After all, Konoha had benefited, so he still had to let the kid in front of him have some soup to drink.

Otherwise, if the news leaks out now.

Although Konoha is not afraid.

But the other four countries will inevitably want a piece of the pie.

At that time, Tian Yu has to deal with them, which is really annoying.

"Thank you sir!"

Tim took the Garrel Stone contentedly.

"Let's go, go back first."

Tian Yu finished.

Everyone went back the same way.

Just when he returned to the mural altar, Tian Yu thought about it for a long time, but still destroyed all these murals.

Right now, these Garrel Stones already belong to Konoha.

Then, of course, it is necessary to cut off the possibility of others knowing.

Back to the canyon together.

Shikamaru greeted him immediately.

"Lord Tianyu."

"Well, you didn't notice anything unusual around you, did you?"

"No, everything is normal around, no one is approaching."

Shikamaru replied.

"very good""

Tian Yu nodded.

Then looked back at Tim.

He took out a deposit slip containing five million taels.

These are the rewards for his missions in Konoha over the years, the usual income from the ninja shop, and some income from his private industry.

Exactly five million taels.

"It's five million taels. After that, I'll let Shikamaru **** you back to that caravan. As for whether you can let that caravan accept you, that's your ability. Okay, let's separate from now on. Between us, we owe nothing to each other.”

Tian Yu said.

"Yes, Lord Tianyu."

Tim is very grateful to Tianyu.

Because if it wasn't for Tian Yu, he might have been buried in the sea like Hyde.

Where else can you get a new opportunity?

Right now, he still has his family, and his future life is not bad.

Chapter 216 The meeting between Gaara and Naruto

Tim is escorted away by Shikamaru.

And Tian Yu and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark and Naruto. They returned to Sand Ninja Village together.

At this time, Sand Ninja Village was anxiously waiting for their news.

Seeing Tian Yu coming back, Chiyo's mother-in-law couldn't wait to come up.

"Lord Tianyu..."

"The matter has been resolved, the big ship has been destroyed by me, and their follow-up troops will no longer come."

Tian Yu didn't wait for Chiyo's mother-in-law to finish her words, and then she said the result directly.

Chiyo's mother-in-law heard Tianyu's words.

A relieved smile finally appeared on his face.

"That's really nice."

The enemies of Sand Ninja Village have been eliminated, which means that they can develop with peace of mind.

Sure enough, it is the most correct to hire Tianyu to solve the trouble.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will take them a long time to get out of trouble.

"Indeed, but to be honest, that group of people really don't have any combat power, it's just that their abilities are special, but everything has been resolved now."

Tian Yu held his arms and said.

Dried persimmon ghost shark, standing quietly behind Tian Yu.

As for Naruto, he looked around curiously. After all, this was the first time Naruto came to Sand Ninja Village.

The surrounding yellow sand and Konoha were completely different, which made him a little curious.

"Yes, but because of the previous incident, Sand Ninja Village lost four generations of Kazekage, and also lost a lot of elite ninjas, especially the perceptual ninjas, and there are only one or two people left, so Sand Ninja Village thought It still has a long way to go to develop.”

Granny Chiyo sighed as she spoke. After all, according to the current situation of the three of them, if I want to make the village stronger, it will take at least three or five years.

"However, this is the nine-tailed person Zhuri, and it is indeed a completely different child from Gaara!"

Chiyo's mother-in-law changed the subject and turned the topic to Naruto.

After all, the battle before Konoha caught the world's attention, especially when Naruto's life was revealed, it shocked everyone.

The son of the fourth Hokage, Jiuri of the Nine Tails, this identity is very similar to Gaara.

But the two of them took completely different paths and had different endings.

This is really sad.

"Yes, Naruto is indeed like a little sun. With Naruto around, I can feel very warm."

Tian Yu couldn't help laughing when he remembered Naruto's escaping temperament.

"Yeah, if only Gaara did the same."

Granny Chiyo smiled and sighed.

"Everyone is different, not to mention not everyone can become Naruto, okay, I will do what I promised you before, take me to meet Gaara."

Tian Yu sighed.

These people never reflect on what they did wrong every time. After seeing other people being excellent, they always lament why their own family is not as good as others.

Naruto didn't turn black like Gaara, because Naruto was growing up, and some people still care about him.

The uncle of Konoha Ichiraku Ramen, Iruka, these are all people who were kind to Naruto in childhood, like a beam of light, illuminating the haze in Naruto's heart.

But Gaara, the only person who was kind to him, had to obey Kazekage's orders and kill himself.

How many people can accept this?

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Granny Chiyo smiled.

"Ghost shark, just wait here, Naruto, go see Gaara with me."

Tianyu intends to let Naruto and Gaara get in touch, although the relationship between Naruto and Gaara is not blessed by that battle, the relationship between the two of them is likely not as close as the original.

But at least they have to be friends.

"Ah good!"

Naruto nodded.

Chiyo's mother-in-law personally led the way.

Tian Yu and Naruto soon came to Fengyingju.

This is the residence of the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, as well as Gaara Temari and Kankuro. The residence of three siblings.

"Lord Tianyu, Gaara is waiting for you."

Temari saw Tianyu coming, and hurriedly saluted.

However, Temari is also a little curious about Tianyu. After all, Gaara was a killing Shura before, and he has no compassion for anyone.

Before that, even if she and Kankuro offended Gaara, they were likely to be mercilessly killed by Gaara.

But after Gaara came back from Konoha, it seemed like a different person.

Although still as taciturn as always, there has been a fundamental change in character.

Instead of being as gloomy as before, he will thank them and even try to do something to bring them closer together.

In Temari's view, this is almost impossible, but Tianyu and the others have done it.

This made Temari have to be a little curious about Tianyu.


Tian Yu nodded.

"Ah, you are the one who fought Shikamaru in the Chunin Exam."

Naruto looked at Temari, as if remembering something.

After all, the battle between Temari and Shikamaru was a must.


Temari just nodded and stopped talking.

Go into the room.

Gaara was sitting by the window alone, looking into the distance.

In the distance is an endless yellow sand. With the breeze blowing, the yellow sand is carried up, and the surrounding area instantly becomes red and yellow, blocking the line of sight.

"I heard that you want to see me, what, do you have any questions about what I said before?"

Tian Yu looked at I love Luo Road.

"Lord Tianyu!..."

Gaara heard Tian Yu's voice, and only then did he react, and he turned to look at Tian Yu's opening.

Speak in a hoarse voice.

Gaara seems to want to ask Tianyu some questions.

But when he saw Naruto beside Tian Yu, Gaara was a little surprised.

"Konoha's Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli!"

"Well, that's right, I am, but aren't you and I the same, the one-tailed human pillar force of Sand Ninja!"

Naruto looked at Gaara. At this time, Naruto's impression of Gaara was still from the villain who attacked the village, so he didn't speak very politely.

"Oh, yes, we are all human beings, all of us!"

I love Luo self-deprecating smile.

This smile made Naruto a little stunned.

"Brother Tianyu, what happened to him?"

Naruto could feel that there was absolutely no irony in Gaara's words.

What he said before was just a statement.

"Maybe it's because I'm confused about myself!"

Heavenly Road.

"I know what you want to ask, but instead of asking me, it's better to ask Naruto, who happens to be here right now, you can ask anything you want, and these words won't spread to the fourth person. In the ear, you can just ask."

Tian Yu looked at Gaara and said slowly.

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