People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

182. Terumi Mei's Request, Mingye Agreed 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

Half a day later, Kakashi and Jiraiya came out of Iwakage Ninja Village.

"Mingye-kun, everything has been dealt with, Ohnoki has signed the agreement."

"Iwakage will be a member of the alliance in the future!!!"

Mingye nodded slightly, very satisfied with the result.

Half a day's time for a ninja village, this speed is still very amazing.

"Next, the last Yuanyin Ninja Village will be left!"

Mingye turned his eyes slightly, looking to the southeast first, where is the last Mist Shinobi ninja village.

As long as this last village is taken down, there will be no force in the entire ninja world that can stop his plan.

At that time, the five most powerful ninja villages in the Genin world will be included in the entire alliance.

Then the alliance is the highest right in the ninja world.

From then on, there will be no resistance for Mingye to carry out any reforms.

"Yes, Mist Shinobi is next, just take Mist Shinobi down and it's over!"

Jiraiya said quite emotionally.

After living in 217 for so many years, I finally experienced what it means to push everything horizontally.

Things that were originally very difficult, under the blessing of Mingye's strength, all were easily solved.

"Let's go, then!"

An hour later, Mingye arrived at the Mist Shinobi ninja village.

Unlike other villages, the entire village of Mist Shinobi is in a swampy terrain.

Very moist.

"Mizukage come out and see you!"

Mingye said loudly, through the transmission of Shock Fruit, the sound directly spread throughout the swamp.

Like thunder rolling in the sky.

In the last village, Mingye has no interest in doing anything.

If the other party can submit obediently, he would rather have a leisurely time.

Mingye was a little tired of traveling for several days in a row.

At this moment, he just wanted to end all this quickly.

In the originally shimmering swamp (bfaa), several figures immediately appeared.

"Who are you, report your name!"

“Konoha Shinobi Village, Uchiha Mingye!”

Mingye said directly, and did not hide her identity.

After hearing Mingye's name, the ninjas fell silent for a moment.

Up to now, there is probably no one in the entire ninja world who does not know Mingye's prestige.

Even in extremely remote Kirigakure, the same is true.

"Please wait a moment, I will report right away!"

The ninjas finally compromised, and Tian Fen won the crown respectfully.

This is respect for the strong.

If it was just an ordinary person who dared to shout like this, his head would have fallen to the ground long ago.

But Mingye can receive such treatment, this is the difference in strength.

Mingye nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

It's nothing to wait a little longer.

But for a moment, a somewhat thin figure rushed over from a distance.

He is the Fourth Mizukage - Yagura.

There was another person beside him - Terumi Mei.

"You must have received my invitation!"

"Now tell me your answers!"

Mingye said indifferently, at the same time, Chakra was already being mobilized silently in his body.

He still has some understanding of this group of people in the ninja world, each of them is as stubborn as a stinky stone.

The only thing that can convince them is their fists.

"We are willing to join the alliance, Lord Qing Mingye don't worry!!"

Terumi Mei added directly from the side, while speaking, she also gave Mingye a wink.

This made Mingye a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet a good person.

Looks like ninjas aren't all stubborn guys either.

"Yes, you made a wise choice!!"

Mingye nodded appreciatively, and said, "Yanying and Cloud Shinobi have already agreed, but I just made them suffer a little bit!"

Terumi Mei's eyes flicked suddenly, and she smiled and said, "Master Mingye, please rest assured, Mist Shinobi will do its best to cooperate!"

The proposal of surrender was naturally put forward by Terumi Mei.

She understood Mingye's horror very well.

So I immediately found Mizukage and persuaded him to agree to Mingye's conditions.

Now it seems that this proposal is absolutely correct.

Mizukage immediately glanced at Terumi Mei in fear, the strength of this Uchiha Mingye is really terrifying.

Actually, one person directly conquered other ninja villages.

It is a bit exaggerated.

"Kakashi, sign a deal with Mizukage!"

Mingye said directly, and when she was about to turn around and leave, Terumi Mei spoke.

"Wait a minute, I still have a condition!!"

Mingye frowned and said, "If it's not too much, you can talk about it!"

Terumi Mei blinked beautifully immediately, and said: "I want to follow Master Mingye and learn how to manage it!"

The tone of speech is very soft, just like an emotional appearance.

Mingye glanced at Terumi Mei strangely, with his mind, he naturally knew what the other party meant.

However, Mingye did not refuse, who would refuse to have one more beautiful woman by her side??

"Okay, you can follow me in the future!"

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