People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

007 Terrifying Uchiha Shisui, Terrifying Strength【Seeking Evaluation Tickets】

Seeing Shisui with a look of wariness in front of him, Mingye became a little interested! .

"What? Do you think you can fight me now?"

Facing Mingye with a face full of jokes, Shisui couldn't smile at all!

Although his own strength is no longer what it used to be, Shisui has always been extremely afraid of his cousin.

Especially after feeling the breath of Mingye today, Shisui's heart has no bottom!

"Cousin, I don't want to be your enemy, I just want to protect Konoha!"

"If my cousin is willing to go to see Master Hokage with me, I believe we won't have to fight!"

"Father will be pleased to know that I follow Hokage-sama!"

Until now, Shisui still wants the Uchiha clan to learn to put the overall situation first, and persuades himself to obey the Third Hokage for the peace of Konoha.

Mingye's face darkened immediately, unexpectedly, this Shisui would dare to mention these things in front of him!

The momentum on his body became more and more cold, and a chill permeated the entire clan.

Even the temperature between the sky and the earth seems to have dropped a lot!

Fugaku on the side immediately said badly, if the two fight, it would be a joke!

"Mingye, Shisui is still a child after all, let's sit down and talk!"

Fugaku immediately stood up and said to Mingye with a smile on his face.

Several other clan elders also stood up immediately when they saw the opportunity, and persuaded the two not to fight, peace is the most important!

Seeing this scene on the side, Shisui was also slightly relieved!

He really didn't want to confront his cousin, that aura was too terrifying!

Mingye frowned slightly, his momentum soared again!

"No one can change what I decide!"

The faces of all Uchiha executives froze immediately, and the smiles stayed on their faces!

They are very clear about the character of the man in front of them, not to mention them, even if it is Hokage, the man in front of him is not in their eyes!

Fugaku smiled wryly. My cousin is good at everything, but he is too stubborn. Once he is determined, no one will persuade him!

With a wave of his hand, Fugaku moved out of the way with a group of Uchiha executives.

Seeing this scene, Itachi's heart sank immediately, and he glanced at Shisui worriedly!

He respects and fears his cousin!

Zi Neng silently prayed for Shisui in his own mind.

After Shisui saw this scene, he took a deep breath, and his face became serious immediately!

"Cousin, I admit that you are strong, but Shisui hasn't wasted all these years!"

"However, Shisui doesn't want to fight his cousin."

"Shisui is here just to invite you to meet Hokage-sama."

While speaking, Shisui stepped back slowly, wanting to leave the clan ground.

He has confidence in his own strength, even he has never exposed his full strength in front of outsiders, even in the face of his terrifying cousin.

Shisui also thought he could fight, but he didn't want to fight his cousin.

Third Hokage once told him that if Mingye is unwilling to come, then give up the mission.

So, judging from the current situation, Shisui is going to give up the mission and go back to return!

Of course, this is the calculation of the Third Generation. Judging from Mingye's character, as long as Shisui reveals his purpose, the two will not be able to be kind.

In this regard, Mingye also had to admit that Third Generation had indeed guessed his mind.

The talent of this junior is indeed good.


If only this strength is like jumping in front of him, I'm afraid it's not enough.

"It seems that you think your strength is strong enough, the wings are strong enough, right?"

"Then I'll break it for you myself!!"

As Mingye's words fell, Shisui's expression changed immediately, and the knots in his hands changed.

Fourteen Shisui suddenly appeared on the field, and each one was exactly the same!

At the same time, in the eye sockets, the bewitching red Three Tomoe Sharingan slowly turned, staring at Mingye warily.

"Cousin, you can't stop me!!"

"Shisui will return to Master Hokage, so he won't be here for a long time!"

At the same time as he finished speaking, fourteen Shisui jumped into the sky, and all of them rushed out in different directions.

Mingye snorted disdainfully in his heart, the so-called Instant Body Technique was completely solid in the eyes of others.

But in Mingye Whitebeard's knowledgeable perception, it is simply full of loopholes.

But Shisui didn't chase immediately, he decided to let Shisui run for a while!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene. No matter what, it was a good thing that there was no fight.

Just when Fugaku wanted to come up to persuade Mingye.

Mingye looked in one direction, and Mingye exerted a little force on his feet.


The whole person soared into the air, stepping on the air and soaring into the sky.

With every step, Mingye's speed skyrocketed.

This is Marine Six Styles, a skill acquired by chance in a lottery.

Seeing that Mingye didn't come out to intercept him, Shisui in the distance relaxed slightly.

Standing on top of a big tree, he stopped.

Shisui said to himself: "It seems that I can't collide with my cousin head-on!!"

At this time, a figure suddenly came from above.

"Is this your strength?"

In an instant, Uchiha Shisui's scalp exploded, cold sweat broke out on his back, and his heart trembled! ! !

"How is it possible? How could he find out where I left???"

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