These are people from the former Anbu, loyal to Hokage.

Therefore, Tian Yuxian took Zilai and used the technique of Flying Thunder God to arrive at the mine.

Then Tian Yu saw that Jiraiya took out the scroll and arranged a reverse teleportation formation.

"This is the entire ore vein below, but I want to remind you that you must pay attention to safety when collecting, this Garel stone has extremely pure power, you must be careful when collecting, don't happen. What kind of collapse phenomenon, otherwise that person will be crushed alive."

Tian Yu warned.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with me here."

Zilai also nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

After speaking, Tian Yu left first.

Return to Konoha with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

As soon as I returned, someone from Anbu sent a secret letter to Tian Yu.

This secret letter was written according to Anbu's style.

It was written specifically for Tian Yu.

And there is a small label engraved in the lower left corner of the letter.

This is exactly the trace left by the water stop.

After Obito and the others retreated from Konoha, Tianyu ordered Shisui to track down information about Akatsuki's organization.

Shisui has been following, and they came to Yu Nin Village, but because of the ninjutsu performed by Nagato.

There is no way to dive in.

He had no choice but to inquire about the news around, and now the news he inquired was passed back to Konoha.

"Xiao Organization stopped its operations and terminated all employment relationships. Itachi left alone. Where they went is temporarily unknown. The members of Xiao Organization have never come out after entering Yuren Village. The masked leader of Xiao Organization, It never happened."

"They have hidden all traces of their existence, and it seems that they plan to hide it for a long time."

In the letter, Shishui explained the movements of Xiao's organization clearly.

But looking at these, Tian Yu understood.

It seems that these people in Xiao's organization are planning to recuperate first.

After all, all the corners died tragically, Feiduan was sealed, the dried persimmon ghost shark returned to Konoha, and Itachi disappeared.

Several important members of Xiao's organization disappeared one after another, which made Xiao's organization indeed bear some losses.

And more importantly now, because of the previous attack on Konoha, every Ninja village in the five major countries is now on deep alert to the Akatsuki organization.

Therefore, in a short period of time, it is impossible for them to hire the Xiao organization again.

In addition, the villages now protect their tailed orcs well.

In this way, the Xiao organization has no way to act, and can only hide in the dark.

Like a viper, waiting for an opportunity.

But Tian Yu knew that Shishui didn't notice Obito's departure, which didn't mean that Obito was still in Yuren Village.

Obito's Kamui is able to leave space marks on specific objects.

And Obito can also transfer himself between the two places at will through the divine power space.

Such time and space capabilities are even more powerful than take-off Thor.

So Obito is now likely to appear anywhere he has marked.

After reading the information sent by Shishui.

Tianyu also wrote a reply letter to Zhishui.

Let him continue to monitor Rainin Village, but don't go in.

Watch the movement closely, and if possible, follow Itachi's trail.

After all, the grievances of the Uchiha family have been vindicated, and the truth about Uchiha Itachi's betrayal of the village has come to light.

Now if Uchiha Itachi returns to Konoha Village, everyone will treat him like a hero.

rather than treating him as a traitor.

Now Uchiha Itachi has no reason to stay in Akatsuki anymore.

The reason why he disappeared is probably because he is thinking about where to stay in the future.

In any case, Uchiha Itachi is also a character that Tian Yu admires.

If he can survive, Tian Yu will try his best to do it.

Although it is said that if he changed Uchiha Itachi's position, then he would probably immediately send Hiizan Sarutobi, who dared to give him an order to slaughter his own clan, to the west.

By the way, there will be a wave of rebellion directly, and the entire family will leave the village.

After writing the reply, Tian Yu gave the letter to that Anbu.

After doing all this, Tian Yu continued to practice Flying Thunder God.

After all, if you want to deal with the power of Obito in the future, Fei Lei Shen is an excellent choice to cooperate with Bing Lun Maru's Bing Tian Bai Hua Burial.

Chapter 222 Countries Response

At the same time, the five countries.

On a towering mountain peak, the clouds were filled with mist, and the deafening thunder continued to echo around.

On the top of this mountain is a village that relies on the cliffs of the mountains.

This village is one of the five kingdoms. The most belligerent cloud ninja village.

Cloud Ninja Village!

Raiying Office.

The fourth-generation Raikage Ai was standing in front of the table, listening to Mabuyi's report.

"The enemy's situation appeared in Konoha, the Akatsuki organization was repelled, the three generations of Hokage committed suicide in public, all the dark sides of Konoha broke out, Tianyu overthrew Konoha, and everything established a new order, Tsunade inherited the position of Hokage, Tianyu The Imperial Suppression suppressed the one-tailed person Zhuri and sent him back to the Sand Ninja Village."

"Solved the unfamiliar forces attacking Sand Ninja Village, Sand Ninja Village and Konoha re-signed a covenant. During the battle, Tian Yu showed extremely powerful Taijutsu and Ninjutsu strength. Exceeding the shadow level, the danger level is S level, and it can easily suppress the three generations of Hokage."

Mabuyi looked at the document and reported the news to the fourth-generation Raikage Ai.

"Oh, I didn't expect this Tianyu to do so many things. It's beyond our imagination. A thirteen-year-old boy overthrew the three generations of Hokage in one fell swoop. After decades of arrangement, he killed Danzo, and Let Konoha start all over again, that kid is truly a genius."

The fourth-generation Raikage Ai listened to Mabuyi's report and couldn't help but praise.

"Yeah, although our Anbu has never seen such a young man with his own eyes, listening to his deeds is enough to prove his excellence, but Lord Raikage, Tianyu once said three generations of Hokage to the people of Konoha in the countryside. The evil things of Yun Ren Village have mentioned before about the kidnapping of the Hinata clan. They want to win the white eyes."

"So I am afraid that the current Konoha's hostility to Yunying Village will be quite high."

Sackcloth continued.

"Oh, is that so? If that's the case, then the one called Tian Yu can be regarded as the opponent of Yun Ren Village. Even if he is allowed to come, he can also give him a try. The young generation of Yun Ying Village is tough. Here, let Anbu continue to collect information on Tian Yu, since he regards him as an opponent, he must know himself and his enemy, and understand everything about him."

The fourth Raikage gave the order.


Azabuyi nodded, and immediately sent someone to carry out the order of the fourth Raikage.

The fourth generation Raikage Ai was very excited about the strength of Tian Yu.

Because only the stronger his opponent is, the more pleasant it will be to conquer.


water country.

On an island in the Land of Water, in a deep mountain surrounded by thick fog.

The village of Kirin, one of the five great kingdoms, is located.

Mist Ninja Village has a unique geographical location, surrounded by the sea, far away from the mainland.

Mist Ninja Village has participated very rarely in previous ninja wars.

But every time the ninjas of Mist Ninja Village appear, they will bring blood and killing to the local area.

Today, Mist Ninja Village is the fifth-generation commander of Mizukage Terumi Mei.

Wu Nin Village was no longer isolated from the major villages as before, but instead began to do business and trade.

"Mizukage-sama, the information on Konoha you asked for has been obtained!"

"Hurry up!"

Terumi Mei couldn't wait to ask her subordinates to read information.

"Konoha experienced the rebellion of the Chunin Examination, led by Tianyu, and made public all the things that the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi have done, the truth of the Uchiha annihilation and the death of the four generations of Hokage are all made public. Under the excitement, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi slaughtered themselves in Konoha, and Danzo was killed."

"Ichitoto Zhuri was captured alive, and has now been sent back to Sand Ninja Village. After a series of compensations were inspired, Sand Ninja Village and Konoha re-signed an alliance agreement, and now Konoha has begun to re-establish order. Today's Hokage is one of the legendary Sannin, Senju Tsunade."

"According to reliable sources, the first Hokage and the second Hokage, who were reincarnated in the dirt, have not disappeared, and remain in the Konoha Ninja Village."

The subordinate informed Terumi Mei of all the news of Konoha.

"In other words, the troops that attacked Konoha were all dealt with by a boy named Tianyu, right?"

After Terumi Mei heard these reports, she immediately found out the key points.

"That's right, that thirteen-year-old boy stopped Konoha's plan when Akatsuki wanted to attack!"

the subordinate said.

"I didn't expect someone to be able to deal with that organization. From this point of view, that young man is really very good. At the age of thirteen, he has the power beyond the shadow level. It seems that Konoha is really going to rise. Go down, let Anbu continue to collect information on Tianyu, just in case, and let people focus on the various ninjutsus that Tianyu has performed, so that you must be very familiar!"

After thinking for a moment, Terumi Mei immediately gave the order.


The subordinate immediately turned around and told Anbu to go.

After all the subordinates left, Terumi Mei looked out the window.

Once, the fourth generation of water shadow was controlled by the leader of the Akatsuki organization, and the village of fog ninja developed into a village of blood fog.

Now that the conspiracy of Akatsuki's organization has been foiled, it is difficult to guarantee that Konoha will not take action against Wu Nin Village, so everything must be done, knowing yourself and the enemy.

And what worries Terumi Mei even more is that the first Hokage and the second Hokage have not yet returned to the Pure Land.

This is not a good thing.


Land country.

The Land of Earth is a country surrounded by mountains. Although it is not in the forest like Konoha, it still has beautiful scenery.

The village surrounded by the surrounding mountains is Iwanin Village in the Land of Earth.

"Father, this is the information about what happened to Konoha before."

Loess submitted a report to the two-day scale Onogi.

"I didn't expect that Konoha's matter could be easily solved by a ninja named Tianyu, and the Akatsuki organization even failed in his hands. It's really interesting."

Two days later, after seeing this report, Yegi immediately frowned.

"Father, I didn't expect that Tian Yu to be so powerful, to defeat the Xiao organization!"

The loess said worriedly.

After all, they once hired the Xiao organization for the benefit of the land of the land, and leveled one small country after another.

They knew the power of Xiao's organization, but it was such an organization that Tian Yu foiled the conspiracy.

It is conceivable that this Konoha's Tianyu ability and ability are more powerful than the members of the Akatsuki organization.

And such a person in Konoha may pose a great threat to their Rock Ninja Village.

"Yeah, I ordered Anbu to quickly collect all the information about this young man named Tianyu, and we must know ourselves and others."

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