I don't know how much higher the status is than those of the ninjas.

Fuji Kaze-e has been used to being high above, and now it is not used to it for a while.

However, Fuji Kaze-e probably forgot that the current Konoha is not the Konoha ruled by the three generations of Hokage, but a new Konoha.

No matter whether you are a noble or a princess, the rights you get are no different from ordinary people.

If you dare to act here, the right of your own nobles, then the only end is to anger Tianyu and be sent to prison.

Although Tianyu has deep feelings for Konoha, he will not bow down to those nobles and smile at each other.

"Hmph, give me the file in Mute, and I want to announce that no matter which troupe comes to Konoha to perform, they must obey the rules and pay the fee. If they don't listen, they will be expelled from Konoha forever. "

Tsunade was still angry.

Sitting in a chair, his chest heaving, he issued the order. The scale is extremely spectacular.

The snow-white color made Tian Yu's nose hot.

It seems that it is really impossible to offend women.

Otherwise, you really don't know when they will hold their revenge.

"This, Tsunade-sama, this is not good!"

Silently looked at the document in hand.

I really don't know what to do. After all, as soon as this treaty comes out, it is estimated that those troupes still in Konoha will be in danger.

After all, they are still used to their usual privileges.

Once this privilege is lost, there will definitely be complaints in their hearts.

"What's wrong? Since the current Konoha is a brand new Konoha, then everything should be changed. If you want to get good treatment in Konoha, you should do it yourself, don't think about relying on it. What identity."

Tsunade immediately retorted.

"Cough, um, I have to prepare tasks tomorrow, so I will go back first. If you have anything, just call me at home!"

Tian Yu didn't dare to stay, turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, there's no need to be too respectful to that Fuji Fengxuehui Road. She doesn't want that princess' identity, so don't put on the air of a princess for me. If you let me know, what kind of princess's illness she's putting on, what kind of princess's profile she's putting on? Don't blame me for being rude to her."

Tsunade stopped Tian Yu and warned.

"Ok, I understand."

Tian Yu smiled and made a clear gesture, and then left the office.


Konoha in the early morning is very peaceful.

Various small vendors have collected their stalls and returned to their homes.

There is no one else except the patrolling ninjas.

At this moment, the door of a hotel was quietly opened, and a woman walked out of the door.

The woman looked around, and after seeing no one, she walked out of the door, and then kept running towards the entrance of Konoha's village.

Obviously, she planned to leave the village overnight.

However, before she reached the entrance of the village, she was stopped by someone.

"Big Brother Tianyu is right, some people just want to sneak away at night, Big Brother Tianyu asked me to stay here and wait, but I didn't expect that I would really catch you, Miss Fuji Kazee. ."

Naruto's figure appeared under the street lamp.

The golden hair was particularly obvious under the light of the street lamp.

"It's you, kid!"

Fuji Kaze-e clearly recognized Naruto, frowning at Naruto with anger on his face.

"It's me, but I'm not a kid. I have a name. My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I'm Konoha's ninja. My dream in the future is to become a Hokage."

Naruto said without hesitation.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way."

Fuji Kaze-e did not take Naruto seriously.

Still have to forcefully leave Konoha.

"Big Brother Tianyu said you can't go, the technique of shadow avatar."

Naruto stepped forward and stopped Fuji Kaze-e.

And directly cast the technique of shadow avatar, with the flash of smoke.

On the road of Konoha, dozens of Naruto appeared in an instant.

They blocked the road.

Unless Fuji Kaze-e can fly, he can only pass by defeating Naruto in front of him.

But if Naruto is shot, the ninjas of the Hinata clan who are guarding around will not hesitate to shoot.

At that time, under the attack of the ninjas of the Hinata family, Fuji Kaze-e. Whether you can still live or not is two things to say.

After all, attacking the son of Konoha four generations of Hokage in Konoha is enough to get Fuji Kazee imprisoned for a lifetime.

"What on earth do you want? I want to leave Konoha, is it my freedom? Do you still want to limit my freedom?"

Fuji Kazuki looked at Naruto, her hands were already on the knife.

The ninjas around were staring at Fuji Kaze-e.

Just waiting for the moment she shoots, she will be completely taken down.

But what everyone couldn't think of was Fuji Kaze-e, but after shouting at Naruto, he squatted on the ground and cried.

Big big tears fell directly.

It looked so miserable.

"Hey, big sister, don't cry, I, I, this is what Big Brother Tianyu ordered. Big Brother Tianyu said nothing wrong."

Naruto panicked when he saw the woman's tears.

Dozens of shadow clones cluttered together.

Then these shadow clones disappeared directly, and Naruto's body wanted to step forward and help Fuji Kazeki up.

But at the moment when Naruto was about to meet Fuji Kaze-e.

His body stopped immediately.

And Fuji Kaze-e's hand was also caught by Tianyu.

Chapter 227 The Heavenly Emperor

Under the street lamp, the silver needle in Fuji Kawhi-e's hand flickered with cold light.

It can be said that if Tianyu hadn't shot in time, pulled Naruto and grabbed Fuji Kaze-e.

Then the next moment, this silver needle will definitely stick directly to Naruto's body.

"You, you, why are you like this?"

Seeing this scene, Naruto knew that he had been deceived by Fuji Kayuki.

"Hmph, it's you again. Why do you always come out to meddle in my affairs? Is Konoha going to put me under house arrest? What right do you have to forbid me from leaving Konoha?"

Fuji Kaze-e looked at Tian Yu and couldn't help but yelled loudly.

Her eyes were red, and she couldn't hold back her tears.

Fuji Kaze-e is inherently beautiful, otherwise he wouldn't be in the movie Princess Fengyun.

So when Fuji Kaze-e looks at you like this.

That really pity me.

Unbearably soft-hearted.

But the beauty plan is useless to Tian Yuke.

After all, there are many beauties in Konoha.

Not to mention Tsunade, Mute, Hinata, Tiantian, and even Ino and Sakura are not bad.

There are also Mitre Washing Red Beans, Mu Ri Yuyan, and even Yuri Red.

There are various types.

It is not comparable to a Fuji Kaze-e.

Tianyu did not answer Fuji Kayuki E's words.

Instead, he looked at Naruto.

"Naruto, in future battles, you can't make this mistake today. You must know that some women will play tricks. They will use their own weaknesses to attract you to pity them. It's all over, so beware of that."

"Fortunately, I showed up in time to hold you back today, and the silver needle of our lady Fuji Kazee is smeared with anesthetic rather than poison, otherwise, Naruto, you would have collapsed to the ground long ago. , let others deal with it.”

Tian Yu admonished Naruto.

After all, in Tian Yu's view, one of Naruto's advantages is that he can quickly trust others. Because of what happened to the teenager, Naruto and others can quickly empathize.

Empathize with what happened to him.

This is Naruto's advantage, but it is also Naruto's disadvantage.

The advantage is that Naruto can establish a trusting relationship with others, but the disadvantage is that they will also use this point of Naruto to achieve their own ulterior motives.

As a ninja, the perception of human nature itself has to be one step ahead.

Can't be weak, can't be careless.

"Yes, Big Brother Tianyu, I know."

Naruto lowered his head, obviously the scene just now made him a little dazed.

He believed in people, but in the end he was betrayed.

If Big Brother Tianyu hadn't appeared in time, then Naruto would have really slept here all night.

And the task of stopping Fuji Kaze-e could not be completed.


Tian Yu looked at Naruto, and finally couldn't help but stepped forward and rubbed Naruto's head to comfort him.

"But don't be discouraged, you've done a good job."

Tian Yu smiled and comforted.


Naruto regained his former vivacity.

He is like this, he never takes bad things to heart, and everything is laughed off.

After comforting Naruto, Tian Yucai turned around and looked at Fuji Kaze-e.

"Ms. Fuji Kazee, I know why you left Konoha? It's just because you don't want to go back to the country of snow and take your responsibilities. In fact, I didn't want to say anything about this matter, and I didn't want to intervene, but anyway I have already accepted the request, so I will send you to the Snow Country safely."

"And more importantly, if I let you leave Konoha now, then by dawn, what I see should be your corpse."

Tenyu hugged his arms impatiently and wrote to Fuji Kazeyuki.


Fuji Kaze-e looked at Tian Yu and didn't know what to say.

The man in front of her was only the first time she met, and she directly said what she had been trying to hide.

even know his entire past.

Such intelligence capabilities are simply too terrifying.

Even the level of control over the human heart is the same.

She thought she could escape from here and not go to the Snow Country.

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