People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

037. Uchiha Itachi Opens Mangekyō, Sinister Danzo 【Flowers】

After all, it will be Danzo's side.

After leaving the Hokage building, Danzo went back underground, to Root's headquarters.

Only after knowing the value of the Uchiha family, Danzo's covetousness for the Uchiha family has never disappeared.

The reason why they target the Uchiha clan again and again is for Sharingan! !

Stepping outside a dark room, Danzo pushed them aside and entered.

There was a boy sitting upright inside. He was wearing a Konoha forehead protector, and there were two long tears on his face.

This person is none other than Uchiha Itachi.

After Shisui went on a mission and was captured alive by Mingye, Gen's crew found Itachi alone.

Immediately brought the news back to Danzo.

Knowing the news, Danzo immediately brought Itachi back with joy!

You must know that he has envied Third Generation for a long time. With such an ace fighter like Uchiha Shisui, he is simply sour, okay?

Now that he had the opportunity to build himself such a hitter, Danzo was hooked immediately.

It must be known that Itachi is a talented boy whose talent is not weaker than Shisui.

Danzo tried to put on a sad look on his face.

"Shisui died at the hands of Uchiha Mingye in order to prevent the Uchiha clan's rebellion!!"

Danzo then throws a shattered forehead protector with Bloodline on it.

This thing is Shisui's forehead protector.

It was just thrown out deliberately by Mingye, in order to frighten the Third Generation, but Danzo got here to deceive Itachi.

But Uchiha Itachi doesn't know this!

Looking at the shattered forehead protector on the ground, Itachi's pupils were trembling constantly, and his eyes were wide open. It was obviously hard to believe all this.

Itachi was pretty sure that Shisui was dead.

Because Shisui told him that the village is his most important thing, and the same is true of Konoha's forehead protector. Unless he is dead, he will never take down this forehead protector.

Moreover, Danzo is a big boss at the root, not to mention other things, his status is still very high, so how could he deceive himself!

Itachi at this age is obviously still very young and has not seen through Danzo's plot.

"Cousin...killed Shisui..."

Mingye is the ninja he aspires to become, and Shisui is his friend and elder brother whom he admires.

But now Mingye actually killed Shisui!

A strong anger suddenly appeared in Itachi's heart.

His heart kept roaring: "Why? Why? Why? What's wrong with this world? Isn't everyone fighting for the peace of Konoha? Why do you want to kill each other?"

When Danzo saw this scene, there was an invisible smile on his face.

"It's not Shisui's fault, and it's not Mingye's fault either! The fault is the desire of the Uchiha clan~!"

"The Uchiha family is still not satisfied with their current status, and they are still fighting against Lord Hokage for more rights."

"The conflict between Konoha and Uchiha, I must have known a lot more than when I was in the Uchiha clan!!"

Danzo's voice is full of temptation, as if there is a kind of magical power, people can't help but sink into it.

"Now, there are only two ways to avoid Shisui's tragedy from happening again!"

"First, let the Uchiha clan dominate Konoha! Konoha is completely caught in the flames of war."

"Second, completely abolish Uchiha's heart for hegemony! Konoha has returned to the peace of the past."

"How to choose, you won't let me down! After all, Shisui chose to use his life to maintain the peace of the village!"

"I hope you can inherit the will of fire like Shisui!!"

Itachi's body began to tremble slowly after hearing this.

In the end, he kept whispering: "...the will of fire...peace..."

Danzo couldn't help but secretly rejoice, let alone the Third Generation, it's really easy to use.

At least it's very useful to fool the young people of the Uchiha clan, and the Itachi in front of him will be stunned for a while!

However, Danzo immediately realized that something was wrong.

A breath that made him feel a little uncomfortable came from Itachi's body.

Itachi's Chakra coercion has also increased sharply, surpassing the level of an ordinary Konoha Jōnin at once.

Then, Danzo immediately burst into ecstasy.

what did he see

Itachi lowered his head and covered his eyes, but Danzo still saw a strange red light between his fingers.

"Mangekyō Sharingan!!!"

Danzo was shocked immediately, he didn't expect Itachi to open his eyes at this time!

It seems Itachi and Shisui's relationship is deeper than he thought.

There was a flash of greed in the group's eyes, and he forcibly resisted the urge to close these eyes now, and tried his best to pretend to be a kind teacher.

"Now that you have awakened this power, it is all the more necessary for you to carry out Shisui's last wish!"

Itachi slowly raised his head, and the three-gou jade in his eyes immediately began to slowly rotate, and during the changes, a somewhat strange pattern immediately appeared in Itachi's pupils.

A strange breath spread out.

"Thank you Danzo-sama for teaching me, I am like Shisui, the peace of the village is my greatest wish."

"However, my brother is still young, he is innocent, I hope to protect my brother!"

Itachi at this moment has completely trusted what Danzo said.

In other words, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan are all so paranoid, as long as they are identified, they will remain unchanged until death.

At best, it's called persistence, at worst, it's called lack of brains.

They don't know the theory of contradiction, and they don't understand what the principal and secondary contradictions of things are.

Just want to believe what you see.

So is Shisui, so is Itachi, and so is Obito!

An excited look immediately appeared on Danzo's face, and he said happily: "Okay, okay, take a rest first, I'm calling you when the time is right!"

"You can move around as you like, but you must pay attention, now Uchiha Mingye is searching for you everywhere, and you must not reveal your identity."

If Mingye did this again, he would have to sigh to himself, old fox!

Uchiha Itachi will definitely go out and investigate on his own, but Danzo will not let Itachi reveal his identity, and Itachi will not be able to contact the Uchiha clan.

Except for the core of the Uchiha clan, no one else has any idea whether Shisui is dead or alive now.

All I know is that Shisui failed to assassinate Uchiha Fugaku.

To prevent Itachi from showing his true identity, Itachi can only ask around, and he can only get some vague information from Konoha's low-level ninjas and the masses.

When the time comes to combine Shisui's "relic" in Danzo's hands, Itachi has to believe the news that Shisui is dead.

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