But she didn't expect that everything about her was calculated by Tian Yu.

Even if she will escape Konoha tonight.

"This is the ninja sent by your uncle to Konoha to spy on information. You should recognize the symbol of the Snow Ninja, right?"

As Tian Yu said, the Hinata clan threw the body of a ninja from the shadows.

The forehead guard on the head of the ninja wearing chakra armor is the symbol of the Snow Country.

This is indeed the Ninja of the Snow Country.

Fuji Kazee looked at the ninja, his pupils shrinking.

I wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"I don't think you're stupid enough to think that these people were just sent by your uncle to protect you."

Tian Yu sneered.

"Why, why is this? I have already left the country of snow, and I have given up that position to her, why is it still like this? I obviously just want to be an ordinary person, why?"

Fuji Kaze-e knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

This time she was really crying.

She couldn't figure out why all this was happening?

"A person who seized power by usurping the throne, of course, does not want to let the orthodox heir come back, because then everyone will know that he became king by virtue of the power that was seized by usurping the throne, so since you don't want people to know , let the orthodox heir disappear from this world, so that his conspiracy will not be revealed, and of course a dead man will not speak."

"And in the face of rights, what is family affection?"

Tian Yu pointed out this matter directly.

Let Fuji Kaze-e's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

"Okay, go back quickly, no matter what, Konoha has already accepted the commission and will send you to the Snow Country safely."

Tianyu looked at Fuji Kaze-e and said.

Fuji Kaze-e slowly stood up.

She moved to the hotel step by step, she walked very slowly.

It seemed that he had lost all his strength.

But Tian Yu didn't help her, and neither did Naruto.

Just when everyone thought that Fuji Kaze-e would return to the hotel smoothly.

Fuji Kaze-e suddenly turned around.

"Who should I talk to if I want to change the content of the order?"

Fuji Kaze-e seems to have regained her composure.

His voice was no longer trembling, and there was a firm look in his eyes.

As if a decision was made.

"And Naruto, or the entrusted ninja of your mission, but your agent has paid a deposit to **** you back to the Snow Country. If you must cancel it, the deposit will not be refunded."

Tianyu replied to Fuji Kaze-e's words.

Chapter 228 The Awakening of Xiaoxue in the Wind

"I'm not for the deposit."

Fuji Kazee looked at Tianyu and said, and then it seemed like he had made a decision.

He looked at Tian Yu with dark eyes.

"I want to ask Konoha's ninja to help me, no, it should be I want to ask you to help me, help me take back the Snow Country!"

Fuji Kaze-e looked at Tian Yu and said firmly.

"I want to change the previous entrustment. The entrustment is no longer just to return to the country of snow, but to help me kill the raging waves in the wind and help me completely retake my country."

Fuji Kazakaya, no, it should be Kazama Koyuki looking at Tian Yu and opening his mouth.

His words made Tian Yu stunned for a moment.

Tian Yu narrowed his eyes.

"We can't refuse the client's request, yes, but the price is very expensive, you should be clear."

Tian Yu smiled.

"I know, don't worry, as long as you can help me retake the Snow Country, no matter how expensive it is, I can pay."

Fuji Kayuki said without hesitation.

It seems that what happened tonight has changed her mood.

Let her become the real crown prince of the Snow Country from an actress who constantly wants to escape.

After all, the help of the raging waves in the wind is not small.


Tian Yu nodded.

Then he watched Fuji Kaze-e leave.

"Brother Tianyu, do you think what she said is true?"

Naruto looked at Tian Yu, and then looked at the direction where Fuji Kazee left, and asked inexplicably.

After all, the time for Fuji Kawhi to change his attitude was too fast.

It's almost a seamless transition.

Inevitably, this was not a trick she played in order not to go to the Snow Country.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, in short, this is just our entrustment, the client's mood is not within our consideration, not to mention, sometimes, the more cowardly people are, after being pushed to the extreme, her contrast is only will be bigger."

"Because that has violated his core interests, when it comes to the bottom line, it can no longer be tolerated."

Tian Yu explained to Naruto with a smile.

"Fuji Kayuki is such a person. She doesn't want to take responsibility for a country, so she can walk away without any psychological burden after her uncle usurped the throne."

"Don't care about the life and death of the people in this country, and don't care about those who support her."

"As long as she lives happily and gracefully, it's enough."

"But from the information she has now, even if she doesn't want to be the queen, she doesn't want to be the enemy of her uncle."

"But she has become a thorn in her uncle's eyes, a thorn in the flesh, and she has to die."

"In this way, she must immediately solve the immediate trouble."

"Then turning to Konoha's ninja is her best choice."

"It's not that she has realized the importance of responsibility, that she has to take on the heavy responsibility of a country, to work hard for the people of her country, and to bring them a good life."

"It was her life that was threatened and she had to do it."

"In the end, it's just for herself, it's selfish. People like her will always love herself."

Tian Yu directly spoke through the thoughts of Fuji Fengxue E's heart.

This also shocked Naruto!

It turns out that such people really exist in this world.

"Is that so? I thought she really wanted to go back to be a good queen. It seems that I thought it was too simple. Sure enough, Big Brother Tianyu is the most powerful. I want to reach the point of Big Brother Tianyu, look. It will take a long time to come.”

Naruto said a little helplessly.

"Don't worry, you will become as strong as me in the future, and it's not difficult to be a Hokage. With your intelligence, you will definitely become a good Hokage in the future. I believe in you."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

After chatting a few more words, Tian Yu sent Naruto home.

Then he went back to rest.

The night passed quickly.

The next morning the Hokage office.

Tsunade found Tian Yu early.

This time at the office at the same time as him was Fuji Kaze-e.

"Tianyu, early this morning, this lady Kazama found me and wanted to change the order. She said that you have agreed, is that so?"

Tsunade looked at Amigo and Fuji Kayuki with suspicion.

After all, according to Tian Yu's attitude towards Fuji Kaze-e.

Tian Yu should not agree to such a request.

"Yes, after what happened last night, I think this Miss Kazama should also understand that working with Konoha is her only choice. Besides, we can also earn a lot of commission fees. Konoha is now officially under construction. I needed the money at the time, and it was just a little effort for me anyway, so I agreed."

Tian Yu shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

In the final analysis, it is really a simple thing to help Fuji Kaze-e restore the country.

The raging waves in the wind are also the chakra armors invented.

But everything else is a mess.

To be honest, the fighting power is not as good as that of Hatake Kakashi.

At least Kakashi also has the Shaker Eye with Earth and the Hatake Sword,

In the original work, Tsunade was elected as the sixth Hokage after he was in a coma, and Kakashi's fighting power naturally goes without saying.

In the end, it must have reached the film level.

So, that person is really pulling his hips very much.

If it takes a lot of hard work to deal with the raging waves of the wind, then wait until the time when I encounter Madara Uchiha and Obito, or even Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Then just lay flat.

"Okay, since both parties have agreed, then the entrustment will be changed to help Miss Kazama to restore your country and help you become the queen. If you succeed, you will pay Konoha 400 million taels. The contract is established, no..."

"There is one more item in the contract, Konoha can buy the minerals of the Snow Country at the cost price!"

When Tian Yu was writing the power of attorney in Tsunade, he pointed his finger at the place where Tsunade wrote.

In this regard, Xiaoxue Fengjian did not have any objection.

After Tsunade paused for a while, he wrote down the commission and performed the spell. So far, the contract was established.

Several people have no opinion on this contract.

"Thank you for your troubles, Mr. Tianyu!" Fuji Kazuki has changed back to his original name.

Snow in the wind.

She actually wants to go back to become the queen of the Snow Country, so naturally, she also has to take back her own name.

"You're welcome."

Tian Yu's performance was indifferent and alienated.

Xiaoxue Fengjian watched this scene and couldn't help biting her lip.

Obviously, this scene made her a little uncomfortable.

She is used to being admired by others by virtue of her beauty.

But now Tianyu treats her like an ordinary person, not even an ordinary person, which makes her a little unacceptable.

Chapter 229 Departure, the Land of Snow

After all, if Kazama Xiaoxue turned a blind eye to Tian Yu's performance just because of her anger.

Now, she was really a little embarrassed.

Tsunade glanced at Kazama Koyuki's expression, as if she understood something.

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