Chapter 252 Will He Be a Silver Bullet?!!

“It’s actually you!!”

Belmode looked at Guan Zu in disbelief.

When she played the game just now, she felt that the 9527 in front of her had some familiarity, but she couldn’t remember where it was familiar for a while.

Now that the game was over and she had rested for a while, she finally remembered what that inexplicable sense of familiarity was all about.

Earlier, in order to investigate whether Kudo Shinichi had actually been killed by the organization in order to find out whether there was also Yukiko’s son.

So he disguised himself as the school doctor of Didan High School and mixed into Didan High School.

As a result, Kudo Shinichi’s life and death have not been fully investigated, but an accident occurs.

She meets a person of dubious identity at Didan High School.

Later, when she went to track down and investigate the person, she was identified by the other party and kidnapped.

I was even forced to play a few games.

Looking back now, how similar are the positions of these two people playing the game?

It can even be said to be exactly the same.

After all, as an aid to the game, she knows best the length of the A10DC range and the level of skill.

Belmode is not young, but in all these years of life, not many people have teamed up with her to play games.

And she was impressed by these two people.

She didn’t know that the punk youth was actually a 9527 who had eaten gin many times!

But now, she confirmed that the person in front of her was 9527.

And 9527 is proficient in transfiguration, and the level of playing games is exactly the same as the punk youth before.

After calming down, Belmode naturally realized that these two people were the same person at all!

“What am I?”

Guan Zu’s eyebrows were raised, and some of them did not quite understand what Belmode meant when he said this.

Was his true identity discovered? Or what?

“Don’t pretend! As a woman, I feel that I can never go wrong! The person who kidnapped me last time in an abandoned factory is also you! ”

Belmode stared at Guan Zu and said.


Guan Zu shrugged his shoulders and did not deny the matter.

He thought Belmode had discovered his true identity.

It turned out to be just that.

What he had done, he would not dare to admit it.

Of course, the premise is that you have to find out for yourself.

But then again, he also did not expect that Belmode’s sixth sense was so strong.

This can be found twice assisted ADCI, is it the same person?

Or is it that her game level is too high, so she is impressed?

“Seeing that Guan Zu did not deny it, Belmode did not know what to say for a while.”

And she suddenly realized something.

That is, even if she knew that the punk youth of the last time was the same person as the 9527 this time, what could she do?

It doesn’t change anything.

Even, on the contrary, it is possible to pity her into crisis.

In case the face of the punk youth last time was the real face of 9527, and in order that his identity would not be revealed, 9527 would not rule out that he would kill people and kill people

Seeing Belmode’s expression become serious, the corners of Guan Zu’s mouth were slightly raised.

“How? Worried I’ll kill you to kill you~? ”

Guan Zu raised his hand and rubbed it gently on Belmode’s face.

“Rest assured~! I said, I am your fan ~ even if you expose my true identity, I will not kill you ~! ”

“However, if you do something wrong, you will be punished.” When the time comes, you should be mentally prepared to play games with me~! ”

Guan Zu looked at Belmode and smiled.


Hearing this, Belmode was quite relieved.

As long as you don’t kill her, team up to play games or whatever.

She didn’t suffer anyway.

Although she looked young, only twenty-seven or eight years old, her actual age was already an old man for ordinary people.

And 9527 is a real young man.

To be honest, she actually earned it.

Belmode also realizes that he seems to have a wrong mind, has the ability to transfigure, and is he afraid of revealing his identity? Not at all.

Just like herself, she wouldn’t be afraid of exposing her true identity.

Even if the outside world knows that the well-known female star Chris Winyard is actually a core member of an illegal organization, and even killed many people.

She didn’t care.

It’s a big deal to give up Chris Winyard’s identity.

Although there was some trouble in a short period of time, it didn’t hurt at all.

Proficient in transfiguration, it is not too easy for her to change her identity.

Moreover, Belmode suddenly had an idea.

That is, will this 9527 become the silver bullet that destroys the organization?

If he could really be the silver bullet that destroyed the organization, then not only would she not destroy him, but she would also help him in secret.

After all, for her, although the organization provides a lot of convenience and protection, it is also a kind of shackles, a cage.

Belmode has always wanted to break away from the organization.

It’s just that her identity, and her knowledge of the organization, makes it so that she doesn’t act that impulsively.

But if the organization is destroyed, then she is really free.

Belmode returned his thoughts to the 9527 in front of him.

“I don’t think it’s a punishment to play a game with a young and handsome and powerful man like you.”

Realizing that he was not in danger, Belmode became much calmer.

It also allowed her to regain more sanity and be able to joke in front of Guan Zu.

“Really? So next time add some punishment links~. ”

Guan Zu casually felt a knife and cut all the ropes that bound Belmode’s hands and feet.

He was not worried that Belmode would escape, and he had never worried about what threat Belmode would pose to him.

After all, Belmode’s melee combat power is not strong at all.

She is just a little better at marksmanship.

Without a gun, even if Guan Zu let her have two hands, she was not Guan Zu’s opponent.

Even if Belmode had a gun in his hand, at such a close distance, the gun in Belmode’s hand would not have been able to hit him.

Before she could shoot, he would take the pistol from Bey’s Mord.

Untying Belmode from the rope, Guan Zu got up and dressed this time.

It was already noon, and his stomach was already hungry, so he had to eat a big meal to replenish his energy.

Belmode sat up too.

Only at this time, he was looking helplessly at the thin clothes on the ground.

“I’ll ask the hotel to bring you some clothes later.” You’re just waiting in the room. ”

After getting dressed, Guan Ancestor went to the bathroom to wash up a little, and came out again.

“This is your pistol, return it to you~!”

Guan Zu dismantled a women’s pistol into parts, and pushed all the bullets in the magazine out and placed them on the coffee table.

“I’ll miss you, Miss Chris.”

Guan Zu threw a flying kiss at Belmode before turning to leave…

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