People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

006 Terrifying Mingye, Shisui's Shock 【Ask For A Reward, Ask For A Monthly Ticket】

Uchiha Shisui swallowed, with a strange look on his face!

"Shisui, I remember I told you to always remember your identity!"

Mingye looked indifferent, staring at Shisui coldly.

A terrifying coercion came out of his body, heading straight for Uchiha Shisui!

Suddenly, Uchiha Shisui seemed to see a terrifying strong man with a white crescent beard walking towards him.

The terrifying aura seemed to tear it to shreds in the next second.

Afterwards, the terrifying strong man of the white crescent directly swung the big knife in his hand and slashed at him.

In the light of the knife, it seems that the whole world has been split open.

Uchiha Shisui only felt that he was powerless in front of this knife!

The knife light falls!

Shisui also woke up suddenly, with beads of sweat all over his forehead!

"Is it an illusion? Damn it!"

A cry of cold sweat broke out, and Shisui, whose back was completely soaked, couldn't help being shocked!

Famous in the ninja world for his illusions, he never thought that one day he would fall into other people's illusions!

Then how terrifying is his cousin's strength!

I've never heard that my cousin knows illusion before!

Now, he, the master of illusion, can be directly recruited!

Is this Uchiha Mingye?

Shisui bit his tongue and forced himself to wake up!

Staring at Mingye warily!

Mingye's complexion is still Gujing Wubo, and there is no change because of Shisui's actions~

Actually, that's not an illusion~!

It's just Whitebeard's Conqueror's Haki. Conqueror's Haki is already shocking, and it works by breaking the opponent's psychological defense!

This is a kind of spiritual energy!

It's normal for Shisui to think it's an illusion!

Fugaku's pupils shrank slightly, and a look of horror appeared on his face!

The other clan elders didn't respond, but he had the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he clearly felt the huge oppression just now!

This spiritual power seems to be stronger than his Mangekyō Sharingan!

"Could it be that my cousin's strength has reached such a terrifying level?" Fugaku's heart trembled a little!

But in an instant it turned into ecstasy!

Although this cousin does not obey orders, he often fights against them!

But Fugaku still knows about his cousin's temperament.

Unlike Shisui, Mingye pays more attention to the bond between clansmen, and also hopes that the Uchiha clan will have a better development.

Now that Mingye's strength has become stronger again, doesn't that mean that the Uchiha family will once again come out of a Kage-level powerhouse?

Then the situation of the Uchiha family will also improve a lot!

At this moment, Mingye naturally doesn't know what other people are thinking.

He just felt a little disappointed. Shisui in the original book was finally murdered by Danzo and jumped into the river to die.

He failed to maintain the peace of the village, and he failed to protect his own family!

For the sake of his talent, Mingye always felt that it was a pity that such a good young man went astray like this.

So I mentioned Shisui once before, I hope he can understand why he should fight, and I hope he will not be brainwashed by Third Generation and Danzo!

But it is a pity that, judging from the current situation, Shisui still failed to escape the fate in the original book!

Thinking of this, Mingye's complexion became a little regretful, and his complexion softened a little!

"Hey, Shisui, do you still know what the original intention of Konoha Village was?"

"If you are willing to quit Anbu now and come back to contribute to the clan, this matter will be exposed, and I don't care about it!"

Shisui was stunned for a moment, he thought Mingye was about to make a move, he immediately looked at Mingye with some doubts, and his tense body softened.

After thinking for a while, Shisui replied: "Master First Hokage established Konoha Village to protect the peace of one side!"

"For the sake of the peace of the village, I want to put an end to all factors of instability. If anyone dares to destroy the peace of the village, I will not hesitate to risk my life!"

"Even Uchiha, it's the same!"

"Master Third Hokage is the key to the peace of the village now, and protecting Lord Third Hokage is to maintain the peace of the village!"

"Cousin, you'd better come with me, Lord Third Hokage won't embarrass you!"

Mingye looked at Shisui's firm eyes, and was immediately disappointed in his heart!

Seeing Mingye's slowly gloomy face, Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but sighed for Shisui in his heart.

"Brother Shisui, it's not that I don't want to help you. I offended my cousin. I'm afraid Mr. Hokage's words won't work!"

Even back then, Uchiha Mingye dared to challenge Third Hokage openly!

"Is that all you understand about Konoha? You really let me down!"

"Are you maintaining Konoha's peace now, or following someone's private will?"

"Have you thought about your father who died in battle??"

With the sound of Mingye's words, a trembling breath continuously emanated from Mingye's body.

The faces of all the people who felt this breath changed drastically!

It was as if a terrifying prehistoric behemoth was slowly waking up! !

Uchiha Fugaku's heart was suddenly terrified, even the Nine Tails demon fox back then was nothing more than that.

Just the aura revealed, as if it could easily tear them apart.

There is only one thought in everyone's heart!

"Never mess with Uchiha Mingye, it's horrible!!!"

And Uchiha Shisui, who was bearing the coercion head-on, was even more unbearable, and took a few steps back with a look of horror!

Immediately, he took out his Short Sword from behind and placed it across his chest, looking like he was facing a formidable enemy!

His eyes were full of horror, and his cousin seemed to be much stronger than he imagined.

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