediately realized that something was wrong.

“Vodka, speed up!”

Gin said with a cold look on his face.

“I see, big brother.”

Vodka sped up.

He had already felt it out, and the eldest brother was really angry. Twin towers skyscraper A rooftop.

Through the scope of the sniper rifle, Guan Zu saw the head of the unlucky egg explode.

“Sigh… It’s disgusting. ”

Guan Zu put away his sniper rifle and turned and walked toward Belmode, who was unconscious at the entrance of the safety stairs.

The hapless egg was already hung, and the gin didn’t come.

What is planned to be done today has basically been completed, so the next thing is unplanned.

Originally, he had no idea that he would meet Belmode here. Now not only did he meet, Belmode was taken prisoner by him.

Next, he needs to choose between a beast and a beast that is inferior. How to choose, this naturally does not need to hesitate.

The last time it happened with Belmode was a long time ago.

It’s good to revisit it now.

But Guan Zu returned to Belmode’s side, ready to remove all the disguises on her body first.

Before he could do anything, he heard the sound of helicopter propellers in the distance

Guan Zu looked in the direction of the sound and saw a helicopter flying towards this side in the air in the distance.

“When did the Metropolitan Police Department become so efficient?”

Guan Zu looked surprised that the bomb in this building had just exploded, and the helicopter came??

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