Naruto looked at Tsunade, blinked his big blue eyes, and asked curiously.

"What else can I do? Of course, wait for someone to let go...!"

Tsunade said helplessly.

But before Tsunade's words were finished, the door of Hokage's office was pushed open extremely rudely.

"I want to complain that your Konoha ninjas are rough with me, I want you to apologize to me, and I want to..."

The person who came in didn't even see who was in the room, so he demanded loudly directly to the people in the room.

But before she could finish her words, she saw Tian Yu and Naruto in the room.

"Ah, it's you, it's actually you!"

Fuji Kaze-e was about to die of anger.

Her life from childhood to adulthood is all about brocade clothes and jade food. Even though she has become an actress out of her identity as a princess, the crew has taken good care of her, and she has never been imprisoned in prison.

But now that they came to Konoha, she was not only locked up in the prison, but she could get out of the prison only if the agent went over there. I finally found the Hokage office and wanted to complain to the few who put her in the prison. People, but found that the enemy's road is narrow.

That person was actually in the Hokage office.

"Yo, it's you!"

Tian Yu frowned.

It seems that this woman should have paid a lot of fines to get out of the cell, otherwise, judging from what she had rammed into the street vendors, she would have to be locked up for at least three days before being released.

"Okay, don't make a fuss about Miss Fuji Fuyuki. Since you are going to the Snow Country, the two of them are your bodyguards. I hope you will get along well along the way and strive to reach the Snow Country as soon as possible."

Tsunade smiled, then looked at Tian Yu and Naruto and said.

"What, me, when will I be involved in this mission."

Tian Yu opened his eyes wide, looked at Tsunade, and asked in surprise.

"Just now, I have made a decision!"

Tsunade smiled.

Hearing Tsunade's words, Tian Yu suddenly felt a little helpless.

"Alright alright."

Now that the matter has been settled, Yu Yu will no longer refuse that day.

Anyway, this time on the way to the Snow Country, it was not peaceful. If it was just Naruto and Kakashi, then maybe both of them would be seriously injured.

After all, this task is not just a simple matter of escorting.

Those in the Snow Country will not allow Fuji Kaze-e to return to the Snow Country alive.

There will be many difficulties along the way.

Tian Yu went to the past, and by the way, he was able to accompany Naruto to practice.

And the scenery of the Snow Country is also good, at least he can take a look at the scenery in the past and rest for a while.

"No, I refuse. If the two of them are my escorts, then I'd rather not go back to the Land of Snow. Anyway, I want to make the last movie. Princess Fengyun doesn't have to be in the Land of Snow. Yes you can."

Chapter 225 The Past of Fuji Blizzard}

"That place also has a large snow field, isn't it? Besides, that place is also the kingdom of samurai, so it's easier than the country of snow to find the scenery there, isn't it?"

After hearing Tsunade's words, Fuji Kazee refused directly.

"Oh, my ancestors, our next promotional materials have been sent out. The highlight is the battle on the rainbow ice wall in the Snow Country. If you change your mind and don't go to the Snow Country now, then Those words that were publicized before are tantamount to deceiving people, and we estimate that we will lose a lot of money by then."

"In that case, the credibility of our entire troupe will be completely lost, so we must not change the route. Also, the safety of Konoha's ninjas can be guaranteed. If you don't let these two ninjas escort, if you go to other places Ninja Village, it won't be so comfortable then."

Fuji Kaze-e's agent kept persuading him.

"I don't want, these two little devils have just offended me, if I want to keep seeing them along the way, how can I feel good? Even in the country of snow, how can I take pictures? To get a satisfactory film, so even if you want to go to the country of snow, you have to change people."

Fuji Kaze-e still did not agree, but instead demanded that Tianyu and Naruto be replaced.

"My aunt, why bother, isn't it the same? Besides, they're just guards, they won't sway in front of you, and...!"

The agent wanted to say something, but Tian Yu stepped forward and stood directly in front of Fuji Kazee.

"Hey, Xiaoxue Fengjian, do you believe it? If the two of us hadn't sent you back to each other, then you and the entire troupe would have died on the way to the Snow Country."

Tian Yu said these words in a low voice.

Only Fuji Kaze-e could hear it.

"You, how do you know my name, who are you?"

Hearing these words, Fuji Kaze-e took a step back and looked at Tianyu with disbelief.

Her identity has never been revealed to outsiders.

And the country of Snow Country is just a small country, and it can't compare with a big country like the Country of Fire.

She thought her identity was well hidden.

But has it been revealed long ago?

"I'm just a ninja of Konoha, and it's just that the information I just happened to collect has your identity. I also know everything about the things you want to hide, including the situation in your country, so if you don't want to be a If someone kills the entire troupe, it's better to be obedient."

Tian Yu sneered.

"Okay, I promise."

Fuji Kazuki moved her eyes, but in the end she closed them.

Compromise was chosen.

"Hey, Big Brother Tianyu, how did you get her to agree?"

Naruto looked very curious.

After all, Fuji Fengxue-e showed a very unwillingness to cooperate before.

"This is a secret. In short, it has been solved now. Go back and pack up, and go on the road tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

Naruto nodded obediently, and then left the Hokage office.

"Then we also say goodbye."

The troupe's manager and his subordinates also left immediately.

Fuji Kaze-e also turned and left.

"Xiaoxue Fengjian, you stay and let's talk."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

Hearing the name, Xiaoxue Fengjian was stunned for a moment.

Then he stopped voluntarily.

At present, there are only Tianyu, Fuji Fuyuki, and Tsunade left in the Hokage office.

"Tianyu, what's going on?"

Tsunade was at a loss and she didn't understand why Tianyu kept Fuji Kaze-e.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal, I just want to count the cost of escorting him to the Snow Country with the Princess of the Snow Country, Ms. Kazama Xiaoxue."

Tian Yu smiled.

"What, Miss Fuji Kazee, you are the princess of the Snow Country!"

Sure enough, Tsunade's brows furrowed when he heard what Tian Yu said.

After all, sending an actress to each other and sending a princess of a country to each other are completely different price points.

One is just a C-level mission, while the other has a good chance of reaching an A-level mission.

The price and risk of these two characters are completely different.

"Yes, I knew you would calculate the price with me, okay, tell me a number, and I'll give it to you."

Fuji Kazuki glanced at Tian Yu, and then said as if in a fit of anger.

"To **** you to the Snow Country, the commission for this character is 30,000 taels in total, because only two Genin are sent, but now, we are going to send one Genin, and the other person, that is, I am Mu Ye's high-level, elder seat, so if you want to hire me, the price is very expensive, but it's just to **** you back and protect your safety."

"Then I'll give you a discount, 80 million taels!"

Tian Yu continued to be a profiteer.

"You...I can't come up with the money."

The two big **** on Fuji Kagura's chest were shaking up and down.

Apparently he was taken aback by this number.

Eighty million taels.

this price. If she was an actress, it would take almost three years to earn so much money without eating or drinking.

But the guy in front of him asked him for 80 million taels in one breath, which is just hateful.

"It doesn't matter if you can't take it, anyway, you are the princess of the Snow Country, and we will have it with the Snow Country, and I heard that the quality of the minerals in the Snow Country is very good, and it is very suitable for making various weapons. , if the Snow Country has no money, you can use these minerals to pay off the debt. Also, the current ruler of the Snow Country should be your uncle, the wind is raging, that guy is making the Snow Country angry. of."

"Wherever people live, they all live in dire straits. As the princess of the Snow Country, you should have this responsibility to your people, so of course you have to go back to inherit the throne. In this way, I'm not afraid of your debts. No more."

Tian Yu smiled.

"It's not what you said, I don't want to be the princess of the Snow Country at all, I'm Fuji Fengxue E, as for what happened to the people of the Snow Country, it has nothing to do with me, 80 million taels is indeed very expensive. , I will collect the money for you, but please don't have any relationship between me and the Snow Country, as well as my affairs, you'd better not leak this news."

"Otherwise, you will regret it."

After hearing the name of Kazama Rakuto, Fuji Kaze-e instantly turned his face.

Turned around and left the Hokage office.

He slammed the office door as he was leaving.

Clearly she was venting her anger.

Chapter 226 Tsunade's Fury

Fuji Kaze-e slammed out the door.

This made Tsunade's face extremely ugly.

"Tianyu, do I look good at talking?"

Tsunade suddenly looked at Tian Yu and asked this sentence.

"Ah? Why do you ask that?"

Tian Yu was a little surprised.

Tsunade is of course a very talkative person in front of him, and he is also the same in front of close people.

Don't look at Tsunade's beating up Jiraiya before, but that was his performance of treating Jiraiya as his own.

Otherwise, Tsunade wouldn't look at you at all.

"Then why, that Fuji Fengxue-e dared to be petty in front of me."

Tsunade is not lucky.

She's just an actress, and she takes herself too seriously.

After hearing this, Tenyu understood what Tsunade meant.

Immediately laughed.

"Okay, don't be angry, it's not worth it for this trivial matter, and she's just incompetent and furious, just let her go."

Tian Yu smiled comfortingly.

Fuji Kaze-e may still regard herself as a princess of a country.

After all, in this era, the status of nobles is much higher than that of ninjas.

Even the most powerful ninja must obey the nobles, let alone the princess of a country.

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