Chapter 254 Garden, You Really Don’t Fit for Curly Hair!!

Didan High School.

“Eh, Xiaolan, Xiaoyi, let’s go to the cinema this weekend to see a movie~!”

Yuan Zi looked at Xiao Lan and Xiao Wei and said.


Xiao Lan agreed without hesitation.

“What movies do you go to on the weekend?”

Xiao Wei asked curiously.

If the movie is too boring, then it is better to go shopping.

“That’s Uncle Eleven 2!”

“The previous “Uncle Eleven 1″ content is exciting! Suspense tension! I’ve been looking forward to its sequel for a long time! ”

Yuan Zi looked at Xiao Wei and said with excitement on his face.

“This movie.”

Xiao Lament showed some lack of interest.

The first part of this movie is not bad.

But the words of the sequel…

Xiao Wei felt that there would be a situation where the dog’s tail continued to be mink.

After all, most movies are not like this, and the sequel is always getting worse and worse.

It’s all about the money.

However, since it is an invitation from the garden, it is good to go.

“Well, nothing to do on weekends anyway.”

Xiao Wai also responded.

“Eh-huh! Little mourning, is your cousin back? ”

The garden looked at the garden expectantly.

“Well, back at noon today. What’s wrong? ”

Xiao Wei replied subconsciously.

“How about you invite your cousin out that weekend?”

The garden took the hand of 747 Xiao Wei and said to the child.


The little mourner looked wordlessly at the garden.

Invite Guan Zu to see an action romance movie?? Are you sure you’re not kidding?

Even if you want to invite, you should invite that guy alone, right?

This is another invitation to girlfriends, but also an invitation to a handsome guy you like, what is the matter?

Let them be light bulbs?


The garden took Xiao Wai’s hand and shook it.

“People had a hard time changing their hairstyles yesterday and wanted to surprise Azu. However, Azu did not attend the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper. ”

“While people are still in this hairstyle, let your cousin meet with people~~”

The garden held Xiao Ai’s arm, and the giant flesh and hemp said.

“Okay, okay, I’ll go back and tell him it’s okay.”

“However, this guy runs out a lot, and I can’t guarantee that guy will come.”

Xiao Lai couldn’t stand the garden and could only agree to come down.

“Little mourning ~ you are so good to me~!”

The garden excitedly put an arm around the little mourning.

Xiao Lament: “…”

Xiao Lan on the side showed a helpless smile.

There is really no way to take the garden.

For the sake of the handsome man, the garden is really fighting.

In the evening, Xiao Lai returned home.

“Going to the movies together on the weekend? This is really strange, little mourning you actually want to date me ~? ”

Guan Zu looked at Xiao Lai in surprise.

At noon, Xiao Wei was still angry with him.

Invite yourself to the movies for the weekend at night? There’s no conspiracy here, right?

No wonder Guan Zu thinks so, it’s really abnormal.

Even usually, Xiao Ai almost did not take the initiative to invite him to the movie.

And when he came back at noon today, this girl obviously smelled the smell of the woman on her body, and then made trouble with herself.

When I came back in the evening, I asked myself to go to the movie on the weekend, and I couldn’t help but have no doubts.

“It’s not that I’m going to invite, it’s that the garden wants to invite you to the movies on the weekend.”

Xiao Wei rolled his eyes and said.

If it weren’t for the garden, she wouldn’t have invited Guan Zu to the movie alone!!

“If that’s the case, then the explanation makes sense.”

Guan Zu suddenly realized.

The garden girl liked herself, and Guan Zu knew it.

After all, he is so handsome, and it is normal to attract the ‘Yan Dog’ who likes handsome men in the garden.

As for going to the movies, it’s not impossible.

“What movie to go to?”

Guan Zu asked curiously.

If the movie is good, it is not impossible to accept the appointment.

And Guan Zu thought about it carefully, if he could really get the big lady of the Suzuki Consortium in the garden, he could lie down and eat soft rice in the future.

Although he is rich, he is nothing compared to the Suzuki Consortium, a large consortium that has developed over the decades.

After all, the Suzuki Foundation is one of the largest consortiums in the whole Sakura.

And not only cherry blossoms, but even all over the world.

If the garden is fixed, then won’t the Suzuki Foundation be his?

Moreover, even if he got the garden in place, it didn’t actually affect his idea of robbing the Suzuki Foundation.

The Suzuki Foundation is a large consortium with very dispersed equity.

Many people in the Suzuki family definitely have shares.

The system doesn’t stipulate that relatives can’t be robbed”, right?

“You’re actually going to an appointment?”

Xiao Ai looked at Guan Zu with a ghostly expression.

Is he really going to go to the movie with everyone??

“Why not? I also want to watch a movie once in a while to relax. ”

Guan Zu shrugged and said.

“It’s Uncle Eleven 2, the last part of this movie is not bad, but this sequel is not known.”

Xiao Wai glanced at Guan Zu and also swung it badly.

This guy just goes, it has nothing to do with himself anyway.

There is nothing special between them!!

“This movie, I’ve seen this movie advertise before.” It seems to be quite good, so let’s go and see it together~. ”

Guan Zu responded

People are already so active, he has to respond to it.

Don’t there always be netizens on the Internet to discuss, is it to find someone you like, or to find someone who likes you?

If conditions permit, it is natural to find yourself who likes and likes yourself.


If you meet a young garden, rich in the family, not yet in character, and still like you, there are other heirs in the family.

Is this still optional?

Don’t say that the garden is actually quite beautiful, but it is sealed by the hairband.

Even if she is a two-hundred-pound fat man, it is definitely the best choice for ordinary men.

This is not a lifetime of less struggle, but a struggle of sand for dozens of lifetimes.

Guan Zu would not have gone to his knees to lick her because of the conditions of the garden.

However, the garden is already so proactive, and it is good to give a little response occasionally.

Instead of cheapening Kyogoku’s black chicken, it is better to cheapen him.

Seeing this, Xiao Lai suddenly turned away and ignored Guan Zu again.

I don’t know why, when she saw Guan Zu agree to the invitation of the garden, her heart was very unhappy.

Little mourning is very annoying.

Soon it will be the weekend.

Guan Zu drives a Cayenne and carries Xiao Lai to the Maori Detective Office. The garden will first go to Xiaolan to assemble, and then set off with everyone.

Soon, Guan Zu and Xiao Ai came to the Maori Detective Office.

Therefore, Guan Zu finally ‘saw with his own eyes’ the garden where his hair was permed into curls.

Before in the Twin Towers skyscraper, he had actually seen the garden where his hair was permed into curls, but at that time, his identity was not Guan Zu.

So it’s not good to come forward and say anything.

But now, Guan Zu didn’t say no.

“Garden, you really don’t fit for curly hair.”

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