People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

038. Naruto Appears, Kakashi's Doubt 【Ask For Flowers, Ask For A Reward】

At this moment, Mingye naturally didn't know about Itachi's situation, maybe even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

It is nothing more than one more patient in [Konoha Mental Hospital].

Now that Mingye has accepted the task of capturing Orochimaru, Third Generation soon sent someone over with the details of the task.

Moreover, the person responsible for delivering the mission scroll was actually an acquaintance.

Kakashi, wearing a cat face mask, took off the mask immediately after entering Mingye's room.

"Master Mingye, here are the details of the mission, including the location of Orochimaru."

Mingye looked at Hatake Kakashi with interest.

In the Hokage world, Kakashi is one of the few normal people.

Killed his teammates with his own hands and did not blacken, unlike that Uchiha Obito.

"Kakashi, it feels good to be deceived!"

Mingye said jokingly.

Kakashi glanced at Mingye suspiciously, his face full of puzzlement.

Mingye continued: "Your father will not be very happy if he sees you now!"

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and immediately asked, "Does Master Mingye know about my father?"

Mingye smiled and waved his hand: "There are some things you need to find by yourself, but I can give you a hint. Guess where that Nine Tails demon fox went! Why is it there!"

Afterwards, Mingye directly kicked out Kakaqi who had a question mark on his face.

As long as Kakashi is not a pig, there is always something to be found after seeing the current Naruto.

At that time, he himself will slowly discover what kind of village his village is.

The descendants of the hero can't even afford to eat, and even live on the streets! !

I'm afraid even fascists would not be able to commit such a crime!

But now Mingye has no time to deal with these messes.

Immediately opened the scroll sent by Kakashi and studied it carefully, after all, it was related to Shisui's attending doctor.

As a cousin, I have to find the best doctor for Shisui to treat his mental illness.

Thinking of this, Mingye showed a satisfied smile on his face.


Let's talk about Kakashi who was kicked out by Mingye.

Now he just feels confused, Nine Tails demon fox? Wasn't it sealed into the child's body by the Fourth Hokage in the end?

He had seen this child from a distance before, he was quite an ordinary child, there was nothing special about it,

But I thought of Mingye's words "Why this kid?"

Kakashi suddenly started talking to himself: "Is there something special about this kid? That's why he was chosen as the sealed container of Nine Tails?"

After thinking for a long time, Kakashi didn't come up with a reason, so he decided to visit the child again.

As soon as his figure moved, Kakashi immediately walked towards where Naruto was. He had seen Naruto before, so he knew where Naruto lived.

Soon, Kakashi was on top of a tall building overlooking Naruto's house from a distance.

The current Naruto is very young, only a few years old, and he is lying on his bed and fast asleep.

Kakashi appeared in the room in a flash, and Naruto, who was sleeping soundly, didn't respond.

He looked around for a while, then immediately frowned, the living conditions of this Nine Tails kid were obviously very bad.

The instant noodles on the table were all expired.

There is not even a decent piece of furniture in the whole room, and the table is also tattered, with a few very ugly patches on it, and it looks like it was repaired by Naruto himself.

The quilt was also tattered, and there was even a musty smell coming out.

Kakashi looked at Naruto who was sleeping soundly on the bed, the doubt on his face didn't disappear.

So far, nothing out of the ordinary except that the looming Chakra inside Naruto caught his attention.


Looking at Naruto's golden hedgehog head, Kakashi immediately thought of his teacher Namikaze Minato.

He used to be called "Yellow Flash".

But Kakashi didn't suspect anything because of this. After taking off the mask, he sat beside Naruto's bed.

He decided to reach out and wake Naruto to see if he could get some useful information.

"Ah... ah... who are you??"

As soon as Naruto opened his eyes, he saw a stranger with a mask showing only one eye appearing in his room.

His face immediately became shocked.

However, Kakashi opposite him also saw a ghost.

what did he see ? ?

Light blue pupils, golden hair! ! !

And eyebrows and eyes somewhat similar to Fourth Hokage.

Even, even in his demeanor, he could see a trace of the Fourth Generation.

When he met Naruto in the past, Naruto was still too young to open his mouth, but now Naruto's facial features finally have a preliminary look.

Kakashi was shocked immediately, his eyes widened, and a crazy idea immediately appeared in his mind.

Even he couldn't believe it himself.

"Could this child be the heir of the teacher..."

Afterwards, Kakashi shook his head violently, throwing out this unrealistic idea.

And I keep telling myself in my heart that Naruto cannot be a child of the Fourth Generation. If Naruto is really a child of the Fourth Generation, how can he be treated as a monster.

How could the Third Generation have been ignoring it all the time!

Fourth Hokage is the hero of the village, and his children should also be the children of heroes.

How could the hero's child live in such a place and eat expired instant noodles? ? ?

However, every time he saw Naruto's face, Kakashi's inner suspicion became more and more serious.

Even at the end, Kakashi couldn't lie to himself again.

"I'll ask you a few questions, if you answer, how about I treat you to ramen?"

After Naruto heard the ramen, the original panic expression on his face disappeared immediately. Change into a drooling look.

He nodded immediately, as if afraid of Kakashi's repentance.

Answer a few questions and you can eat ramen noodles. Where can I find such a good thing?

"Where are your father and mother? Have you seen them?"

Kakashi asked the question he was most concerned about.

Naruto said with dark eyes: "No, I've never seen them!"

"Where are the other relatives? Don't you have any?"

Naruto shook his head, his face was a little confused: "I don't know!"

Kakashi's heart skipped a beat. My own wife is a survivor of the Uzumaki clan, so I don't have any other relatives.

Fourth Hokage's family members also died in the Ninja War.

If this kid is really a Fourth Generation kid, then from these things, everything is right.

Later, Kakashi asked about age and other information in detail, but the more he asked, the stronger the feeling in Kakashi's heart.

When Kakashi turned around to find Mingye, he found that Mingye had left.

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This book is very important to the author, and I hope everyone can support it.

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