Chapter 217 Gaara's Choice

Hearing this, Gaara's eyes turned to Naruto again.

Like can't wait.

"Why don't you hate your village?"

Gaara can't wait to know the answer to this question.

Why does Naruto still want to be Konoha's Hokage after being treated like that?

I want to protect the village.

Obviously those people in the official village did harm to Naruto.

"Ah, you asked me this question!"

When Naruto heard this question, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

He scratched his head a little bewildered, and then glanced at Tian Yu again.

"Actually, I don't know how to answer you, but if I really want to say it, I still want to inherit the mantle of my father. When I didn't know my identity, what I wanted to do was to become Hokage and get The whole village agrees and tell them that I am not a demon fox, I am Naruto Uzumaki."

"But later, after I knew my identity, I wanted to become a person like my father, brave, gentle, and hard-working to take up my responsibilities, even if I sacrificed my life, and Big Brother Tianyu also Tell me, I am a hero in Konoha, and I deserve the love and respect of the villagers."

"But I haven't gotten any of these, but I think it's precisely because of this that I feel that someone cares and is loved, and it's really easy to warm people's hearts, like a warm meal eaten in a rainy day. Like ramen."

Naruto smiled embarrassedly.

Naruto is still not very good at metaphors, and the metaphors he speaks are often Ichile Ramen or something.

But Tian Yu knew that it was extremely rare for Naruto to be able to use Yile Ramen as a metaphor.

Gaara, who heard Naruto's words, fell into a long silence.

Those words were things he had never heard before.

And these words are still from Naruto's mouth, a person who has suffered the same scorn and indifference in the village like him.

However, looking at Naruto like this, Gaara seemed to understand something.

"I see, Lord Tianyu, thank you, and Naruto, thank you too!"

I love Lo thank you.

"Since you have made it clear what you want and the path you want to take in the future, let's keep going, Naruto, let's go."

Seeing that Gaara had a choice, Tian Yu smiled and took Naruto away.

Just left the door of Fengyingju.

Chiyo's mother-in-law came up impatiently.

"How's it going?"

Looking at Chiyo's mother-in-law looking forward to it.

"Gaara already has a choice, so let him do it himself. Anyway, all you can choose now is Gaara. Sand Ninja Village consumes too much. If you want to train new ninjas, at least It will take three years for a new batch of ninjas to grow up."

"And in the past three years, even if you can stand up and preside over the overall situation, Granny Chiyo, Sand Ninja Village still needs a wind shadow. Who this character is, I think you should have a decision in your heart!"

Tian Yu looked at Chiyo's mother-in-law and smiled.

Granny Chiyo looked at Tian Yu.

After hesitating, she looked at Tian Yu and told the truth.

"Yes, the defense of Sand Ninja Village is now empty, empty, and the powerful ninjas are almost exhausted. We urgently need new power to replenish, and Gaara is the best candidate. If his state can be stabilized, then I will I will be the first to support him as the new Kazekage."

"Originally, I thought it would be difficult to convince Gaara to change his character, but I didn't expect Gaara to change a lot after returning, and I really have to thank Konoha for this."

Granny Chiyo smiled bitterly.

Even when the Fourth Kazekage was still alive, Sand Ninja Village's finances had been shrinking year after year.

The life of the villagers in the village is not very good either.

There is a rift between Fengying and Daimyo, which also makes the country of the wind reduce their funding year after year. If it is not for the four generations of Fengying, if they rely on their own money to sell gold, I am afraid that the sand ninja village has already supported. Can't go down.

That's why Orochimaru caught the opportunity and encouraged them to attack Konoha.

But now that they have failed to attack Konoha, the already bad situation has made it even worse.

The Sand Ninja Village at the moment is really difficult.

There was almost no way out.

"I really have to thank Konoha for this, okay, I don't want to interfere in the affairs of your sand ninja village, it's useless to talk about it, and then it depends on your actions. Since the matter has been dealt with, then I will Back to Konoha, as for the alliance issue we mentioned before, if Sand Ninja Village is really willing to recommend Gaara as Kazekage, then under the leadership of the new Kazekage, we may agree to continue the alliance."

Tian Yu gave a good condition.

"Well, if there is a guarantee of this, I believe this matter will go smoothly."

Granny Chiyo also nodded.

After talking for a while, Tian Yu, Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark, Naruto, the three of them set foot on the road back to Konoha.

On the way, he met Shikamaru who came to return to his life.

"Lord Tianyu, I have successfully sent Tim back to the caravan. The relatives accepted him after they knew that Tim was a descendant of the royal family. They told me before leaving that they would look for a new place to build The village, when the village is completed, we will be informed as soon as possible.”

Shikamaru reported the situation to Tianyu.

"Well, I understand, let's go back to Konoha!"

Tian Yu nodded.

In this way, the four of them rushed back to Konoha all the way.

And Jiraiya is also under the leadership of several ninjas [monitoring]. Back to Konoha.

Just happened to meet Tian Yu and the others.

"Oh, Tian Yu!"

Jiraiya originally had a drooping face and followed behind those ninjas reluctantly, but when Jiraiya saw Tian Yu's moment, he came to Tian Yu as if he had been beaten with blood.

"Jilai also!"

Tian Yu looked at Jiraiya's unusual dress, and the scent of fat powder was still on his body, so he knew that Jirai was probably fooling around again.

"Okay, color fairy!"

When Naruto saw Jiraiya, anger flashed in his eyes.

"You agreed to teach me to practice. Where did you go for so many days?"

Naruto questioned Jiraiya directly.

After all, it is too unreliable.

When he discovered that Naruto could condense spiral pills by himself, Jirai also adopted a state of stocking Naruto.

Naruto was completely allowed to cultivate by himself, and he himself used the excuse of collecting style as an excuse to fool around.

More importantly, even when Jirai was teaching Naruto to practice before, he often asked Naruto to become a stunning beauty to feast his eyes on.

All of these made Naruto have some opinions on him.

Chapter 218 The Beaten Jiraiya

After all, when teaching cultivation, you just leave and go to other towns to play or something.

"Ah, Naruto, you are still as lively as ever. You must have learned a lot by following Tian Yu's side."

Zilai also asked with a smile.

It still looked unreliable.

Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, who said it wasn't? I followed Brother Tianyu, but I learned a lot of knowledge. These are all things you can't teach me. Besides, you are good, and the celestial..."

Naruto became even more angry when he heard Jiraiya's words.

He walked up to Jiraiya and wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Jiraiya.

"Oh, isn't that good, it's good to be able to learn knowledge."

Jiraiya still had a cheeky look.

He didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with leaving Naruto behind and going to the next town Xiaoyao by himself.


When Naruto heard this, his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Okay, okay, hurry back, I still have something to explain to Tsunade, Jirai and Naruto, just leave the reporting task to Shikamaru, you go to Yile La first. Wait for me at the noodle shop, I'll be there in a while."

Tian Yu stopped Naruto and Jiraiya's quarrel.


When Naruto heard this, he immediately forgot about Jiraiya, turned around and ran towards the Ichile Ramen Restaurant happily.

Looking at Naruto's back, Jiraiya stood beside Tian Yu.

"Naruto is indeed very energetic."

Zilai also smiled.

"Yeah, very energetic, and I hope he can continue to be so energetic."

Tian Yu smiled and then glanced at Jiraiya sideways.

"Speaking of Naruto's question, you should have snacks for your practice, don't let Naruto continue to wait for you, and this time the cost is from Konoha's finances, so see Tsunade later. , I guess you're going to get punched again."

Tian Yu looked at Jiraiya with a half-smile but not a smile.


Jiraiya seemed to remember Tsunade's iron fist, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with lingering fears.

"Well, I really want to have something else to do, or I'll go again later,"

Jiraiya's expression changed, and he looked around, as if he was looking for an opportunity to sneak away.

"Master Jiraiya, Master Tsunade, I want to see you."

Seemingly aware of Jirai's intention to flee, the ninjas stepped forward.

Just right to stand on Jiraiya's retreat.

"Let's go, what are you still doing?"

Tian Yu took a few steps forward, looked at Jiraiya's appearance and seemed to understand something, and then said with a smile.

"Oh, let's go."

Jiraiya finally sighed helplessly, and followed behind Tian Yu.

Enter the Hokage office.

As always, Tsunade's desk was full of documents.

Mute is in charge of assisting.

"Master Tsunade, Master Tenyu and Master Jiraiya are back."

After the ninja said respectfully, he opened the door.

Tianyu, Jiraiya, Shikamaru, and Dried Persimmon Demon entered the Hokage office.

Tsunade looked up and saw the dried persimmon ghost shark, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Ghost shark, you go down first, I will let Konoha's people find you a house for you to live in, and the reward for this time you and I will be given to you for the task!"

Tian Yu turned around and said to the ghost shark.

"Yes, my lord!"

The ghost shark glanced at Tsunade, nodded respectfully, and left the Hokage office.

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