When the ghost shark left, Tsunade seemed to relax a lot.

Obviously, Tsunade can't adapt to the fact that the ghost shark has taken refuge in Konoha.

"Shukamaru, report the situation first, this time your mission."

Tianyu looked at Shikamaru and said.


Shikamaru nodded, then stepped forward and began to report to Tsunade, this time they were looking for the weasel.

He reported on his and Naruto's early work, and the rest was not repeated.

After all, these latter things involve another character, and this is Lord Tianyu. Reported to Tsunade-sama in person.

"Well, you have done a good job. You are indeed a member of the Nara family. Speaking of which, your father praised you before, saying that you are better than blue, and now you see it!"

Tsunade smiled and praised Shikamaru.

"The cost of your mission this time has been settled, just go and get it."

Tsunade continued.

"Oh, by the way, this time Shikamaru and I got credit for that mission, and if you're paid, I'll give you an extra 20,000 taels!"

Tian Yu said with a smile.

Twenty thousand two.

That's about the price of a C-level mission.

Since Shikamaru was upgraded to Chunin, he has not yet taken over the C-level mission, but since it was Tianyu who spoke.

Tsunade naturally would not refuse.

I wrote a random note and gave it to Shikamaru.


Shikamaru nodded and thanked Tianyu and Tsunade.

Then he left the Hokage office.

Right now, there are no outsiders in the Hokage office anymore.

Tsunade no longer pretended, stood up from the chair and walked straight to Jiraiya.

Then he waved his fist mercilessly, and smashed it directly into Jiraiya's face.

"Ah, it hurts!"

Jiraiya was beaten and jumped, covering his face and looking at Tsunade.

But she didn't dare to say anything, she looked like a little daughter-in-law who was bullied.

Tian Yu looked really funny.

"Jiraiya, this is your end, if next time you let me hear about your lace news reaching Konoha, and you want me to clean up your mess in the end, be careful with me and let you Incapacitation or something, not just with fists, other things can also be done!"

Tsunade smiled.

This smile made Jiraiya's phantom limb aches.

Jiraiya almost forgot, Tsunade is the first medical ninja in the ninja world.

It’s okay to save people, and it’s not bad to kill people, and it’s even easier to use poison or something.

"Yes, yes, I will never do it again."

Zi Lai also hurriedly raised his hand.


Tsunade snorted and sat down on the chair again.

However, Mute on the side was full of helplessness when he saw this scene.

After all, no matter who it is, seeing Jiraiya, one of the legendary three ninjas, not fighting back after being beaten, it will feel a little weird.

"Then I'll go first, Naruto will teach him to practice well, don't worry."

Zilai also sighed and said.

It seems his good days are over.

But fortunately, on weekdays, Naruto can make him look like a beauty.

It's not boring so far.

After all, the beauty that Naruto has transformed into, with her figure bulging forward and backward, is still very ornamental. It can be described as absolute.

Chapter 219 Mining Mines

"Jilaiye, don't leave yet, I still have something to tell you."

Tian Yu stopped Jiraiya from wanting to leave, and said lightly to him.

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Zilai also said, nodded,

He leaned against the wall and stood aside, quietly waiting for Tianyu and Tsunade to finish speaking.

"Tian Yu, you have done a good job in this mission. The mother-in-law Chiyo of Sand Ninja Village reported your story to me. Gaara was successfully sent to Sand Ninja Village, unscathed, and you seem to have solved me. After Ai Luo, his emotions are under control, I believe that after a while, he will be able to receive good news from Sand Ninja Village, and he did a good job."

Tsunade looked at Tian Yu.

This revealed a genuine smile.

After all, if there is anyone in Konoha who can make her worry, it is only Tian Yu.

Not only can she help her with ideas, but also help her solve various problems in the village.

Simply perfect.

It would be even better if he could act as Hokage himself.

But it's okay if she doesn't want to, anyway, she will ask Tian Yu if she has any questions.

Oh my god, I can't run!

"Well, Gaara's side, in fact, it all depends on him, what others say is only what others say, whether he can come out depends on himself, and this time, Naruto is also a big help. , if there is no Naruto, no matter how much I say, Gaara can't feel the same way."

Tian Yu recalled Gaara's eyes.

Those eyes with no warmth at all really made people feel a little pitiful.

Gaara is also a tragedy in the original book.

But fortunately, the days after him were not bad.

It's kind of compensation.

"Well, that's right, but fortunately with you, fortunately Naruto didn't go down the same path as him!"

Tsunade felt sad when he heard this.

At the beginning, the Senju family perished, and Tsunade's last younger brother, Roshu, died.

Tsunade's heart was also unbearable, and if Tsunade knew at that time, the man behind the demise of the Senju family was Hizan Sarutobi.

It is estimated that Tsunade will not be able to suppress the darkness in his heart to cut off Sarutobi Hiru.

And after so many years, this wound has always been in Tsunade's heart, and it has never disappeared.

Sarutobi Hizen was also dealt with properly, but after all, the deceased could not come back.


Tsunade said that the tone of sadness was changed from before, but instead he looked at Tian Yu a little bit playfully.

"I heard that you received an S-rank mission in Sand Ninja Village from Granny Chiyo, right? Tell me, how much money did you cheat from Sand Ninja Village?"

Tsunade smiled cunningly.

There are also some malicious.

After all.

Although Tsunade said that he is now Hokage of Konoha, he has a fixed income every month.

But Tsunade's habit has not changed. He likes to go to the small steel ball shop to play two games on weekdays, and sometimes he likes to gather in crowds to gamble.

The little salary she earned had already been lost.

Even owed a lot of debt.

Today, Tianyu has taken on a task, and with Tianyu's character, coupled with Sand Ninja Village, now he is asking for Konoha.

It is estimated that there will be a good price for Tianyu, so now is a good opportunity to fight local tyrants.

"How can you say a lie? This is the commission fee that I should receive above all else!"

Tian Yu looked at Tsunade Yoshihisa and said.

But he still took out his deposit card.

There is not much money here, only 20 million.

It was bought by Tian Yu who went to a small town before returning to Konoha.

"This is 20 million, which is my commission for the village."

Tianyu threw the deposit card to Tsunade.

"Great enough."

Tsunade glanced at Tianyu in surprise.

Tian Yu is now 20 million in one shot, which proves that he has defrauded hundreds of millions of money from Sand Ninja Village.

That's quite lavish.

"Not only that, I also found a vein of Garrel's Stone in one place!"

Tian Yu's expression became serious, and he took out the Garel Stone from the space and handed it to Tsunade.

"Garel's Stone?"

Tsunade picked up the stone curiously and looked at it.

But just a glance at Tsunade's face also became dignified.

Because she also noticed the power contained in this stone.


"Yes, I found the mineral vein of this stone. If it can be fully mined, it will be of great benefit to the development of Konoha. This stone can change a person's physique, instantly restore chakra, and can also be used to treat illnesses. The rest have not been developed yet, but I believe that after research, more uses can be developed."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Where is this mine? Has it been discovered by others? Are there any other people around? And how dangerous is this thing?"

Tsunade also understood the value of this thing, so he asked four questions directly in one breath.

"This mine is not far from Konoha. If you hurry up, you can arrive in about two days. I left the mark of Flying Thunder God in that place, which can be reached in an instant, and this thing was once owned by a country. Yes, but that country has perished, the royal family has disappeared, although the last royal family of that country is still alive."

"But I have already agreed with him that he can never reveal the location of this ore vein, so this thing can now be monopolized by Konoha, and the place where this ore vein is now is an extremely desolate canyon, surrounded by people. And the danger of this thing can be said to be close to zero, of course, if we use it properly."

"If it is used improperly, this thing will bring us a great threat, but I believe that Konoha's researchers will be able to study the maximum function of this stone, and even if they can't study it, they can still Looking for Orochimaru." Tian Yu answered these four questions with a smile.

"That's great, if that's the case, let's speed up the development. Otherwise, if people from other countries find out, then you will be crying without tears!"

Tsunade said without hesitation.

"Well, that's what I thought too, so, Jiraiya, this matter may be handed over to you. I will use the technique of flying thunder **** to take you to that canyon, and then you will stay there. For the next teleportation technique, Konoha will send the corresponding mining team to collect, and all you have to do is to protect the mining team and let them complete the task."

Tian Yu turned to look at Jiraiya and said.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with that, but you have to tell Naruto and teach him to practice. It may have to wait for me to deal with this matter."

In the face of business affairs, Zilai is never ambiguous, and nods directly.

Chapter 220 Discussing business affairs

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