Chapter 251: You don’t want to die young, don’t you?!!

Guan Zu sat on the couch, his consciousness sinking into the system, looking at the rewards of this action.

【Ding! Complete a gang fight and reward [Tattoo, Over-the-Shoulder Evil Dragon]] Guan Zu frowned.

Isn’t it, reward a tattoo!?? He fought with the Black Order.

Not only did he kill a sniper from the Black Organization, but he even used a bazooka to blast Gin and the helicopter they were riding in from the sky.

Gin and Vodka are two models of the Black Organization.

And above that helicopter, there seemed to be someone else.

He killed so many people in the Black Organization at once, and then gave this ghost a reward? Even the gin and vodka people who flew in helicopters fell from the sky and did not die.

It’s also terrible to reward just one tattoo.

Even if it is to reward some money, it is good.

Even a million yen is enough for him to be tattooed all over his body.

Besides, didn’t he kill a sniper too?

With a strong sense of indifference in his heart, Guan Zu set his sights on this tattoo of this reward.

[Tattoos Over-the-Shoulder Evil Dragon]: You can choose to appear or hide. When it appears, greatly increase the deterrent power.

emmm……… Significantly increased deterrence?

Is it to make people who see his tattoos feel afraid?

But any normal person will be more afraid of the kind of person who is full of tattoos, right?

After all, in most cases, only Yakuza, as well as the bad youth in society, will get tattoos that kind of large and large stripes.

And normal people, when they see Yakuza, there will be some fear that if they are timid, they will even tremble with fear.

In this way, I feel that this tattoo is so cheap.

Guan Zu took off his shirt and got up and walked toward the bathroom.

He was ready to see what the tattoo of this over-the-shoulder evil dragon looked like.

Although it is not yet known how effective the tattoo is, it is OK to choose to appear or hide it.

Guan Zu didn’t want an inexplicable tattoo to suddenly appear on his body.

In case it was ugly, he would have to spend time and money to wash the tattoo off.

But if you can choose to hide your tattoo on your own, the situation is much better

If the tattoo is not good-looking, it is a big deal that he does not choose to show the tattoo for the rest of his life.

No matter how ugly the tattoo is, no one but himself will see it.

Coming to the bathroom, Guan Zu stood in front of the vanity mirror. Appear!

As soon as Guan Zu’s consciousness moved, a tattoo appeared on his body.

It was an evil dragon.

A glance at the past, you know that it is a dragon with a temperamental killing, and the eyes are full of killing intent.

Dragons are over-the-shoulder evil dragons.

Only the dragon head and one dragon body were on Guan Zu’s chest, and the rest of the dragon body went around Guan Zu’s left shoulder and extended all the way to his back.

Just this evil dragon tattoo on Guan Zu’s body.

Guan Zu did not doubt the fact that he could enhance his deterrent power at all.

This evil dragon is not an exaggeration to say that it can make children stop crying.

Even the authentic Yakuza would be frightened by the killing intent carried in the eyes of this evil dragon.

Although the reward tattoo pulls the crotch a little, the effect of this tattoo is still quite strong.

It’s just that Guan Zu doesn’t need this kind of tattoo.

After all, he usually doesn’t want this tattoo to add momentum to himself.

Even if you go to a nightclub, a small steel ball shop, and don’t need to scare others with tattoos.

If someone really wants to provoke him, he will directly let the other party disappear from this world.

Therefore, this tattoo is still honey chicken ribs.

It’s a little useful, but it’s not big.

Guan Zu did not hide the tattoo, did not put on clothes, and walked directly out of the bathroom.

He was ready to wait for Belmode to wake up and try the tattoo on Belmode.

See if this deterrent effect works in Belmode’s body.

If it works, it’s great.

Belmode is a core member of the Black Organization, and what has not been done to kill and set fire?

Coupled with rich life experience, real age, at least forty or fifty years old.

And he is also superb in acting, not only able to win various awards in Haomaiwu, but also in life, disguised as someone else without being discovered.

If the deterrent effect of the tattoo can even affect Belmode, then it is really angry.

In ordinary people, the effect is even more powerful.

However, this Belmode was hit by an anesthesia needle, and I am afraid that I will not be able to wake up in a short time.

Guan Zu didn’t bother to wait any longer.

Just lie in bed and sleep first.

As for the rest, wait until Belmode wakes up.

The next morning, Guan Zu felt movement in his arms and woke up…

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Belmode looking at himself with cold eyes.

A person who wants to slash people’s eyes cannot hide it.

Guan Zu didn’t care.

Sat up and stretched out.

“Don’t look at me like that, you’re a prisoner of the order now, and you’re angry with me, and it won’t do you any good, Miss Chris!”

Guan Zu reached out and gently patted Belmode’s face.

Then he found that Belmode’s eyes had changed.

How to say it, the killing intent in the eyes is seven points less, and the fear is seven points more.

The corners of Guan Zu’s mouth were slightly raised.


This evil dragon tattoo of this reward, the deterrent effect can really have an effect on people like Belmode?

If this is the case, then this tattoo is not useless.

He can disguise himself in the future, and there is one more kind of identity.

That’s Big Brother Yakuza with tattoos on his body.

When doing something unsightly, you can use this identity.

“You are… Wanted 9527? ”

Belmode took two deep breaths and looked at Guan Zu and asked.

After adjustment, Belmode had calmed down.

However, the vigilance in her eyes did not diminish at all.

According to Gin’s intelligence, the person they had to deal with this time was the police’s wanted criminal 9527.

In order to deal with 9527, they can be said to have made sufficient preparations this time.

However, she was still arrested by 1.0.

This shows that their operation failed this time.

Gin their condition was not yet known, but Calvados was already dead.

Now that you are in the hands of the other party, you must find a way to get out as soon as possible! Belmode’s brain was racing.

Her hands and feet were tightly tied to the four feet of the bed by rope, and there was no way for her to break free by her own strength alone.

I just tried it before and woke this guy up.

Right now……… What is she going to do?

“9527 is the code name given to me by the guys in the Metropolitan Police Department, you can call me Uncle Dragon.”

Guan Zu looked at Belmode lying in front of him and said.

“After waiting all night, you’re awake now, so it’s time to get to business.”

“Miss Chris, you don’t want to die young, do you?”

Guan Zu’s face showed a frightening smile…

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