"There's nothing wrong with this, I'll tell Naruto that he will understand, but after this matter is resolved, if you dare to fish again, then it's up to you to explain to Naruto."

Tian Yu smiled at him.


He could only laugh bitterly.

Naruto suffered so much grievance.

Now everything has finally recovered. Although Jiraiya is usually a little loose, he still really wants to teach Naruto.

"This time this mine is very important to us, I will choose someone to participate, and this time the participants must keep this mine absolutely confidential, so the time is set for tomorrow, Jiraiya, you go back and rest. One night, and perform the task well tomorrow."

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and said.

"Well, no problem!"

Zilai also nodded.

"Oh, yes, this is what Sand Ninja Village compensated Konoha, and it's all here!"

Tian Yu took out all the materials compensated by Sand Ninja Village, and five sealed scrolls.

There are at least hundreds of millions of materials in it, all of which Konoha urgently needs.

"And they want to re-align with Konoha!"

Tian Yu said after taking the things.

"To form an alliance, thanks to them, they can still figure it out. We just attacked Konoha before, and then we want us to forget our past and form an alliance with them. It's a really good idea."

Tsunade sneered.

I really don't know what the brain circuit of Sand Ninja Village is thinking.

"They can't do anything right now. There are too few ninjas in the village who can fight, and their overall strength has dropped by a third. If they don't seek an alliance with us, they are likely to be captured by other villages. Don't forget Yun Ninja Village. But a belligerent ninja village, their village's payment to the ninja village goes up every year."

"Under the money offensive, the strength of the ninjas is also growing rapidly, and even with their influence, even the surrounding countries spread, and now it is rumored that Yun Ninja Village is the strongest ninja village in the five countries. statement."

"This is enough to see their ambitions, so if they take this opportunity to successfully annex Sand Ninja Village, it may cause unnecessary trouble. Now Konoha's strength has increased, but the ninjutsu of reincarnation of dirty soil will sooner or later. To solve it, except for Sarutobi Hidden, the Hokage of all generations will return, but it is not now, so I think it is possible to consider forming an alliance with Sand Ninja Village, but this time, the signed agreement must be based on our Main, they are auxiliary."

"And after forming an alliance, you must do a good job of negotiation, what to do and what not to do, and everything you need to talk to them."

Tian Yu gave his opinion.

"Well, I'll think about it, forget it, just listen to you."

Tsunade thought about it for a while, and originally wanted to think about it again, but after thinking about it, almost everything Tianyu said happened.

So Tsunade agreed to this request.

"I'll ask Lu Jiu to draw up a contract in a second."

Tsunade said.

"The issue of the contract must be negotiated with both parties. Although we can be arbitrary here, it will inevitably lead to the displeasure of the other party. We must grasp this point and take advantage of the negotiation, but we must also let them be grateful to Konoha. , keep these two points in mind.”

Tian Yu reminded.

"no problem!"

Tsunade nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go back first!"

Tian Yu and Tsunade, Jiraiya also said hello, then turned and left the Hokage office.

When Yu came to Ichiro Ramen Restaurant that day.

Naruto has already eaten two bowls.

"Hand beat uncle, let's have another bowl, double the char siew!"

Naruto smiled and stretched out his fingers.

"No problem, I'll be here soon."

The hand-beating uncle of Yile Ramen Restaurant was very quick and began to prepare the next bowl of noodles for Naruto.

"Ah, Lord Tianyu."

Miss Acorus was cleaning up the dishes that the guests had eaten.

Suddenly seeing Tian Yu coming, little stars popped out of his eyes.

Facing the nymphomaniac reaction of iris, Tian Yu just smiled and said nothing.

"Oh, Big Brother Tianyu!"

Naruto was sucking the noodles, and when he saw Tian Yu coming over, he turned around, and the noodles at the corner of his mouth hadn't been eaten yet.

"Well, a bowl of ramen."

Tian Yu smiled and nodded.

Then he walked over and sat beside Naruto.

"Okay, come right away."

The speed of beating Uncle's subordinates became faster.

Soon, two bowls of ramen were brought up, and the one with double char siu was placed on Naruto's side.

"Brother Tianyu, eat quickly, let me tell you, every time I go out on a mission, what I miss most is Yile Ramen. After I come back, I can eat several bowls in one go, and speaking of it, this Ramen also has a homey feel to it.”

Naruto said with a smile.

At the beginning, when Naruto was looked down upon by the people in the village and was excluded by the people in the village, he walked into the shop of Uncle Hand Beater on a rainy day.

At that time, Uncle Shouda was the only person who did not drive Naruto out, but let him sit in the store and finish a whole bowl of ramen.

And from that day on, Ichiraku Ramen became Naruto's favorite.

"Well, it tastes really good."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Naruto, Zilai may have to go out to perform a mission in the past two days, so I may not be able to accompany you to practice. If you encounter any problems while practicing Spiral Pill, you can ask Kakashi."

Heavenly Road.

"Hey, does Kakashi-sensei also know spiral pills?"

Naruto was surprised.

He thought that Kakashi-sensei could only know Rachel, and he still remembered that the trick seemed to be taught to Sasuke.

To be honest, Naruto was really envious in the past, but later, after knowing that Leiqie can only exert the strongest effect with a Shaker, Naruto no longer cares about it.

And now that he has a spiral pill, he doesn't care that much about Kakashi's Rachel.

Anyway, Kakashi taught Sasuke.

He and Sasuke don't distinguish each other, it's good to teach anyone.

"Yes, it's just that he may not be that proficient, but teaching you is no problem."

Tian Yu smiled.

As a disciple of the fourth Hokage, Kakashi is now Naruto's teacher, and he should also shoulder the responsibility of teaching Naruto.

After all, he had been fishing and paddling for thirteen years before.

And Sasuke was also sent to Orochimaru.

To be honest, Tian Yu really wanted to see whether Naruto became stronger or Sasuke became stronger after three years.


Naruto nodded.

Anyway, in Naruto's eyes, Jiraiya is also very powerful, and Kakashi-sensei is also very powerful.

But neither of them is as powerful as Big Brother Tianyu.

So now, since Big Brother Tianyu wants him, he will go to Kakashi to study.

Then he will go.

Anyway, no matter what happened, Big Brother Tianyu would never lie to him.

Chapter 221 Getting Information

After Tian Yu said this, he left ten thousand yuan on the counter.

That's enough money to pay today's bill.

"You don't have to look for the rest of the money, just treat it as Naruto's meal fee for coming here to eat ramen later."

Tian Yu looked at the hand-beating uncle and said.

"Okay, Lord Tianyu."

The hand-beating uncle smiled and nodded.

After talking with Naruto for a while, Tianyu sent Naruto back home.

It was the house of the previous four generations of Hokage, and this is the house now. For Naruto, it is no longer a place to live, but a real home.

Inside there is a photo of their family of three.

Even though his father and mother are gone now, Naruto can still draw strength from them.

After sending Naruto back.

Tian Yu also returned home.

"Brother, I miss you so much."

As soon as Tian Yu entered the door, he was rushed over and hugged Tian Tian.

Behind Tiantian, Hinata was standing shyly.

Seeing Tian Yu's gaze, Hinata's face flushed.

"Tianyu, you are back."

"Tiantian, come down quickly, you seem to be a little heavier."

Tian Yu patted Tian Tian's back and coughed.

"What, I've been as light as a swallow these two days, hum, okay, I won't bother you and sister-in-law Qingqing me."

Tian Tian glanced at Hinata, and then glanced at Empress Tian.

As if he understood something, he turned around and entered the kitchen.

"Hina, how are you doing these days?"

"Well, very good, the family has been reorganized, Neji's status has been recognized, everything is fine, and also, I miss you a little."

This is the first time Hinata admits to thinking of him in front of Tianyu.

Therefore, after saying this sentence, his face was even more red and blood dripped.

"Then it seems that the two of us really have a heart-to-heart, because I miss you too."

Tian Yu smiled and looked at Hinata.

After some words, the success made Hinata's face even more red.

"Dinner is ready, come and eat."

Hinata did not dare to speak to Tianyu again.

For fear that Tian Yu would say something to make her face even redder.

After saying this, he ran into the kitchen.

After dinner.

Tian Yu accompanied Hinata and Tiantian and they talked for a while, and after sending Hinata to the Hyuga family, Tianyu came back to rest.

The next morning, Tian Yu came to the Hokage office.

Tsunade has already chosen the candidate to collect Garrel's Stone veins.

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