People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

183. The Final Plan Of Change, Mingye's Decision【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

Konoha Shinobi Village.

Today is a very important day, if nothing else.

In order to celebrate the arrival of the great unification of the ninja world.

After about half a month of preparation, the entire ninja world has basically known the existence of the "Ninja Alliance".

This is another alliance created by a man named Uchiha Mingye. 1

The purpose of existence is to eliminate war as much as possible, and strive to bring the ninja world to a new era.

"Great, Master Mingye is really amazing, we Konohas are really honored, and we are honored to be able to witness the arrival of a new era with Master Mingye."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, there is no Konoha Shinobi village now, all ninja villages are gone."

"Yes, yes, now there is only the Ninja Alliance, and everyone is a member of it."

Mingye stood high in the sky, looking at the prosperous streets below, his face was full of relief.

In the past few days, he issued several orders in succession.

One of the most critical items is to disband all ninja villages directly, and everyone directly joins the ninja alliance.

Of course, this alone is not enough. If the disintegration is not thorough enough, various small groups will definitely be born in the alliance.

But this is also human nature. You can't ask the two sides who were enemies yesterday to become good friends today.

So Mingye didn't expect to solve all the problems in one generation.

"Everyone, I'm going to announce something very important now!"

Standing high in the sky, Mingye stretched out his arms and shouted: "In order to eliminate the soil for the birth of conflicts as much as possible, I decided to adopt a unified training method to cultivate our next generation."

. "generation

"From now on, all ninjutsu will be open to the ninja world for free, as long as you agree to the conditions, you can watch it as you like!"


Deathly silence.

Everyone froze for a moment, what does this mean?

Learn ninjutsu casually???

You know, in the ninja world in the past, the most important thing was that ninjutsu was monopolized by big families.

It is difficult for the children of ordinary people to have a way to rise, and there is no way to learn ninjutsu.

But now, Mingye actually revealed all the ninjutsu to the public. ,

Doesn't this mean that ordinary people also have the opportunity to become the best ninja?

"However, the conditions will not be difficult!"

"The entire ninja world will establish a unified joint school, and all children who reach the age can directly attend!"

"It's just that the joint school adopts closed teaching. Once you enter the school, you can only come out once a year!"

Mingye smiled slightly, this is the best way for him to destroy the foundation of war.

Completely separate the previous generation from the next generation.

In this way, the contradictions of the previous generation cannot affect the next generation.

Moreover, plus all the children of every ninja village and every race grew up together since childhood.

It is bound to be difficult for them to generate too much hatred.

Even if there is hatred, it must be small-scale and will not cause conflicts in war.

In this way, war can basically disappear in the next generation.

As for whether there will be parents who object to their children entering the joint school, will there be big families who will come out to obstruct it?

The answer is obvious.

Just opening up all ninjutsu can solve all problems.

In this world, ninjutsu is the foundation of everything.

Only with ninjutsu can we become stronger.

If you don't send your children to a joint school, someone else will send their children there.

……ask for flowers…

At that time, your own children will not be as good as others, and sooner or later they will be reduced to the bottom of society.

The only problem may be that several top families in the ninja world are all disgusted.

After all, their own family's family ninjutsu itself is the top ninjutsu, there is no need to learn other ninjutsu.

So the motivation to participate in joint schools is not too strong.

But it doesn't matter, the number of these families is not too much.

Mingye is going to come to the door in person and talk to them one by one.


If they are more acquainted, naturally everyone will be happy.

If you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, then don't blame Mingye for being cruel.

In this ninja world, it doesn't matter if there are few big families.

Anyway, they are just some stubborn old forces, and if they are killed, they will be killed.

"Let's cheer for the future of the ninja world together!!"

Mingye raised his arms and shouted, full of excitement,

After traveling to this world for such a long time, I have finally made a small contribution to this world.

Even among the traversers, he can be regarded as worthy of the audience.

In an instant, the entire ground erupted into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Everyone was laughing excitedly and celebrating this beautiful day.

This is enough to record a day in the history of ninja world.

From today onwards, the ninja world has completely entered a new era.

An era in which war has all but disappeared.

A time when there was little oppression.

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