Chapter 253 Little Sorrow is angry again!!

Guan Zu returned home and took out the key to open the door.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Akimi Miyano and Xiao Ai rushing from the living room to the entrance.

“Zu! You’re back! ”

Miyano Akimi looked at Guan Zu with a concerned face.

Xiao Ai didn’t say anything, but the worried look on her face just now, and the look of relief now also showed that she was worried about Guan Zu.

Yesterday in the skyscraper of the Twin Towers, Xiao Ai was really shocked to see the two men of gin and vodka appear.

But when she saw Gin and Vodka’s helicopter shot down, she thought of Guan Zu.

I think this must have been done by Guan Zu.

Also only about the ancestors, will appear by her side, and attack the organization.

However, after escaping from the Twin Towers skyscraper, taking notes and returning home, he found that Guan Zu had not returned, which made Xiao Wei start to worry

Shouldn’t Guan Zu have other accidents after that?

Xiao Ai told her sister what happened in the skyscraper of the Twin Towers.

They also did not dare to call Guan Zu and ask him where he was, worried that the ringing of the mobile phone would bring him trouble, so they waited at home for Guan Zu to return.

After waiting for a night, Guan Zu did not come back.

The two of them were even more worried.

Originally, today was going to class, Xiao Ai directly took a leave of absence, and continued to wait at home with her sister for news from Guan Zu.

It’s noon now!

Seeing Guan Zu return, the two of them were finally relieved.

If Guan Zu really had an accident while fighting with the people of the organization, they would definitely be sad.

And not just because they need the protection of Guan Zu.

Living with Guan Zu for such a long time, the two of them have also regarded Guan Zu as a companion and a family.

“Little Sorrow, don’t you have to go to class today?”

Guan Zu asked curiously.

On the way back, he passed several schools, and the students in them were all going to school.

Why doesn’t Little Sorrow have to go to school?

“It’s not because I’m worried that you guy won’t come back!”

Xiao Aibai glanced at Guan Zu and said.

After speaking, Xiao Ai looked at Guan Zu again, confirming the doubts in his heart.

“The person who shot down the helicopter piloted by Gin with an RPG at the Twin Towers skyscraper yesterday was you, right?”

Although she guessed that the person should be Guan Zu.

But without Guan Zu’s affirmation, she couldn’t confirm it 100 percent.

In case of…… Is that just a coincidence?

“Well, I’m right.”

Guan Zu nodded in acknowledgement.

There is nothing bad about this kind of thing to admit.

“When I went to the Twin Towers skyscraper with you last week, there were staff members of the Long Disk Consortium who found Gin’s car.”

“I was worried that the gin guy would do something at the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper, so I ambushed a wave in advance.”

I didn’t expect to be really guessed.

“As of now, the follow-up finishing work has just been completed.”

But I’m exhausted~.

“Makotoko, is lunch ready?” I’m starving to death~! ”

Guan Zu took off his shoes at the entrance and went into the house.

“Already done, we’ll be ready to eat right away!”

Miyano said hurriedly.

Guan Zu is fighting the organization for her and her sister.

Naturally, she couldn’t let Guan Zu go hungry.

Although she didn’t know if Guan Zu would come back at noon, she still made Guan Zu’s meal.

“Zu, you and Xiao Ai will take a break first, and I’ll go to the kitchen to have a look!”

When Miyano finished speaking, she turned and walked quickly toward the kitchen.

Guan Zu also lifted his feet and walked toward the house.

Passing by Xiao Ai’s side, he habitually raised his hand and rubbed her hair.

Sniff ~!

Xiao Mo suddenly sniffed his nose.

Immediately after frowning, he suddenly raised his foot and stomped the back of Guan Zu’s foot.

“Ahem! Big liar! ”

Xiao Wei glanced at Guan Zu, then turned around, and walked away without turning his head.

Guan Zu scratched his head helplessly.

Is this guy a dog? Nose so smart??

He just forgot to take a shower when he came out, was he really stained with the smell of Belmode?

Guan Zu raised his hand and sniffed.

I didn’t smell any perfume.

Even if it was the smell of his own body, with the sensitivity of his nose, he would not be able to smell nothing.

So, is Xiao Lai really a dog? It’s all about having a dog’s nose!

And he is particularly sensitive in himself, every time he goes out to find a teacher for class, he will be found by Xiao Mo when he comes back.

It’s a ghost.

Guan Zu came to the living room and saw Xiao Ai sitting on the sofa, holding a fashion magazine in his hand.

Guan Zu walked over and sat down next to Xiao Ai.

Raising his hand to put his arm around Xiao Ai’s shoulder, “Hey, I’m fighting for you, and the people of the Black Organization.” ”

“You don’t thank me, even if you step on me?” Doesn’t your conscience hurt? ”

“Thank you! But please don’t touch me! ”

Xiao Ai raised her left hand and squeezed the skin of the back of Guan Zu’s hand placed on her right shoulder, moving his hand away.


Guan Zu helplessly sprinkled his lips.

Forget it, don’t stimulate the little mourning.

Anyway, after a day she will be almost fine.

Guan Zu turned on the TV and watched today’s news.

He wanted to see if there was news about what happened to the Twin Towers skyscraper yesterday.

In particular, he wanted to see if the likes of gin and vodka were dead.

Last night, he hit the helicopter they were flying with an RPG.

The helicopter did eventually fall, but before it fell, he saw what seemed as if something had bounced out.

I don’t know if it’s the person on the plane.

The TV is turned on.

Nippon TV is indeed broadcasting, news about yesterday’s twin towers skyscraper #Twin towers skyscraper explosion, and fire… At present, no one has suffered casualties because of the fire…

#一架武装直升机被击落, but the police did not find any casualties in the helicopter… The police are investigating the unit to which the helicopter belongs…

Seeing the news reports, Guan Zu sighed, somewhat helpless.

The helicopter piloted by Gin was bombarded by him with RPG, and as a result, Gin and the others still did not die.

This cannot be explained by science at all, only by science.

It’s truly a world of anime.

However, it doesn’t matter, it’s not dead in fact.

This time they fought with the gin and once again won the system reward.

Although the effect of this tattoo is average, it is also a system reward after all, isn’t it? He could have taken the Black Organization and Gin to brush the system rewards.

Brush a few more times, and there will always be a good reward pull.

“Zu ~ Xiao Lai ~ Eat ~!”

Akimi Miyano came out of the kitchen with a dinner plate.

When eating, Xiao Ai was still an unreasonable look.

Guan Zu has also become accustomed to it, and it is normal for girls to play small.

After eating, Xiao Ai immediately put on her school bag.

“I’m out!”

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